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Adam Kenner

Text - Text - Obama's State of the Union Address - - 0 views

  • Rather than fight the same tired battles that have dominated Washington for decades, it's time to try something new. Let's invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt. Let's meet our responsibility to the citizens who sent us here. Let's try common sense. (Laughter.) A novel concept.To do that, we have to recognize that we face more than a deficit of dollars right now. We face a deficit of trust -– deep and corrosive doubts about how Washington works that have been growing for years. To close that credibility gap we have to take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue -- to end the outsized influence of lobbyists; to do our work openly; to give our people the government they deserve. (Applause.)That's what I came to Washington to do. That's why -– for the first time in history –- my administration posts on our White House visitors online. That's why we've excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs, or seats on federal boards and commissions.But we can't stop there. It's time to require lobbyists to disclose each contact they make on behalf of a client with my administration or with Congress. It's time to put strict limits on the contributions that lobbyists give to candidates for federal office.With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests –- including foreign corporations –- to spend without limit in our elections. (Applause.) I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. (Applause.) They should be decided by the American people. And I'd urge Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to correct some of these problems.I'm also calling on Congress to continue down the path of earmark reform. Applause.) Democrats and Republicans. (Applause.) Democrats and Republicans. You've trimmed some of this spending, you've embraced some meaningful change. But restoring the public trust demands more. For example, some members of Congress post some earmark requests online. (Applause.) Tonight, I'm calling on Congress to publish all earmark requests on a single Web site before there's a vote, so that the American people can see how their money is being spent. (Applause.)
    See highlighted section on the Supreme Court decision just past halfway
india art n design

New Criminal Court in Hague - 0 views

    Metaphorical and environmentally conscious design anoints the new premises of the International Criminal Court at Hague, Netherlands. Check it out here...
Kelvin Rhee

U.S. court orders Limewire shut down due to copyright infringement - 1 views

    An article from BNO News has recently reported that LimeWire has been shut down by a U.S. court on claims that the site was used for infringement. LimeWire is notorious for allowing its users to download music without paying for the file, which begs the question, is this legal? The Recording Industry Association of American, which represents several important record labels such as Sony, EMI, Universal, and Warner filed a lawsuit against LimeWire in 2006 stating that the company was allowing downloading of illegal music, violating the terms of the music's copyright. Since these record labels own the copyrights to the majority of the music that was being distributed, they were losing money and business because they were not getting paid for the use of their music. Lime Group, the company that owns LimeWire, continues to function otherwise, it is just this subsidiary that has been ceased to conduct business. Although the future seems bleak for LimeWire, its CEO remains optimistic.
    On October 27, 2010 a very popular music sharing application called Limewire was shut down due to copyright infringement. BNO news reported the story to and the a few record labels like SOny, EMI, Universal and Warner filed a lawsuit against Limewire in 2006 so this is nothing new for the file sharing company. The Lime Group CEO and owner of Limewire George Searle said "challenging time, we are excited about the future." So he seems to have a good outlook on the future eeven though his company is going through this touch time.
Molly Wharton

Supreme Court Gets RIAA Copyright Case - 0 views

    The article is about a case regarding a violation to the Copyright Act. Whitney Harper, a high school cheerleader, participated in infringing activity on LimeWire between the ages 14-16, claiming that she thought she was simply internet radio streaming. With this "innocent infringer's" defense, she is requesting a $200 fine per song to the Recording Industry of America as opposed to the Copyright Act's minimum $750 per song fine. This would result in a total payment of $7,400 rather than $27,750. The final decision has not yet been made, and the justices of the Supreme Court have the option of taking the case and issuing a ruling, or declining to hear it. The author takes a very neutral viewpoint on the issue, expressing the opinions on both sides of the case. He presents the information in a very factual rather than biased way, and concludes the article in a non-opinionated manner. David Kravets is a technologist, political scientist, humorist, and reporter.
Adam Kenner

Corporations are pitching a bizarre product -- a radical vision of the 1st Amendment. I... - 0 views

    Voters stand to lose out if the Supreme Court treats political spending by businesses and other big-money players as protected speech.
Adam Kenner

Court Favors Comcast in F.C.C. 'Net Neutrality' Ruling - - 1 views

    "A federal appeals court on Tuesday dealt a sharp blow to the efforts of the Federal Communications Commission to set the rules of the road for the Internet, ruling that the agency lacks the authority to require broadband providers to give equal treatment to all Internet traffic flowing over their networks. "
Tom McHale

How well-informed are citizens, and how are they getting their news? | Poynter. - 0 views

    "The way the public gets news continues to change with digital - and especially mobile forms - gaining audiences. Some shifts raise questions about the amount and quality of news consumed. All that leads to the crucial question of what people know about major public issues. Last week's Pew study on the Affordable Care Act didn't inspire confidence in the public's knowledge of news. Pew's survey found that "44% of Americans are unsure whether ACA remains the law. About three-in-ten (31%) say they don't know, while 8% think it has been repealed by Congress and 5% believe it was overturned by the Supreme Court." Should we cheer because more than half those surveyed (57%) knew that the law is being implemented? Should we allow slack for those who didn't know, since the Act is complicated and changes have been made and proposed? Is the study evidence of separate and unequal societies, one informed and one uninformed? To get a better sense of how the public is consuming news, and how journalists can best reach them, it's helpful to look at some data. Recent studies tracking news consumption could leave the impression we've moved from well-rounded civic information meals to fast-food news snacking."
Kyle Ezring

