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Home/ ICTs and Pedagogy/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Anna Murphy

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Anna Murphy


FTfs - For Your Calendar - 0 views

    "This section contains special events, festivals, conferences, education days/weeks and, from time to time, you will find competitions and notification of new education initiatives and programs."

What is TPACK? | Teaching Teachers for the Future - 10 views

    "WHAT IS TPACK? Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)"

The Technology Integration Planning Model | Here They Are! - 5 views

    "The Technology Integration Planning Model"

Pedagogy Learning Wheel - 0 views

    "The Padagogy Wheel V3.0: Learning Design starts with graduate attributes, capabilities and motivation"

School Writing - the Must-Have App for all schools | On Sarah's iPad - 0 views

    "School Writing - the Must-Have App for all schools"

Rethinking Education in the New Digital Landscape.pdf - 5 views

    "Rethinking Education in the New Digital Landscape by Ian Jukes" - 0 views

shared by Anna Murphy on 28 Mar 14 - Cached

Digital Citizenship - 0 views

shared by Anna Murphy on 01 Sep 12 - No Cached
    "Digital Citizenship is a timely and much-needed response to California and federal mandates. The California School Library Association (CSLA) sponsors this online course for educators and their K-12 students. Lead developer is Dr. Lesley Farmer."

Learning Journal - Working with C2C - 4 views

    "Working with C2C With prac coming up, I guess everyone is thinking about writing lesson plans and what they are going to do. This was always on my mind before my last prac at a Primary school. However, when I turned up, I learnt that the teacher used C2C and that all the lesson plans were already written […]"

ICT Teaching and Learning - 7 views

    "ICT Teaching and Learning"

Mr P's ICT blog - iPads in the Classroom - 0 views

    "My blog will share the creative ideas I use in school and demonstrate how effective use of ICT can impact across the curriculum. My role this year has been deploying a class set of iPads and piloting the use of iPads to enhance learning across the curriculum. I can also provide inset training, 1to1 intensive courses and workshops for a variety of ICT areas, in particular using iPads in the classroom for schools. For more info please email for enquiries."

5 Reasons Technology in the Classroom Engages Students - 5 views

    "5 Reasons Technology in the Classroom Engages Students"

Where we've been and where we're going: Some sample assignment 2s - 1 views

    "4.2 Some sample assignment 2s"

The Educator's Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons - The Edublogger - 1 views

    "The Educator's Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons"

#NeverSeconds: Students can change the world - when we get out of the way - Ewan McInto... - 1 views

    "#NeverSeconds: Students can change the world - when we get out of the way"

Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians - 0 views

    "Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians"

Primary Tweeters to follow in 2014 | Ramblings of a Teacher - 0 views

    "Primary Tweeters to follow in 2014"
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