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Wildcat2030 wildcat

Why POiU? Why now? « POiU - 11 views

    "POiU is being created because the world is changing. The recent expansion of social media platforms shrank our world and broadened people's ability to communicate and connect regardless of physical location, cultural or even linguistic barriers. In addition to immense opportunities, we face significant challenges as a community. If not addressed and decisively tackled, these challenges could jeopardize the quality of life and even our very existence as an evolving human civilization. There are warning signs already: the widespread economic and financial instability, unclear energy future, uncontrollable environmental changes and growing gaps and failures to deliver adequate food, water, healthcare, education, and other resources and services that support society wellbeing and development. These warning signs could lead to acute and systemic crises resulting in general misery and destruction. Our best chance at overcoming this outcome is to utilize the tools we have today to tap into the collective wisdom and together select the best solutions and together put them into action. History teaches us that war has been the way in which countries could achieve total coordination to pull out of massive economical crises. But today, social networks present an alternative, allowing total coordination of the masses. This is a tool that, for the first time in our evolution, offers a constructive way to unlock the power of our collective mind and unite us under a common purpose of finding answers to our current challenges. Our future is at stake. Focusing on the opportunities and solutions, POiU will capitalize on the power of social networking to enable positive change. Together, we are building a fully functioning online society with governance and commerce, fostering a personal sense of place and belonging. This effort is empowered by POiU's launch of a collaborative platform that aims to become one component of the new coordinating system we need. The answers to our cha
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    Wildcat - are you a participant? Do you know any of the folks participating in POiU? I'm interested; what I see (in about 30 minutes) verifies the way I see the world going! Your other thoughts?
    no, actually I just came across this few days ago and still trying to understand the idea.. that we need a new coordinating system is beyond dispute, however if Poiu has anything of value to add to the debate I am not sure, will do some more research..
  • does look like the general idea. I do think that the world is entering a period of 'collectivity' but it's not formed in any place that's far enough along to know what to do with it except to 'volunteer' at this point.
    ok... this is eerily like what we were describing yesterday in: Also, they say it is a country. VERY interesting. Kinda reminds me of Mr Lee's Greater Hong Kong franchises in Neal Stephenson's "Snowcrash" Of course by the time set in the story private countries are physical and not only virtual.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Nova Spivack (novaspivack) on Twitter - 1 views

  • novaspivack @melissapierce danka! less than 10 seconds ago from TweetDeck in reply to melissapierce As for T2 -- we've made more progress... new stuff in lab to automate even more of the process for webmasters... not in my screenshots yet less than a minute ago from TweetDeck After 9 years of working on semantic web, it's good to see it finally being understood by business people. Not just us geeks. 2 minutes ago from TweetDeck Today I have been inundated with new interest in T2. Seems that vertical semantic search is hot all of a sudden. Finally. 2 minutes ago from TweetDeck The Twine T2 project is by far the most advanced vertical semantic search ecosystem platform. Check out: 5 minutes ago from TweetDeck The new battlefield of search is going to be around vertical semantic search. This is the year. It's coming. 6 minutes ago from TweetDeck
    And death knell for Twine begins to toll...
    Here are some death knell sounds that I heard a lot in the '80s -
Jack Logan

