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Cody Lee

Getting Started in iOS User Interface Design | Tips - 0 views

    Quick guide to iOS UI design. The most useful part is probably the Example iOS UI sets section for prototyping UI designs.
Thu Tran

Why Mobile Design Should Never Be an Afterthought - 3 views

  • by 2013, more people will access websites through mobile phones than through desktop computers.
  • mobile users are focused
  • . Smartphone users are transaction-oriented
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • tablets. They’re focused on a broader experience
  • Smartphone users don’t want to be overloaded by content. Usually they have an objective
  • Tablets are leisure surfing devices people use while lounging at hom
  • It’s more important to measure functionality than pageviews.
  • tablets
    Some design principles to keep in mind when designing for smartphone and tablets
Chad Kipling

Ancient Website Design Practices That Beginners Should Avoid Part 2 - 2 views

    A few quick and basic tips on what not to do in web design.
Thu Tran

Lovely Package . Curating the very best packaging design. - 1 views

    Packaging Designs for products, a site that can inspire other types of design
Thu Tran

How To Design The Perfect Form | Web Design Tuts - 2 views

    Examples of well designed forms, best practices and examples
Andrea Chan

30 Creative Resume Designs - 5 views

    Cool designs for ideas to revamp your CV. Ones that I think are professional but still unique are: Illustration for CV, RESUME 2011, RM Brand Identity Experimental Resume is cute.
Chad Kipling

Ancient Website Design Practices That Beginners Should Avoid Part 1 - 2 views

    A few quick and basic tips on what not to do in web design.
Trevor Sweetland

Responsive Web Design is Boring! - 1 views

    Interesting article concerning trends in responsive web design. A few tips for creating responsive, grid-based designs, that don't sacrifice their creative flair.
Thu Tran

How To Become A Web Design Expert - Smashing Magazine - 2 views

  • being an expert is more than about getting people to listen. If that is all you can manage, then they will see through this shallow desire and not give you the status that you believe you deserve
  • design that lessons learned four years ago do not apply today. But I’m not convinced that is the case. In my experience, although technology changes, people do not. The majority of unexpected issues that arise when developing a website relates either to human error or to some element of user experience
  • Too many of the people I worked with coasted through the years with no passion for their work. Without passion, they had no desire to learn new things or push boundaries.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • I believe that an almost obsessive passion for Web design is required to be a true expert.
  • Succeeding in your chosen career and becoming a true expert requires that you fail not just once or twice, but again and again.
  • Being willing to fail is a sign of maturity, bravery and a desire to do better.
  • Those who are never seen to fail are either too timid
  • to try, for fear of public ridicule, or simply do not desire success enough to endure the sting of failure.
  • The first step to being recognized as an expert is to stop insisting that you are one
  • The truly great have little to prove,
  • Becoming an expert has to be about more than having an ego trip. Rather, it should always be about serving others. You become an expert so that you can do a better job for your clients, provide more value to your organization and help others establish best practice in your industry. Ultimately, if all you want is to be loved and respected, you will never achieve your aim. People can detect that kind of narcissism a mile away and will dismiss you as vain.
    Some philosophical points on what it takes to be perceived as an expert
Thu Tran

You Can't be a Designer if… - 4 views

    I don't agree with all the point's but it's a good quick read
Thu Tran

4 Strategies for Working With Designers Without Killing Each Other | UX Magazine - 1 views

  • Me: And when you click on this button where does it take you? Designer: I haven’t worked that out yet, but it’ll be fine.
  • Don’t Just Throw Wireframes over the Fence
Chad Kipling

An Extensive Guide To Web Form Usability - Smashing UX Design - 2 views

    A very detailed guide for online forms. Discusses different layout options, proper text and instructions, when to use designs and objects, and benefits.
Thu Tran

29 Free web apps for web designers and developers - - 1 views

    A boat-load of good online tools for web dev and design. Included are colour-pickers, quick code generators, site-testers, and other little useful tools.
    Need to know what a font is? upload an image!
Melissa Kendall

Creative 404 Error Page Designs - 3 views

    Hilarious 404 pages
Thu Tran

Showcase of Stylish and Inspirational Footers in Web Design - - 3 views

    Creative footers , neat ways to display information
Thu Tran

Developers, UX Is Your Business Too! | UX Magazine - 3 views

  • when a user is given too many choices, it makes it harder for the user to make any choices
  • if it seems difficult to you, imagine what it will be like for a novice
  • "Only click the button once or you will be charged twice." Really? The developer of this site couldn’t take the time to disable that button after it was pressed?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • “We may not always get it right, but we make sure you get it wrong the same way each time.”
  • Once a user does something one way, he expects that the next process will be done in a similar manner
  • Speak your real user's language
  • Developers, UX Is Your Business Too!
    UX Design guidelines for Developers. UX isn't just for designers!
Chad Kipling

30 jQuery Enhanced CSS Button Techniques | Learn Web Design - 3 views

    Different button designs and animations to create more interactive and useful buttons. Includes many that are in CSS without images.
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