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Michael Yagudaev

Hacking at 0300 : Understanding jQuery UI widgets: A tutorial - 1 views

    Explains how to write a jQuery ui compopnet similar to the ones that exist in jQuery UI library.
Chad Kipling

A Large Collection of Useful jQuery Utils | Websanova - 0 views

    Small, useful, commonly-used utilities not in jQuery.
Chad Kipling

Better, Stronger, Safer jQuerify Bookmarklet » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techni... - 0 views

    A bookmarklet that enables jQuery on any page, allowing you to use jQuery in dev tools even if it's not used on the site itself.
Chad Kipling

Smart Wizard 2.0 - flexible jQuery plug-in that gives wizard like interface | jQuery Pl... - 1 views

    A jQuery plugin which creates an easy-to-use wizard interface.
Chad Kipling

Fully Executing jQuery Animations Without Queuing | CSS-Tricks - 1 views

    An explanation of different jQuery animation execution strategies and finding the best solution. See the demo link at the bottom for demos of each scenario.
Courtney Slimmon

Orbit and Reveal: jQuery Plug-Ins For Image Sliders and Modal Windows - Smashing Magazine - 2 views

    Three jQuery plug-ins.
Michael Yagudaev

Plugins/Authoring - jQuery JavaScript Library - 1 views

    Rules to follow when writing your own custom jQuery plug-ins
Thu Tran

Main Page - jQuery JavaScript Library - 0 views

    Main jQuery Documentation page
Chad Kipling

jQuery Cheetsheet - 1 views

    A quick colour-coded jQuery cheatsheet.
Chad Kipling

Cool notification messages with CSS3 and Jquery - - 0 views

    A notifications plugin using jQuery and CSS3. This might be something we could implement into intra, but perhaps with a different design?
Thu Tran

Create a jQuery Sliding Door Effect - 10 Best Tutorials - - 2 views

    Cool jQuery sliding door effect w/ tutorials
Chad Kipling

jQuery Chosen Plugin - 1 views

    A simple jQuery select drop-down and multi-selector with search. In addition to the search option, it also allows for a more consistent view across browsers than the standard select menu.
Trevor Sweetland

JQuery instead of Javascript - 4 views

    Very basic, but informative introduction to jQuery. If you're unfamiliar with jQuery and want/need to learn, start here!
Andrea Chan

13 jQuery Visual Effects Tutorials That Can Help You More Effectively - - 1 views

    Now day's jQuery is on top of its charm and everyone from Javascript world love to experiment with it. Because of the remarkable significance of JQuery in Designing field, it is an essential to keep yourself up-to-date with its Quality uses of Visual Effects Tutorials and Examples.
Chad Kipling

jQuery idleTimer plugin « Paul Irish - 2 views

    A jQuery plugin to detect user inactivity and call functions on idle and return.
Chad Kipling

jQuery 1.7 Beta Release Preview - 3 views

    Quick overview of new features in jQuery 1.7, to be finalized in the next week or two.
Melissa Kendall

SO jQuery Fiddle - jsFiddle - Online Editor for the Web (JavaScript, MooTools, jQuery, ... - 2 views

    Very useful jQuery simulator which lets you use different frameworks and many other options. Especially useful for sharepoint development, because deploying/closing sharepoint is slow in comparison.
Melissa Kendall

25+ jQuery Slider Examples - 0 views

    A bunch of jQuery sliders. Best examples: #1, #8, #16, #23
Trevor Pries

jQuery File Tree - 2 views

    jQuery File Tree is a configurable, AJAX file browser plugin for jQuery. You can create a customized, fully-interactive file tree with as little as one line of JavaScript code. Currently, server-side connector scripts are available for PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, and Lasso.
    There's a demo link on the page!
Andrea Chan

Are jQuery Users Fools? - 3 views

    We should get this out into the open. There seems to be a commonly held belief that jQuery users are ignorant, and, more often than not, designers. Where did this come from, and is it true? The JavaScript community wasn't nearly as vibrant and passionate as it is today.
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