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Michelle Krill

Educational Blogging (EDUCAUSE Review) - 0 views

  • Blogging is an opportunity to exchange our point of view with the rest of the world not just people in our immediate environment
  • Today, the weblog is frequently characterized (and criticized) as (only) a set of personal comments and observations. A look at the history of weblogging shows that this isn’t the case.
  • Weblogs (so named in 1997 by Jorn Barger in his Robot Wisdom Web site)
    • Michelle Krill
      Here's one for the trivia buffs!
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Blogging not only allowed us access to the event; it made us part of the event. And with that, the form had indeed finally come into its own.
  • Though consisting of regular (and often dated) updates, the blog adds to the form of the diary by incorporating the best features of hypertext: the capacity to link to new and useful resources. But a blog is also characterized by its reflection of a personal style, and this style may be reflected in either the writing or the selection of links passed along to readers. Blogs are, in their purest form, the core of what has come to be called personal publishing.
    • Michelle Krill
      This is a great definition for weblog.
    • Michelle Krill
      5 uses of blogs in education
  • As Rosalie Brochu, a student at St-Joseph, observes: "The impact of the blogs on my day to day life is that I write a lot more and a lot longer than the previous years. I also pay more attention when I write in my blog (especially my spelling) since I know anybody can read my posts.
  • They’re using blogging software, their students use blogging software, but I’m not convinced that using the software is the same as blogging. For example, does posting writing prompts for students constitute blogging? Are students blogging when they use blogging software to write to those prompts?
  • Blogging is about, first, reading.
    "Blogging is an opportunity to exchange our point of view with the rest of the world not just people in our immediate environment."
    This is the point I'm trying to have teachers experience.
Michelle Krill

eSchoolNews - 0 views

  • giving educators and students an unprecedented opportunity for easy self-expression and reflection that anyone can access--and to which anyone can respond.
  • There is an excitement that comes from writing for a real, authentic audience instead of a circular file seen only by the teacher,
  • So, what makes a good blog? The quality of its ideas is important, panelists said, and so is the personality of the blog and its writer. It's important for this personality to come through, so that "you really feel like you're having a human interaction,"
    Blogging, and the easy access to--and exchange of--ideas that it has spawned, is having a "transformative" effect on education, according to the winners of the first-ever eSchool News "Best of the Education Blog" Awards.
Michelle Krill

Anonymity and Self-Disclosure on Weblogs - 0 views

    Bloggers are typically cautious about engaging in self-disclosure because of concerns that what they post may have negative consequences. This article examines the relationship between anonymity (both visual and discursive) and self-disclosure on weblogs through an online survey...
Michelle Krill - 0 views

  • CAI (computer-assisted instruction) approach to education which was strictly content-based and driven by behavioral objectives.
    • Michelle Krill
      Sharing this highlight with group. Can you see it?
  • Fifteen minutes per day on a machine should suffice for each of these programs, the machines being free for other students for the rest of each day. (It is probably because traditional methods are so inefficient that we have been led to suppose that education requires such a prodigious part of a young person's day).
    • Michelle Krill
    Specific examples of these correspondences between learning pedagogies and dominant computer platforms.
Michelle Krill

shifthappens » home - 0 views

    This wiki is designed to give you a little more background on the Did You Know? presentation. The wiki also will connect you with some resources to learn more about the shifts that are occurring in our world and their implications for K-12 and higher education.
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