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David Hilton

Is History history? - 35 views

I am creating a site you and your students might enjoy and perhaps add to. is an online course in the history of art around the world. You can jump in anywhere. I would love to f...

history philosophy pedagogy teaching education social studies

GoEd Online

10 Election 2012 Teaching Resources You Should Know About - 8 views

    Election 2012 is all over the news and, with just a few short weeks remaining until the "big day," your students are probably asking tons of questions about this exciting process. If you're looking for great teaching resources on voting, the candidates and/or the Electoral College, you've come to the right place!
Matt Esterman

Resources | cap that! - 9 views

    Sign up under 'Get involved' at the top of this page to receive notifications when new resources are available. Our teaching resources include captions to increase learning and literacy benefits for students. We are currently working with teachers to build our resources for primary and secondary schools across a number of different subjects.
Jeremy Greene

World History Connected: EJournal of Learning and Teaching - 6 views

    Has articles and some source material links related to World History. The site (run out of University of Illinois, by the looks) has a strong focus on 'big history.' I hadn't encountered this term before; it seems to mean looking at history not through civilisations but rather periods or regions. If that description is wrong and someone could provide more accuracy on 'big history' that would be cool.
  • ...3 more comments...
    World History Connected: The EJournal of Learning and Teaching [] World history poses extraordinary demands upon those who teach it, challenging the talent of experienced instructors as well as to those new to the field. World History Connected is designed for everyone who wants to deepen the engagement and understanding of world history: students, college instructors, high school teachers, leaders of teacher education programs, social studies coordinators, research historians, and librarians. For all these readers, WHC presents innovative classroom-ready scholarship, keeps readers up to date on the latest research and debates, presents the best in learning and teaching methods and practices, offers readers rich teaching resources, and reports on exemplary teaching. WHC is free worldwide. It is published by the University of Illinois Press, and its institutional home is Washington State University. Editors: Heather Streets, Washington State University and Tom Laichas, Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences. Associate Editor: Tim Weston, University of Colorado. Funding for World History Connected, Inc. has been provided by The College Board and private donations. Should you wish to contribute, please contact Heidi Roupp, Executive Director []
    Check out past issues by using the index key. The home page is always the current issue.
    The journal focuses on the New World History (looking at the world at a global scale across time) as opposed to the one civilization at a time approach. See the World History AP course description for an example of what this means: David, as an Australian you are at Ground Zero of Big History since its leader is an Australian = David Christian. Christian's _Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History_ is the one book to read on the subject. This article well covers it: Google David Christian, Big History for more
    Again, the journal is not specifically focused on Big History but on the New World History, but it did have one issue on Big History as its forum: More links than you probably want here about Big History: This month's forum is on Latin America. Other forums range the gamut of world history.
    Thanks very much Jeremy. I'll check it out!
David Hilton

Talking History - 11 views

    "Over the past several years, History Matters has organized twenty-five online dialogues with leading historians and teachers about the the teaching of major topics in U.S. history--from early settlement to the Vietnam War. Those discussions are archived here and contain many useful teaching suggestions"
    There are a couple of pages on this site which might be useful for history teachers in challenging us to reflect on our practice. I don't know about you, but too often I get so caught up in the bureaucratic paperwork and day-to-day of teaching I forget to reflect on the big picture of what teaching history is all about...
Jennifer Garcia

The Plantation Letters, Home - 17 views

    "This teaching resource includes digitized selections from the Cameron Family Papers extracted from the Southern Historical Collection at UNC-Chapel Hill. The resource is designed for non-commercial use by educators and students interested in themes associated with antebellum plantation life. The original Cameron Family Papers (1757-1978) include some 35,000 undigitized items available for public perusal in the university's Wilson Library. This web resource presents only a small fraction of the total available documents, as identified and digitized by the site designers to best represent themes associated with traditionally underrepresented persons on antebellum plantations, namely slaves, women, and children. The Camerons regularly communicated by post with their family, friends, and business associates (overseers, tradespersons, and merchants). The level of detail provided in their personal communication provides a rich context for the study of antebellum plantation life in the southern United States. Site users may either search for letters related to a particular theme, or browse available letters using the index of letters page. All letters have been tagged by subject/theme. Letters are available in Macromedia Flashpaper format (.swf). Users may choose to view the original source letter, a typed transcription of the original text (easier to read), or both. The transcription is recommended to teachers and students with limited time, given the difficulty in deciphering original text. "
David Korfhage