Jack (4) - Google Wave - 34 views

    Ya'll come and give us your opinion.
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    Sorry, can't get into that wave again... Other than that; I have the impression that Wave speed has been improving greatly in the last days. It's getting almost usable now, even on large waves.
    Try now, François!
    thks Jack
    Thanks Jack!! For everyone, I have added new questions and some clarification sub-questions. Check back periodically to see/contribute to this document growing. Anyone who can't get in, please contact me: into your Wave contacts. I will add you to the poll wave. Or if you are connected with someone who is in, they can add you. I am attempting to flesh this survey out with more functionality, please add any questions that you think will add to the discussion. Peace!
    Continuing great job with this GWave, Frank. Come all and join in and tell all your preferences. The last junket of age is your preferences! lol And, ... I still have mine, ... for the moment. So, ... come on over before I lose some of mine ... lol
    Morning Jack!! On the subject of the survey's map, I made it public for easy access, and we have new flag from a new participant named Barney Lerten, in Bend, Oregon.....anybody know him??? Part of the little difficulties with Wave right now...public is public. Ah well....
    Morning Frank! Kurt and I talked a few days ago about this - he was concerned about locking things down at this point. I don't know Barney. Kurt?
    Never heard of Barney before either. He was invited to the wave by "Public". As you say, Frank, public is public.
    It's a concern I share. That's why i move the stuff to Wave. we need a list of eceryone in the groups Wave IDs
    For my 2 sense...don't use Wave--set a private group here or somewhere else, that doesn't have the public/private issues of wave. the problem with wave is there is no central management--anyone can add anyone else to the wave, and pretty soon, ALL your content is visible. I suggest something a little bit more locked down, unless you want to be truly open-source, in which case, take Bent's lead, and move your discussions to codeshare.
    hey fish!! the only issue is that I was dumb and made something public. we have the same issues on Diigo. We just need a Wave group that includes all the interested people.
    Agree with Frank. There is no use in letting Barney tell us where he lives, if we want to use the map gadget to choose a good place for a meatspace meeting. So this particular wave, given its intent, should have been restricted to the group. In many cases, I think it could be harmless to open a wave to the public: the crowd can contribute good things, we all know that... But I still think that, by default, wave access should be restricted to group members. It would maximize the sharing of relatively private or "sensitive" information within the group. It would also help keeping the discussions on topic (side-tracking is very easy in all forum discussions and the more people you have in the conversation the more side-tracking you get). Now of course anyone in the group can invite anyone, even "Public" into the wave: just like anyone who has access to a private document can copy it and paste it on a blog or any public place.
    Yes F1 (Francois, I will be F2)!! i think we can use the wave structures to keep things private and the fact that any of us can add anyone can be moderated by convention and the trust we have begun to build with each other. plus the reinforcement from the system, in that we all can see who has added whom. Plus the ability to delete participants will come along eventually. Thanks F1!!!
Jack Logan

How 'Avatar' may predict the future of virtual worlds | Geek Gestalt - CNET News - 1 views

    Interesting to use this as a impetus for the next big thing in social media.
François Dongier

Press Release | Evri - Corporate - Part 0 - 0 views

  • This acquisition falls in tandem with a re-launch of, incorporating a number of visual and technological updates designed to enhance the experience of discovery. With the introduction of a redesigned global navigation model and more intuitive ways to search, explore and filter the trending news and multi-media content of the web, Evri enables consumers to cut through the clutter and receive only content of interest to them. “At Evri, we’re striving to deliver a search engine that proactively discovers the most interesting, popular and trending stories on the web, filtering out the clutter and delivering information to consumers in timely, relevant and intelligent streams,” said Mr. Hunsinger. “With the acquisition of Twine and the launch of our new consumer site, we’re making good on the intuitive discovery experience we envision for the Web.”
  • ABOUT EVRI Evri ( automates how content is understood, filtered and shared, inviting consumers to participate in the conversations that matter most to them. With over 2.5 million real-time topical streams across thousands of categories, Evri is rapidly improving consumers’ access to information on the topics they value most. Publishers large and small have installed Evri applications on their Websites, including some of the world’s most prestigious news organizations like Hearst Entertainment ( and the Times of London. Evri is based in Seattle, WA, and is funded by Paul Allen’s Vulcan Capital. Evri is a tradema
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Building Web Reputation Systems: The Blog: On Karma: Top-line Lessons on User Reputatio... - 2 views

    "On Karma: Top-line Lessons on User Reputation Design In Building Web Reputation Systems, we appropriate the term karma to mean a user reputation in an online service. As you might expect, karma is discussed heavily throughout the more than 300 pages. During the final editing process, it became clear that a simple summary of the main points would be helpful to those looking for guidance. It seemed that our first post in over a month (congratulations on the new delivery, Bryce!) should be something big and useful... This post covers the following top-line points about designing karma systems, drawn from our book and other blog posts: * Karma is user reputation within a context * Karma is useful for building trust between users, and between a user and the site * Karma can be an incentive for participation and contributions * Karma is contextual and has limited utility globally. [A chessmaster is not a good eBay Seller] * Karma comes in several flavors - Participation, Quality and Robust (combined) * Karma should be complex and the result of indirect evaluations, and the formulation is often opaque * Personal karma is displayed only to the owner, and is good for measuring progress * Corporate karma is used by the site operator to find the very best and very worst users * Public karma is displayed to other users, which is what makes it the hardest to get right * Public karma should be used sparingly - it is hard to understand, isn't expected, and is easily confused with content ratings * Negative public karma should be avoided all together. In karma-math -1 is not the same magnitude as +1, and information loss is too expensive. * Public karma often encourages competitive behavior in users, which may not be compatible with their motivations. This is most easily seen with leaderboards, but can happen any time karma scores are prominently displayed. [i.e.: Twitter follower count] "
Kurt Laitner

