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Renata Hounsell

ICT in Primary Education - 53 views

    As a fan and enthusiastic user of IT in classes, I have just started a course: ICT in Primary Education: Transforming children's learning across the curriculum. It is a free course at I will start recording some tools available online. Take a look at them and free your imagination to use them in your lessons.
  • ...18 more comments...
    Hi Renata, I´ve started the same course that you!! I´m excited about that, and I hope we can learn and share a lot of ideas with other mates.
    I have started the course also. I hope it will help with the better integration of iCT into my class programme.
    I have joined ICT today. Am quite excited about learning new ideas which we can adopt in our preschool. I will also share some of our learnings over the next few weeks!
  •, very comprehensive material. Nice to read.
    Just started an ICT course from Coursera. It has made me jump from one exciting resource link to another before I could even finish the first activity! Absolutely loving it! I look forward to testing some of the ideas with my 6 yr old who is quite excited about technology. And as a parent I feel good if that gadget time is put to good use.
    5th week already. A good experience so far. Comprehensive materials indeed.
    I have also started the ICT course from Coursera. I'm willing to see all of your proposals on materials, web pages, programs, etc., and I'm hoping to share some ideas with you too.
    Hi group, I enrolled today in this course and I have high expectations. I am excited to read your comments. I look forward to share thoughts with you.
    Hi from me too, I enrolled also in this course and I hope it will help me with the better understanding of ICT. I hope we can share a lot of ideas and thoughts.
    Good evening - at least it is evening where i live- I enrolled this course today and hope we can do our best.
    Hello to all! I have been absent from the field of primary education for some time and feel the need to update myself in new knowledge and new ideas, in such a fast paced world. I hope this course helps me!
    Hi, Our school is starting it's third week of Online curriculum, after the government has closed schools. Using Google Classroom has been interesting. Too much screen time for some pupils - headaches for my wife and I looking at screens without adequate breaks. I am looking forward to the course.
    Hi, I'm a casual/supply teacher and looking forward to the course.
    it is necessery ICT in Education.coursea is necessary
    Hi all, I enrolled today in this course and I am thoroughly looking forward to learning a lot from you. I can wait to read and share with you.
    Hi!!!I enrolled this course and i am very excited about all the new interesting thing that I am learning. I am looking forward for more!!!
    Hello! interesting experience! glad that together with you
    Hello! I am glad to be here. I just have known this free course so I immediately enrolled. I am happy that I will be learning a lot especially in dealing with the 21st century learners. I need to enhance my skills in learning when and how to use and integrate ICT in the teaching-learning process!
    Oh this is great!

Connect With Students and Parents in Your Paperless Classroom | Edmodo - 21 views

    Edmodo is an easy way to get your students connected so they can safely collaborate, get and stay organized, and access assignments, grades, and school messages.
  • ...7 more comments...
    I use Edmodo in my school too and it is a great tool to communicate with students and parents, share resources with other teachers, assess, provide feedback... There are many things to do there!
    Edmodo was used in my previous school, it's like a learning-based version of facebook. Teachers can post links and videos for students to do their study at home, and it's easy for teachers to check on each student's progress and response rate.
    I use it regularly too in my classes. I post useful links for students , videos we watch in the class, reinforcements, etc
    Awesome tool, will need whole school approach though which may be difficult for government schools and or third world countries where these platforms or use of technology is only made available at privileged school and rarely at home.
    awesome too. Our school is using a different app but I would like to try this especially for my own school to see how it works with my teachers and students.
    I love it! I think it's a way of making parents close to what happen at class, as well as an amusing way of creating a relation with the students, it's not the conventional and serious way to which I am used to. I'll use it for sure.
    I have used Edmodo and it is a very good application to share content with the students, you can share websites links interesting for them. Besides, students can share too.
    A great and safe tool to use with students, in my case due to the Quarantine situation, we had to move on to E-learning so quick with 7 - 8 years old students, the platform is ideally for older students but Edmodo helped a lot to keep a direct communication with students/parents in a safe online environment.
    It is a great tool to bring the learner, teacher and parent all three community and make the learning happen in a wholesome way. Learners being able to work on feedforwards from the teachers and peer feedback can be implied here.
Met Kous

How to Convert PDF to Word for Free - 3 views

    There are many online tools to do it. The one that I would recommend here is Great results from this site

