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Est-ce que réseaux sociaux, appareils mobiles et travail font bon ménage? - 0 views

    Ce billet traite de la génération Y qui emprunte la voie des réseaux sociaux et appareils mobiles pour communiquer avec les employés, pendant et en dehors des heures de bureau.

Netvibes - Social Media Monitoring, Analytics and Alerts Dashboard - 3 views

    « Activité-A » « 2-étoiles »
    Envie de découvrir de la musique ? vous permet de garder sans aucun effort la trace de ce que vous écoutez* sur tous les lecteurs média. vous recommande de la musique et des concerts correspondant à vos goûts musicaux !
    Nouvelle fonctionnalité sur le Netvibes pour conserver les articles, quelqu'en soit la soit quantité et la durée.

Dérapage sur les réseaux sociaux - 1 views

    En réponse à l'utilisateur : Emmanuelle Latendresse o pour le billet :

10 choses à savoir lundi - 0 views

    Si le point 1 indique que l'économie est l'élément le plus important de la présente campagne électorale que dire de Appel au point 2 et de Uber au point 4.

Facebook users who quit the social network for a month feel happier 31/01/2019 - 0 views

  • weets that were retweeted by people they don’t follow are now showing in their timeline
  • mislabeling the “social proof” tag on Retweets.
  • organization that peddled fake news.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • manipulate people.
  • massive advertising platforms in existence.
  • have given rise to significant data protection concerns
  • what happens when people step back from Facebook for a month.
  • an hour of Facebook use each day. A
  • deactivating their account for a month,
  • leaving Facebook correlated with improvements on well being measures.
  • instead spending more time to offline activities like spending time with friends and family (good) and watching television
  • Overall the group reported that it spent less time consuming news in general
    • travelmaniac
      donc Facebook est considéré comme une source d'information ...
  • improved subjective well-being
  • the fact remains that we mostly have no idea what our online habits are doing to our brains and behavior.

BBC - Future - Is social media bad for you? The evidence and the unknowns - 0 views

  • of two hours every day sharing, liking, tweeting and updating on these platforms,
  • conclusive findings are limited
  • our feeds often resemble an endless stream of stress.
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • women reported being more stressed than men
    • travelmaniac
      worth going further into detail ...
  • modestly lower levels” of stress.
    • travelmaniac
      inconclusive then ...
  • lower moods after using Facebook for 20 minutes compared to those who just browsed the internet
  • hey saw it as a waste of time.
  • people who report using seven or more social media platforms were more than three times as likely as people using 0-2 platforms to have high levels of general anxiety symptoms. 
  • unclear if and how social
    • travelmaniac
  • higher levels of depressive symptoms among those who reported having more negative interactions.
  • threefold risk of depression and anxiety among people who used the most social media platforms
  • how social media can be used to diagnose depression
    • travelmaniac
      extremely interesting !!!
  • inhibit the body’s production of the hormone melatonin, which facilitates sleep
  • tweeting may be harder to resist than cigarettes and alcohol,
  • that excessive usage was linked to relationship problems, worse academic achievement and less participation in offline communities
  • iewing other people’s selfies lowered self-esteem
  • When Facebook users compare their own lives with others’ seemingly more successful careers and happy relationships, they may feel that their own lives are less successful in comparison.”
  • The more time people spent on the site, the worse they felt later on, and the more their life satisfaction declined over time.
  • an help boost their well-being.
  • well-being are ambiguous
  • Women spent much more time on Facebook then men,
  • xperienced significantly more jealousy when doing so.
  • a third said social media made them feel negative emotions – mainly frustration – and envy was the main cause
  • social media affects people differently, depending on pre-existing conditions
    • travelmaniac
      ne fait qu'accélérer un trait de caractère déjà présent
  • excessive use
  • because clearly it brings myriad benefits to our lives.

How to Use Hashtags on Every Social Media Network | Sprout Social - 0 views

  • Using a hashtag on a social post is really as simple as adding the # sign before a single word or phrase, without spaces or punctuation.
  • don’t string too many words together with a single hashtag.
  • Be careful about being too general. It’s much better to get as specific as possible, even if it feels like you’ll have less reach

Réseaux sociaux : une autorisation parentale pour les moins de 15 ans - 0 views

    La majorité numérique fixée à 15 ans en France.
Stéphane Braney

Télécharger SocialFolders : stocker les données de ses réseaux sociaux en ligne - 0 views

