I can see that they do not truly understand all of the components of social media
They get that social means building relationships and that media is the form of communication that they are using to build these relationships. But this is not a deep enough understanding on which to base the marketing success of any product or service.
cube, with social and media as two of the sides. The additional sides of this cube are object and timing
these efforts are all unfortunately doomed to failure.
objects such as cars, houses, iPads, etc. define who we are as much as our actions do
We buy watches not just to tell time, but to have a good time. We buy sunglasses not just to see better, but to be seen
This is why we don't see people with only one technology object, such as just one smart phone
humans act differently and respond differently depending on timing
Capping everything off is the human component, which is always part of any equation. This doesn't just rely on the typical trends of marketing demographics but goes back to our deeper needs to matter and be part of a tribe.
social media right now is still in its infancy as a communications tool
many people that are passing themselves off as social media experts