New Rules for the New Economy - 0 views

  • the technical specifications of the software that the Well used directly shaped the kind of community growing within it
  • Other models of conferencing software used elsewhere produced different kinds of communities
  • The Well's software--as implemented by the Well--encouraged linear conversations and community memory; it discouraged anonymity, but encouraged responsibility for words and topics; it permitted limited forms of dissent and retraction, and it allowed users to invent their own tools.
    • Kurt Laitner
      reinforces our notion of allowing users to create structures and presentations as well as content, Bent was excited when Twine was allowing limited metadata definition, would be even better if we could specify whole aspects / objects as well as the presentation of either one or more than one of these aspects/ objects (photo presentation not the same as a list of photos presentation)
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  • Peace through tools, not rules.
    an illustrious reverb on rules' importance in defining the emergent behaviors and shaping the quality of the interactions on a social site
fishead ...*∞º˙

In A Year When Online Ads Slumped, VideoEgg Doubled Revenues To More Than $25 Million - 1 views

  • VideoEgg has a pay-per-engagement model and offers unique ad units —including roll-overs, ad frames, video ads, and iPhone ads—which go beyond bland banner ads. For instance, VideoEgg’s ads invite consumers to roll over and click on them to open them up so that they take over the whole screen, and then they can be presented with a video, a mini-website, or even a shopping experience. VideoEgg only gets paid when consumers engage with the ads.
    SEE!?!?!?! It's happening!!!
    This is amazing!! In a down economy to get 1% engagement and double the revenue is just amazing. There's something to this new engagement stuff.
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Symbaloo - start simple - 3 views

    A new startpage for everything?
    just came across this, appears interesting
Jack Logan

BBC - Earth News - Movie made by chimpanzees to be broadcast on television - 0 views

    Social Networking chimpanzee style.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Analyst: Email will lose ground to social networks | VentureBeat - 3 views

  • Gartner recently published a list of five new predictions about “social software” that show mix of optimism and pessimism about whether these tools will be embraced by businesses. The most grandiose prediction is the first — that by 2014, social networking services will replace email as the primary communication tool for 20 percent of business users.
  • Gartner also argues that the distinction between email and social networks is disappearing, with social networks adding email-like capabilities while email adds social data.
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  • By 2014, social networking services will replace e-mail as the primary vehicle for interpersonal communications for 20 percent of business users. By 2012, over 50 percent of enterprises will use activity streams that include microblogging, but stand-alone enterprise microblogging will have less than 5 percent penetration. Through 2012, over 70 percent of IT-dominated social media initiatives will fail. Within five years, 70 percent of collaboration and communications applications designed on PCs will be modeled after user experience lessons from smartphone collaboration applications. Through 2015, only 25 percent of enterprises will routinely utilize social network analysis to improve performance and productivity.
    I know several examples of my friends (non-techie) that are already doing this. They seem to like it much better - all their friends in one place. The favorite if Facebook. I can't figure out who's reading what that I write, so I'm less interested right now, but if preferences/settings were much more obvious, this seems like it will happen. Right now notification seems to be working for me in Diigo.
    this seems like so much bs to me - facebook will be used for one to many, email client will be the notification/alert single screen of attention for everyone over 30. kiddies will likely embrace the new tech, and text will be their notification or they will use a phone client of some sort to aggregate. hopefully we can come up with a device independent alert/notification management interface that can 'replace' the email client (I'm getting pretty tired of managing social networks from an email client), but I bet it will be one of the email client providers who will figure that out and own it. it may mean handling more protocols in email client. the cardinal example in my mind is iCal handling in email clients - it automatically presents a different UI for that message - why shouldn't an email client be able to do everything facebook does? I think the paragraph from Gartner is so much bs as we have no real fixing of terms - will the email client as we know it today disappear, YES will the experience of messaging be more like facebook, GOD I HOPE NOT, but perhaps, but is this research worth paying for? frigging sound bites
Jack Logan