Online Kids Educational Games - 13 views

shared by varuna_30 on 29 May 15 - No Cached
deyvergara liked it
    Online Kids Educational Games - Taking Learning to a Whole New Level! At Turtle Diary, our mission is simple - to make learning fun for the little ones!
  • ...3 more comments...
    Hi! I was looking at the site and it has a diverse set of FREE games and activities. I can easily include a link from this website on one of my Maths lessons as some extra practice. Loved it.
    Hello! I loved it! I will use it! The sounds and feedback are so cute, kids will really enjoy the games! I was thinking about the shapes games, I can do it as a post activity! thank you!
    Wow! This is an amazing tool, thank you for sharing!
    Online Kids educational game - much needed for an era of enhanced technology. Children easily understands math, colors, geography etc with their own enthusiasm. Loved it. Thank you.
    I was hunting for a scholarship essay writing service and came across skilled specialists who performed the assignment swiftly and efficiently inside the agreed-upon time range. When students don't have enough time to complete their assignments scholarship essay writing service , such services make life much easier.
Met Kous

Free online word cloud generator and tag cloud creator - - 15 views

    A very useful tool for making a cover of a book or a welcome page of a website or so.
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    Like it, easy for children to create their own, as you suggest, book cover. Technology in kids hands should evoke creativity and not only be a means of media consumption.
    A very useful tool. Can be used for creative designing.
    We can practice adjectives, nouns , verbs, adverbs. We can make them to create Noun Cloud. :) That would be awesome. It motivates children to create some very personalize. They would chose the shapes for their group of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, articles, etc.
    Which is a good software to help students (4-5 yrs) prepare a simple slideshow or arrange pictures in a logical sequence (eg. transformation of a butterfly from egg to adult)?
    There are a lot of different ways of using word clouds as far as EFL is concerned. You name it: 1) predict the content of a text e.g. topics, style, purpose, etc. 2) writing or speaking prompts 3) reading comprehension questions just, then comparing answers after reading the actual text 4) summarise a presentation 5) identify or create the key words to a text 6) expanding vocabulary (definitions, synonyms, antonyms, or brainstorm words associated with a new one, match parts of collocations) 7) explore a topic (students add own ideas to a question stimulus & build a cloud) 8) student ice-breaker 9) highlight examples of misspelled or overused words in student writing by inputting their own work 10) 'grammar game' e.g. students classify words from a cloud into different parts of speech or different tenses 11) 'sentence structure' game e.g. input a complex sentence or short series of sentences into a word cloud, and have students reconstruct them in the correct word order 12) 'memory game' e.g. show a word cloud, take it off the screen, students write as many words as they can recall 13) identify parts of speech (students highlight or underline in different colours) 14) Students pre-assessing their own knowledge and understanding - "What does something mean to me?" as in a KWL chart
    Hi you also use this Online RSN to BSN Degree Program for more knowledge and acknowledgement.
    I have seen these in classrooms. They definitely seem to help the students.
    It is the first time I see this app and I love it! I think it would look great on a cover and it could work really good for engaging students with a kind of crosswords´ activity.
    I went through the site and it looks like an amazing site to add to my tool/resource list. I can use it as a mindmap for children in the class and collate their ideas. Thank you for sharing.

ICT in Primary Education - 7 views

    This is a diigo group created as part of the MOOC "ICT in Primary Education: Transforming children's learning across the curriculum" ( You are encouraged to contribute, sharing additional resources (web pages, links to publications, ...).
Met Kous

mysimpleshow - create your own explainer video in minutes - 17 views

shared by Met Kous on 01 Aug 16 - No Cached
mmarais and glenroy15 liked it
    Teach the world. Use mysimpleshow in the classroom with your students or contribute to open educational resources. Introduce, summarize, and explain topics worth sharing.
  • ...4 more comments...
    This looks great! With a special educational set of images too. I use too much words in my slides and creating a video will certainly get me away from words and focus on the flow of the story I want to tell.
    This looks amazing, I'll try to use it. It would be nice to use it to share a story with the students since some struggle to understand only by listening. Thank you for sharing this with us.
    An amazing tool to create more interesting videos and slides enhencing students into the topic. It looks pretty easy to use, it is kind of similar to powtoon but it looks easier.
    this is great! i cant wait to try it with my class.
    I'm going to try this. Usually, for online learning I will make my own presentation and then do a screen recording on the Mac which records your voice at the same time. A more fun, interactive presentation may help the students pay closer attention.
    Thanks for sharing. I've always thought that kind of video is very visually appealing for students. I'll definitely explore MySimpleShow! It could be used to explain difficult topics in a simple way.

Home - CBBC Newsround - 9 views

    Reading about the news not only makes use of literacy skills but also relevant knowledge and understanding about the world. This website provides age-appropriate news material, videos and pictures.
    Great! This is a great resource to get some productive discussion started. Also, it can engage students into critical thinking and point of view analisys. Writing this down on my Journal!