Teaching with primary sources - 23 views

    A collection of resources on teaching with primary sources.  Since it's from Learn NC, a lot of resources are specific to the American South.  However, the general guidelines and suggestions might be useful for anyone.
David Hilton

[OTA] The Oxford Text Archive - 3 views

    "The Oxford Text Archive develops, collects, catalogues and preserves electronic literary and linguistic resources for use in Higher Education, in research, teaching and learning. We also give advice on the creation and use of these resources, and are involved in the development of standards and infrastructure for electronic language resources. "
    I just didn't get that explanation. I read it three times and still didn't get it. It's from Oxford though so should be good.
Joseph Phelan

Resources for History Teachers - 48 views

Jeremy Please do put Bob Maloy in touch with me. He can call or write or 202-60-6374. As far as the World History resources go, we are a working on it but will not be ready for thi...

Massachusetts state frameworks cocial sciences social studies history wiki resources ancient medieval modern europe america asia africa south america greece rome egypt britain france germany russia italy china japan india sources documents images usa c15t


Jacob Lawrence: The Migration Series - 2 views

    This source has a ton of resources, primary resources and secondary resources on the Great Migration. I want to have this on hand for when I need to teach this someday.
Nate Merrill

Essential Questions in Teaching American History - 19 views

    The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History "Essential Questions in Teaching American History"
David Hilton

Using the group - 30 views

Thanks to those of you who are posting those excellent resources to the group. I'm sure other people are finding them useful in their teaching and in student research. I just wanted to let you all...

history teachers teaching sources

Shane Freeman

Key words=Common Craft, Videos, Social Studies, Middle School, 19th Century History, Fun | Blogush - 11 views

    The final videos can all be found here.  I hesitate to embed any in the post because I know I would be prone to pick the "best" one.  Please click on the link and randomly select one to watch! There are two pages of videos-and hey-leave a comment or a thumbs up!  I have to say, that after watching the kids make these, the final products just don't reflect the amount of work that is needed.  What I mean is that you shouldn't watch them and say "My kids could do that in a couple of days."  It took 360 minutes of class time to produce those 1-2 minute videos!! One thing I wished we had done is to write transitions so that the different videos linked together better.  I inadvertently led them to make videos on topics that come across as standing alone in time instead of being influenced and apart of other events and movements. Other good resources: Art Titzel Eric Langhorst John Fladd Karen McMillan Greg Kulowiec Mr. Canton Mr. Fogel Mr. Canton Authors write for different purposes.* The writing process is consistent across disciplines.* Technology is a tool for collecting, organizing, creating, and presenting informatio Tags: 6 COMMENTS SO FAR ↓ aimee // Dec 27, 2010 at 8:56 pm These videos really are terrific! I was able to pop in briefly and watch them being created (on Ustream)- such an amazing process! They are so deceptively simple and enchanting, yet require a myriad of skills. Well done! And, I've learned so much Reply Tweets that mention New Post: Key words=Common Craft, Videos, Social Studies, Middle School, 19th Century History, Fu... by -- // Dec 27, 2010 at 10:59 pm [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mrsdi, Edtech Feeds. Edtech Feeds said: New Post: Key words=Common Craft, Videos, Social Studies, Middle School, 19th Century History, Fu… by @paulbogush [...] Reply Sally // Dec 28, 2010 at 10:39 am This is great! When we get back to school the students are finishing up t
David Hilton