Eliminating the Need for Search « Nova Spivack - Minding the Planet - 7 views

    Interesting. Looks like Nova's moved on from T2.
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    Are we never going to see T2? Thoughts?
    It looks like even Nova has realized now the futility of his "project". It makes me think that he is more on the side of experimentation and pushing boundaries that actually developing anything substantial. One of the things I've been taught in my work is that the difference between dreamers and doers is that dreamers never stop dreaming. Doers know when to take the dream, flesh it out and make it into something that works. Nova is a dreamer, and has left a wake of half-baked thoughts behind him as he continues to seek the next "thing", having lost interest in the last "thing" he experimented with. There are a lot of once-promising ghost towns that have been cooked up and discarded that trail behind him like the chains on Dickens' ghost of Christmas past. Earthweb, NVention, Lucid, Radar, Twine. All flittering bubbles of inspiration that never grew up, and/or were abandoned by the dreamer just short of success. I think we've already glimpsed the "future" as Nova sees it, and I for one have learned that what ever his future is, I don't want to participate.
    @fish yeah we have a saying for those "dreamers'. it's "Put down the bong and DO something!!" Dreaming is something i do when i sleep. hoping,planning and working i do when awake. Keep waking em up Man!! And double +1 to your commet about interactions with Nova the Snake Oil Salesman!!
    -1 :-)
    I think Nova has contributed greatly, and will continue to do so. His gifting is not in finishing, but in starting - starters and finishers are seldom the same person. What is unusual here is that a starter is given large amounts of capital but the vc's don't know enough to pair him with a finisher. One of my business partners said a business needs a dreamer, a doer and a sob. To which I asked, so that makes you.....? T2 is based on what I know of it (unless they've come up with some scaling algorithm, which isn't a product, and should be sold based on the patent to MS or google) fails on differentiation, and is entering a market against formidable incumbents. Hence Nova's thoughts that the next 'google' needs to differentiate itself further are actually quite valid. If I were Nova's vc on T2 I would pull the plug. Never talk about your next project.
    Not so long ago, in fact just a couple years ago, Twine (T1) was far ahead of the competition in the area of interest networking (building of communities around interests). I think Nova and T1 really did a good job in *pioneering* the idea that social networking should not just focus on people connecting to each other but rather on the topics that people share an interest for. For some reasons, Twine did not try to stay ahead in this field and didn't integrate improvements that seemed quite obvious. I would have liked to see T1 evolve towards real semantic tagging, connecting Twine tags and topics to linked data entities. I would have liked to see a T1 with stronger collaborative filtering: even the "like" button that was - i believe - introduced by FriendFeed, is now everywhere, except on Twine... I don't think that what Nova is discussing here has much to do with T2, just like I don't think that the semtweet project that he tweeted about a couple weeks ago has much to do with T2 either. I agree that so far Nova has been a dreamer, an inventor, more than a "doer", but I still like to check what he is dreaming about. Sometimes his dreams seem very deep and interesting: I don't find the current T2 dream (faceted search based on Apache-Solr technology) very exciting, unless something big comes out of it with respect to RDF. I am not that excited either about Semtweet, unless again it brings along something big with respect to RDF. And now Nova is sharing some new thoughts about some new user-machine interaction that wouldn't be based on search but on something else... I agree it's still pretty vague and not very convincing yet...
frank smith Closing - News at GameSpot - 1 views

    Sega and have officially announced that the online gaming web site will shut down on October 31, 2000. provides game-matching services and hosts online games including 10Six. members will receive a special e-mail announcement including exclusive offers for SegaNet membership. Sega has decided to redirect the resources to SegaNet to create a more comprehensive online gaming portal. 10Six will continue operation at
    I posted this as a historical note. was the first place to serial number their game items, ie. a truck or gun acquired is not one of a class, but rather a unique item. this amplifies the value concept related to the item.
François Dongier

New Version of Digg Revealed - 2 views

fishead ...*∞º˙

Evri Acquires Radar Networks In Semantic Search Consolidation - 8 views

  • Evri Acquires Radar Networks In Semantic Search Consolidation 10 Comments Share6 Buzz it by Erick Schonfeld on Mar 11, 2010 After shopping itself around to all the major search engines, Radar Networks finally found a buyer in another semantic search startup. Today, Evri is announcing that it will be acquiring Radar Networks, along with its core technical team and its main product, Twine. Rumors surfaced yesterday on ReadWriteWeb that Evri was being acquired, but that is not the case. Evri is the acquirer. I spoke with both CEOs this morning. They would not disclose the terms of the deal, but it is safe to assume that it was largely an equity-based transaction. Both Evri and Radar Networks share Paul Allen’s Vulcan Capital as their largest shareholder. Radar has raised $24 million in total capital, while Evri has raised $8 million. (At least that is what has been publicly disclosed. Paul Allen has poured much more money into Evri almost single-handedly, perhaps even more than Radar raised). Radar was unable to raise more during the recession and kept pushing out the release of its next product, T2, an ambitious project to create a semantic index of the Web. Using this semantic index, T2 can do a better job understanding what each Web page it indexes is about.
    buy buy birdie
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    I think that's great news... Seriously, I do. Evri is really a very nice product.
    It's a really great match! Let's hope they do something great!
    I've begun to use it to do lots of Search. I find it to be a much more interesting experience with great results over Google. I think the Evri + Twine result is a terrific match and will provide others some of the semantic tools to build onto the semantic web.
    Good to know, Jack. Please share if you find good examples of such searches with "great results over Google". Today I seem to have problems signing in (with Chrome - but it works with Firefox), so I suppose they are making some changes. I'm having some problems with the collections: can't find how to create a new collection or edit an existing one. Have you been using collections yet? Do they work for you?
    Do you have the iPhone app. for Evri - EvriVerse? Very interesting. It uses the mapping that I wrote about in my letter to all of this group today in response to the Twain letter.
fishead ...*∞º˙