Nearpod - 1 views

    Meet Nearpod, an all-in-one solution for the use of mobile devices in education. Easily create interactive multimedia presentations to engage your audience. It works great with iPads and provides continuous feedback and reports
    This is an online service that allows you to create interactive lessons with students. You can use it in "student-paced" mode or in "Live session" to have all your students engaging at the same time. I was able to get a School License and it has been great! The free version works great too. The only limitations are the storage space and the limited file size for each presentation. There is a Google Slide integration if you would like a more familiar experience. I like to work on and import slides created in whatever software or App I'm feeling like using that day ( , Keynote , etc.). I encourage you to try it out, it is really fun and at least my students really enjoy lessons designed on Nearpod!

ThingLink - Make Your Images Interactive - 3 views

    ThingLink lets users add interactive links to any photo and turn them into fun web experiences that drive engagement.
    Very interesting, I will use it with my students!!
    I had a colleague recommend this to me the other day! I will use it in my Science class to introduce animals as living things (3rd grade).
Michelle Simms

Kindergarteners Who Share iPads May Perform Better: Study | TIME - 5 views

    Interesting. In some schools here they are trying to implement the use of ipads, I think it is a very useful article to approach the issue.
    My school is contemplating providing our Kindergarten with a classroom set of iPads, and I will certainly forward this article to our teachers as they begin to introduce iPad use into their curriculum.
Met Kous

Make videos online with photos, clips, music - Stupeflix - 13 views

    This looks like a great idea for the end of the year, by collecting photos, games, activities and other classroom resources we can create a wonderful ending video.
    would like to try this.
    The site is closed for ever.

Teachers Pay Teachers - 3 views

  • -- 1,300,000+ free and priced teaching resources created by teachers for instant download including lesson plans, interactive
Met Kous

Coding in the Classroom: A Problem Solving Framework - 9 views

    Learning to code means stepping out of your comfort zone, dealing with frustration, and leaning into discomfort.
  • I saw this website where children can animate few cartoons. It can work as a prelude to learn coding. Here coding is very simple like jump 4 times or move three steps.
    It could be useful even in schools that teaches thinking skills classes.
Met Kous

Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου «Ψάχνοντας στην Πυθωνία» στο ΚΔΑΠ «Φαντασία» - 0 views

    "Πρόσθετα, το εκπαιδευτικό βιβλίο «Ψάχνοντας στην Πυθωνία» αποτελεί ένα πολύπλευρο εργαλείο εκπαίδευσης για γονείς, νηπιαγωγούς, δασκάλους, πληροφορικούς, θεατρολόγους, ειδικούς παιδαγωγούς, αλλά και λογοθεραπευτές. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον τρόπο εργασίας του εκπαιδευτικού βιβλίου, μπορείτε να επικοινωνείτε με την κ. Αριάδνη Δάντε στα emails:,"
Met Kous

Μαθαίνω Πληροφορική δίχως Υπολογιστή | Fractal - 1 views

    "Το εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα "Ο Απόστολος στην Πυθωνία" σχεδιάστηκε για να εξοικειώσει τους μικρούς μαθητές στους πέντε βασικούς τύπους μεταβλητών στον προγραμματισμό Ηλεκτρονικών Υπολογιστών μέσα από το θεατρικό παιχνίδι. "
Met Kous

Sugar Labs - 0 views

  • Please take a look around our wiki. Explore the menus along the left side of the page. If you ever get lost, just click on the logo at the top left of every page and you wil
  • Welcome to the Sugar Labs community! We are contributors of all types - teachers, writers, coders, designers, testers, and more - who work together from around the world on Sugar. Visit the Getting Involved page, and find out how you can join in the fun of learning. We have some
    "Please take a look around our wiki. Explore the menus along the left side of the page. If you ever get lost, just click on the logo at the top left of every page and you will return to this page. See this guide for help with wiki editing, and check out the Getting Started page! Want to help? Welcome to the Sugar Labs community! We are contributors of all types - teachers, writers, coders, designers, testers, and more - who work together from around the world on Sugar. Visit the Getting Involved page, and find out how you can join in the fun of learning. We have some Vacancies and are always looking for maintainers and testers."
Met Kous

Η γη από τα αστέρια….μέσα από το φακό του Yann Arthus-Bertrand | syneducation - 0 views

    Μέσα από τη φωτογραφική «ματιά» του Yann Arthus Bertrand, απεικονίζονται και αποτυπώνονται οι δύο όψεις του πλανήτη γη. Ο προβληματισμός
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