About History Data Service - 0 views

    "The History Data Service collects, preserves, and promotes the use of digital resources, which result from or support historical research, learning and teaching." This says that it's open access, but on closer inspection you need an Athens login (only available if you're attached to an institution which pays for it). Would be great if you could get in, though, I'd imagine.
    The History Data Service collects, preserves, and promotes the use of digital resources, which result from or support historical research, learning and teaching.
Mitch Weisburgh

Constitutional Resources for Students and Teachers | Bill of Rights Institute - 11 views

    resources to teach about the bill of rights

Activities Archives | Weimar and Nazi GermanyWeimar and Nazi Germany - 16 views

    WEIMAR AND NAZI GERMANY Teaching Resources, ideas and links relating to a study of Weimar and Nazi Germany
Todd Murdock

Power Standards: Focusing on the Essential - 0 views

  • Very often, teachers operate under the assumption that all standards are equally important and that they have to ensure that students are taught all of the standards with the same level of intensity each year.
  • The danger of delivering standards that are an inch deep and a mile wide is that students will inevitably leave a grade level or course with gaps in their learning.
  • prioritize certain standards and performance indicators, rather than giving each of them an equal amount of  attention in the curriculum and on assessments.
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • teachers collaboratively prioritize their standards
  • requires teachers to look at the standards vertically. This vertical alignment allows teachers to identify important prerequisite skills students need
  • higher quality assessments
  • aligned, purposeful, and essential in identifying those students in need of intervention, remediation, or enrichment.
  • If a collaborative approach to prioritizing standards is not used, then teachers are forced to choose what they feel is essential. Often those decisions are based on a teacher’s comfort level, availability of resources, or personal preferences. This approach does not give all students access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum.
  • narrowing the focus
  • It is far easier for teachers to go in depth when they have fewer priority standards
  • deepening students’ understanding of essential content, strategies, and skills
  • debate and discuss the significance of the standards they teach
  • easier for teachers to choose high quality resources
  • teachers have clarity around what is essential to teach
  • We call these prioritized standards “power standards.”
  • distinguishes the standards that are essential for student success
  • “those standards that, once mastered, give a student the ability to use reasoning and thinking skills to learn and understand other curriculum objectives.”
  • support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
    • Todd Murdock
      Part of the problem is that the students don't see many REAL world (ie popular in media) examples of this. They have unsubstantiated claims from both side, demonization of the other side instead of discussion and debate over content and ideas.
  • learning that is essential for success
  • goes beyond one course or grade level
  • important in life
  • students will need to read informational texts proficiently and substantiate their claims using evidence from the text when reading, writing, and speaking
  • multidisciplinary connections
  • relevant in other disciplines
  • learning that is applied both within the content area and in other content areas
  • standard represents learning that is essential for success
  • Does this standard contain prerequisite content
  • think of a triple Venn Diagram, and that for the overall success of students each circle in that Venn Diagram has equal importance
  • skills necessary for the next
  • power standards are those that teachers will spend most of their instructional time teaching
  • standards emphasized on state and national assessments
  • focus of teacher assessments
  • If every teacher in the grade level or course is emphasizing something different, you do not have a guaranteed curriculum for students.
  • Not all standards are equally important at every grade level or in every course
  • work collaboratively in vertical teams
Eric Beckman

Teaching Decolonization Resource Collection | National History Center - 8 views

    I added this resource to V. Country Economic Policies of Chapter 3 Characteristics of Market System  Capitalism and Political Economy. Suggestions welcome.
Chris Andrews

ABC online education - 7 views

    Educational games, Teaching resources, Schools, Mathematics, History, Science, English, Primary resources, Maths games, Education, Free, Videos
    This video was very interesting, enjoyable and truthful. I have added it to Slave trade has been around a long time. It replaced the practice of killing or eating those who lost in battle. Weren't most American slaves or their ancestors first enslaved by Africans who lost in battle to other Africans?
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