Official Google Blog: Collaborative bookmarking with lists - 2 views

  • Today we’re debuting lists in Google Bookmarks, an experimental new feature that helps you easily share those sites with friends.Bookmarks are a great way to keep track of your favorite content across the web and we want to help you share them with your friends. To use lists, visit Google Bookmarks at or by clicking “Manage all” in your Google Toolbar. From there, select the links you want to share and click “Copy to list.” Lists are private by default, but once you’ve created one you can share it with specific friends or even publish it to the web. For example, if a friend of yours is visiting Seattle for the first time and you have some local attractions bookmarked, you might want to create a new list for “Seattle attractions” and share it with your friend.
  • Google will algorithmically analyze your list to identify other potentially relevant links, such as the Seattle Aquarium. Similarly, when we detect that a list is relevant to a specific region, we provide a map of those places and relevant info for each place, such as addresses, hours and reviews.
    They've done it---Google Announces LISTS! Buh-bye Twine.
François Dongier

Preview of Drupal Gardens - "15 Minutes from Design to Online" | Acquia - 0 views

  • Join us for a sneak preview of Drupal Gardens Beta. We give a complete walk through of the new features planned for version 1.0. One of the primary goals of Drupal Gardens is to empower users to quickly and easily assemble socially smart and powerful Drupal 7 websites without programming. Site Templates to accelerate site building ThemeBuilder for faster site design WYSIWYG Editor Integration with Social Networks and other socially smart features How to create microsites for your organization's new product launches or events
    Drupal Gardens = Drupal 7 as a service
Kurt Laitner

Liberationtech, How the Next Generation Diaspora* Should Be Built to Help High-Risk Act... - 0 views

  • design of information and communication technologies to foster freedom, democracy, human rights, development, and effective governance
  • it is important to differentiate between what activists do before a movement and what they do during a movement. 
  • This critical organizing task is done by a small group of people that need to be able to maintain strong ties to one another in a secure and private fashion if they are to succeed.
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  • private, secure, and distributed social network
  • facilitate the communication of a small group of people seeking to organize social change and subsequently enable them to broadcast that message through larger mainstream social networking sites
  • communication must be machine-to-machine
  • In other words, the sender and recipient must have an easy and fast means to install and manage the software on their machines
  •  Furthermore, the sender and the recipient must have the ability to stop using their machines and seamlessly use new ones, should the original machines be compromised for whatever reason by an authoritarian regime
  • “self-destruct mechanism”
  • the “right to forget” would have to be embedded
  • mobile
  • capability of synchronizing data on multiple machines simultaneously.
  • capability to access her data from the alternate location
  • connectivity
  • significant work on data compression will be required to ensure that the software’s performance remains nimble under such disparate conditions
  • Western society gives us two main legal-institutional vehicles for tackling the problem:  i) a for-profit firm a la limited liability company or C corporation; or ii) a non-profit firm a la private foundation or 501(c) organization.  (Another possibility is a hybrid for-profit/non-profit model a la WordPress or Mozilla, but let’s set that aside for now.)
  •  The resources come at a cost in terms of the organization having to perform in a reliable and accountable fashion relative to the expectations of its shareholders.  In the pursuit of profit, principle can easily be abandoned since, at the end of the day, all the shareholders care about is obtaining superior returns
  • Nevertheless, a non-profit organization is still owned by a small group of individuals,
  •  The project may even create disincentives for open-source involvement by creating restrictive intellectual property (IP) assignment contracts that require developers to give up all rights to the code they produce.
  • non-profit organization cannot sell shares
  •  Given this predicament, what are we to do to ensure that the organization is accountable to the activists it serves and can mobilize developers to contribute in an open-source manner to the project?  One possibility is the cooperative, a business organization owned and controlled democratically by its members for mutual benefit.
  • when correctly designed and executed
  • The developers can transfer their IP rights to the cooperative, knowing that such rights will not be exploited for financial gain without them.
    excellent article on how to build the next generation of infrastructure and what some key themes are.
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