The Facebook Lawsuit - 1 views

    In July of 2010, Paul Ceglia sued the owner and founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, saying that he was the rightful owner of 85% of Facebook. His said that he loaned Zuckerberg $1000 so that he could start the company Facebook. The reason that this is going to court is that there is debate over what website the money that Zuckerberg recieved was used to build. During that time, Zuckerberg also built a website about job advertising. Ceglia claims that his money went to both sites, while Zuckerberg says that it only went to the advertising website. This lawsuit shows that copyright laws extend far beyond direct copying of other peoples ideas and property. This is a case that emphasizes how difficult it can be determining the winner in cases like these.
rachel lander

Software Issue Kills Liberal Amendment To Copyright Laws - 0 views

    Computers are now making it easier to find and quote unpublished sources without citing them, and this is a huge conflict. People are in dispute about the existing copyright laws because they think that there are still ways to freely quote things that aren't yours because of the internet. A copyright amendment was passed in 1979 to try to address this problem. It has become a bigger problem since the internet has taken off. Several cases about this issue are being brought to the supreme court, and they declined them. Freidman says that the court inpterpreted the amendment to mean an author cannot quote more than 50 words of unpublished material without citing.
sadie chevance

Flexible copyright to nurture a creative milieu - Technology - International Herald Tri... - 2 views

    Date issued: June 26, 2006. This article is basically about a three-day conference that was held in Rio De Janeiro. A rare global alliance of artists, scientists, and lawyers met to discuss working towards creating a "creative commons," which would give artists the privilege of deciding which rights they wished to maintain and which to share. "In its broadest form, the Creative Commons system allows creators and consumers of culture not only to view or listen to a digital work but also to copy, remix or sample it, as long as the originator is properly credit" Gilberto Gil, who is a singer-songwriter as well as Brazil's culture minister and an advocate of overhauling the global copyright, also attended the conference. Gil spoke about his six year battle in court with publishing companies to recover ownership of his work. Which now exceeds more than 400 songs which Gil has all registered with Creative Commons-he has retained the rights of some but had made others available for listeners to interpret, copy and manipulate as they please. The author of this article, Larry Rohter, appears to be mostly reporting. He doesn't blatantly state his opinion on the subject, however the article is one sided, in favor of Creative Commons and all the artists struggling to gain the copy rights of their work. He is for Creative Commons.
sophie mann

Top 10 Copyright Law Scandals That Rocked the World in 2009 - 2 views

    Date issued: January 7, 2010. An article from Law Vibe. Written by C.C. at International Law News/Lawyer Lifestyle. The article was written about what in the writer's opinion were the top ten biggest copyright infringement lawsuits between 2000 and 2009. Cases such as "Napster shuts down", "Apple sues Pystar", and UMG and Viacom take on Veoh and Youtube" lead the article. A reoccurring theme in the business of copyright lawsuits seems to be illegal file sharing online. Many websites that provided options for illegally downloading music have been sued or shut down over the years, including Napster and Pirate Bay. Modeling agencies such as Perfect 10 sued Google over copyrighted pictures of their models showing up online, the courts however ruled this fair use and the case has since been closed. This article shows a brief history of how copyrighting has become a central legal issue over the past decade and how various companies and defendants have dealt with the cases presented to them.
Michelle Kim

YouTube Can't Be Liable on Copyright, Spain Rules - 1 views

    Date Issued: September 23, 2010. With Eric Pffaner's indifferent views on this article and issue, he presents an informative position, giving quotes from different opinions. The Spanish Court supported Google's YouTube instead of Telecinco, in an argument about copyright issues. In Spain, users of YouTube are now allowed to upload any clips as long as they are approved by the owners or members in these videos. The judge in Madrid still understood the serious content on copyrighted material and the complications they cause. Many individuals are opposed to this regulation because it is thought of to be "free entertainment." Even in Germany a new rule of YouTube was to pay compensation to the musicians when their songs were uploaded without their permission. Content ID, owned by Google, notifies the media owners when their content is uploaded onto YouTube without their authorization, so the holders could ask the site to take the clips down. Ever since a video of an autistic boy was bullied by his classmates, aired on different video-sharing services, there have been much more supervision and strict management over these websites. Defending itself, YouTube has said it was an "Internet service provider," rather than a television broadcaster, because these hosting services are considered more liable than others. Also, because YouTube is a very public, wide-ranged, website, the sale of advertisements have increased because many individuals visit the popular site.
Sinai Cruz

Copyright Risks in Embedding Youtube Clips - 0 views

    Embedding Youtube videos into your website can be a dangerous thing, as it might not be you that's uploaded a copyright infringing video, but it can be you that accidentally embeds a Youtube clip that is infringing made by someone else, into your website. The law against this is: Any time you incorporate a copyrighted work into a site without the rightsholders' consent, you're potentially liable to be sued. Because people are seeing that on your website, it doesn't matter if it's on Youtube or not, or whether you made it or not, you embedded it somewhere else. It also does not matter whether the person knew it was copyright infringement or not. If an innocent embedder were to be taken to court, they could still be fined up to $30,000. However, because of Youtube's copyright infringement policy, it can remove the copyrighted work from Youtube and the websites it was embedded in. Also, there would be little gain for the rightsholder if the person with the website they sued couldn't afford a lawsuit, which would hardly be worth their time. Also, there are precautions that the embedder should take as well, to ensure that even if they do post copyrighted material, they won't really be potential candidates to be sued.
ByRon Lee

Is The 'CSI Effect' Influencing Courtrooms? - 1 views

    NPR. Date Broadcasted: Februrary 6th, 2011. Genre: News. The crime shows such as CSI have now influenced many courtroom as many people who watch these type of shows would expect more scientific evidence on a case which might be only found on a TV show. Without the use of high tech ways to retrieve evidence, Courtrooms are afraid that jurors might be more tempted to let the person being held on trial to go as they might see it as a lack of evidence or as unconvincing as say one from a CSI.
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