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Nate Merrill

Truman Library - Korean War Subject Guide - 2 views

    "This material covers the historical background of the Korean War, including the division of Korea at the 38th Parallel between US and Soviet occupation forces; reparations reports involving Korea and economic surveys of Korea following World War II; the United Nations Korean Commission and Reconstruction Agency; Office of Strategic Srevices [OSS] reports on Korea; and relations with Republic of Korea (ROK) President Syngman Rhee. This background material also includes the Wedemeyer Report on China and Korea in 1947. The material on the Korean War itself includes a chronology of events relating to the war in the papers of George M. Elsey; selected documents copied from State and Defense Department records relating to the Korean War; and materials from the files of the National Security Council [NSC] and the Psychological Strategy Board [PSB]. The Korean War material also includes information about General of the Army Douglas MacArthur and his dismissal as Supreme Commander Allied Powers; Commander in Chief, United Nations Command; Commander in Chief, Far East; and Commanding General, U.S Army, Far East."
Nate Merrill

KOREAN WAR, 1950-1953 Documents - 4 views

    "KOREAN WAR, 1950-1953 A collection of primary source documents related to the Korean War. Obtained largely from Russian archives, the documents include reports on Chinese and Soviet aid to North Korea, allegations that America used biological weapons, and the armistice." Wilson Center Digital Archive
Nate Merrill

President Truman Korean War Address - 2 views

    "President Truman Korean War Address, President Truman addressed the nation on why the U.S. must intervene in the Korean War"
David Hilton

Australian War Memorial - War Diaries - 6 views

    Digitised images of selected original war diaries recording the daily activities of Australian Army units are available for the following conflicts: * First World War * Second World War * Korean War * South East Asian Conflicts
    Only selected war diaries are included.
Nate Merrill

Korean War - 4 views

    Korean War Map Quiz Game
Nate Merrill

The Korean War: "Police Action," 1950-1953 - 2 views

    EDSITEment National Endowment for the Humanities
Nate Merrill

The Korean War And Its Origins, 1945-1953 - 2 views

    From the Truman Library
Nate Merrill

The Korean War - 3 views

    The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Kay Cunningham

Indexes to State-level Lists of Casualties from Vietnam and Korea Conflicts - 1 views

    Korean War Casualties records, 1950-1957, held in the National Archives.
David Hilton

Korean War for Dummies - 11 views

    Self-explanatory, really.
Nate Merrill

The Korean War: "Police Action," 1950-1953 | - 3 views

    EDSITEment National Endowment for the Humanities
David Hilton

NARA - AAD - Main Page - 0 views

    Archive of links to sources on American history from 1800 to the present. Seems to focus especially on the wars and economic matters.
Nate Merrill

Revisiting Korea: Exposing Myths of the Forgotten War - 2 views

    "Revisiting Korea: Exposing Myths of the Forgotten War, Part 1 By James I. Matray"
Eric Beckman

20th Century Korea Modules - World History Digital Education Foundation, Inc. - 1 views

    Three lessons on Korea after the Korean war. Each develops a historical thinking skill
David Hilton

U.S. Time Periods Teaching and Learning Resources - 1 views

    It's great to see federal governments starting to provide quality sources online like this. Hopefully it will pick up.
David Hilton

UNBISnet - UN Bibliographic Information System - 0 views

    A collection of primary source materials on some of the key decisions of the C20th & C21st. Also contains information on voting records and also humanitarian records.
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