    Petit logiciel de stockage pour les réseaux sociaux dans le nuage

Shirky: Ontology is Overrated -- Categories, Links, and Tags - 1 views

  • I want to convince you that many of the ways we're attempting to apply categorization to the electronic world are actually a bad fit, because we've adopted habits of mind that are left over from earlier strategies.
    • Caro Mailloux
      need of novelty
  • because it is both widely used and badly overrated in terms of its value in the digital world.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • Yahoo is saying "We understand better than you how the world is organized, because we are trained professionals. So if you mistakenly think that Books and Literature are entertainment, we'll put a little flag up so we can set you right, but to see those links, you have to 'go' to where they 'are'."
  • You don't have to have just a few links, you could have a whole lot of links.
  • A URL can only appear in three places. That's the Yahoo rule.
  • They missed the end of this progression, which is that, if you've got enough links, you don't need the hierarchy anymore. There is no shelf. There is no file system. The links alone are enough.
  • One reason Google was adopted so quickly when it came along is that Google understood there is no shelf, and that there is no file system. Google can decide what goes with what after hearing from the user, rather than trying to predict in advance what it is you need to know.
    • Caro Mailloux
      Laisser les usagers se faire leur langage et le tagger à leur façon puis, en tant que Google, prendre cette info et l'utiliser pour créer une ''taxonomie''.
  • "Well, that's going to be a useful category, we should encode that in advance."
  • They point to the signal loss from the fact that users, although they use these three different labels, are talking about the same thing.
  • You can also turn that list around. You can say "Here are some characteristics where ontological classification doesn't work well": Domain Large corpus No formal categories Unstable entities Unrestricted entities No clear edges Participants Uncoordinated users Amateur users Naive catalogers No Authority
  • The other big problem is that predicting the future turns out to be hard, and yet any classification system meant to be stable over time puts the categorizer in the position of fortune teller.
    • Caro Mailloux
      ne pas prévoir d'avance
  • Here is, Joshua Shachter's social bookmarking service. It's for people who are keeping track of their URLs for themselves, but who are willing to share globally a view of what they're doing, creating an aggregate view of all users' bookmarks, as well as a personal view for each user.
    • Caro Mailloux
      chouette description concrète de l'utilisation de!
  • " If you find a way to make it valuable to individuals to tag their stuff, you'll generate a lot more data about any given object than if you pay a professional to tag it once and only once.
    • Caro Mailloux
      utilité du tagging
  • Tags are simply labels for URLs, selected to help the user in later retrieval of those URLs. Tags have the additional effect of grouping related URLs together. There is no fixed set of categories or officially approved choices. You can use words, acronyms, numbers, whatever makes sense to you, without regard for anyone else's needs, interests, or requirements.
    • Caro Mailloux
      Chouette description de ''Tags''.
  • The chart shows a great variability in tagging strategies among the various users.
  • But this is what organization looks like when you turn it over to the users -- many different strategies, each of which works in its own context, but which can also be merged.
  • We are moving away from binary categorization -- books either are or are not entertainment
  • But they either had no way of reflecting that debate or they decided not to expose it to the users. What instead happened was it became an all-or-nothing categorization, "This is entertainment, this is not entertainment." We're moving away from that sort of absolute declaration, and towards being able to roll up this kind of value by observing how people handle it in practice.
  • What you do instead is you try to find ways that the individual sense-making can roll up to something which is of value in aggregate, but you do it without an ontological goal.
  • you believe that we make sense of the world, if we are, from a bunch of different points of view, applying some kind of sense to the world
    • Caro Mailloux
      ''we make sens of the world together thru what's worth aggregating'' = not ontology 
  • we're going to be able to build alternate organizational systems, systems that, like the Web itself, do a better job of letting individuals create value for one another, often without realizing it.
  • If you think the movies and cinema people were going to have a fight, wait til you get the queer politics and homosexual agenda people in the same room.
    • Marie-Noëlle Therrien
      ¸Bel exemple pour démontrer la problématique.
    Un article de Clay Shirky qui nous donne son analyse de l'Ontologie, un point de vue intéressant sur les différentes façons de classer l'information sur le Web.
Stéphane Braney

Gérer la mobilité avec le travail à distance : un défi pour les entreprises e... - 0 views

    Les défis auxquels font face les administrateurs de réseaux d'entreprises afin de protéger les données. Y a-t-il des télétravailleurs parmi vous ?

Apple : la justice enquête sur le bridage des iPhone - 0 views

    Le gouvernement américain a annoncé se pencher sur la question et lancer une enquête. Une nouvelle étape pour Apple après les nombreux recours collectifs qui sont en préparation.

Windows : mise à jour urgente de désactivation de patch pour Spectre - 0 views

    Quand un correctif d'une faille de sécurité est plus dangereux que la faille elle-même...
Stéphane Braney

Génération Z / Milléniaux / Bébé-boomers : l'usage des réseaux sociaux évolue... - 0 views

    Cet article traite des diverses façons de voir et d'utiliser les réseaux sociaux par génération.

'We are at a crossroads' - How Microsoft's Accessibility team is making an impact that ... - 0 views

    Intéressant! Et ils ont raison : l'accessibilité des technologies et du web représente une façon plus innovante d'offrir ces produits, pas l'inverse. Les designer doivent imaginer de meilleures façons de faire. Cela dit, sur ce chapitre, Apple a toujours eu de l'avance sur Microsoft... Tant mieux si ces derniers prennent la question au sérieux maintenant.

Les effets de la technologie et du web social chez la génération Z - 2 views

    Activité de synthèse - cours INF6107 Web Social

Lien 5: Comment générer et augmenter les médias gagnés pour sa marque de faço... - 1 views

    Des conseils pour générer et augmenter les recommandations de la part des tiers. Ces conseils incluent l'étiquetage des personnes pertinents et l'utilisation des mots-dièse sur les médias sociaux.
Eric Daviau

Eric's Netvibe Page - 2 views

    Eric's Netvibe Page

IA générative : les développeurs attirés, malgré les risques - 0 views

    L'enquête de GitLab souligne le dilemme des développeurs face à l'IA générative, offrant des avantages séduisants mais accompagnés de risques, notamment en matière de protection des données et de propriété intellectuelle. Il est frappant de constater que 79% des participants expriment des inquiétudes quant à l'accès des outils d'IA à des informations sensibles, mettant en lumière la préoccupation majeure pour la sécurité des données clients. Malgré ces préoccupations, l'adoption de l'IA générative semble en plein essor, avec 64% des développeurs envisageant son intégration dans les deux prochaines années, révélant ainsi un changement de paradigme dans le processus de développement logiciel.
tohmea lance un outil d'IA générative pour aider les commerciaux à augmente... - 0 views

    OtterPilot for Sales peut transcrire les appels, fournir des informations, identifier les actions à entreprendre et se synchroniser automatiquement avec les principaux outils de CRM et de productivité.
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