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Mr Maher

To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 24 October 1787 - 1 views

  • The mutability of the laws of the States is found to be a serious evil. The injustice of them has been so frequent and so flagrant as to alarm the most stedfast friends of Republicanism. I am persuaded I do not err in saying that the evils issuing from these sources21 contributed more to that uneasiness which produced the Convention, and prepared the public mind for a general reform, than those which accrued to our national character and interest from the inadequacy of the Confederation to its immediate objects.
  • Those who contend for a simple Democracy, or a pure republic, actuated by the sense of the majority, and operating within narrow limits, assume or suppose a case which is altogether fictitious.
  • Even in its coolest state, it has been much oftener a motive to oppression than a restraint from it.
    This is James Madison telling Thomas Jefferson, and history teachers in the 21st century what went on in the Constitutional Convention. Notice his statement that it was the fear of popularly elected state legislatures that had more to do with the calling of a Constitutional Convention than the failures of the Articles of Confederation. US History Instructional materials teach the opposite
HistoryGrl14 .

UNICEF - Voices of Youth: Explore - 13 views

    This game created with UNICEF has students in a simulated version living the life of impoverished people. They must make decisions and see if they can survivie and do better. I played it and REALLY like what it make you think about...tough decisions, but realistic. Would be GREAT wehn teaching about 21st or 20th century issues globally!!!
David Hilton

BOOKS OF THE TIMES; Young Minds Force-Fed With Indigestible Texts - The New York Times - 0 views

  • As for the teaching of history, Ms. Ravitch argues, the sort of censorship being practiced today by textbook publishers can result in all manner of distortions and simplifications. For instance, to insist that depictions of women as nurses, elementary-school teachers, clerks, secretaries, tellers and librarians perpetuate demeaning stereotypes is to minimize ''the barriers that women faced,'' and to pretend ''that the gender equality of the late 20th and early 21st centuries was a customary condition in the past.''
    I wonder what everyone else thinks of this type of criticism of education today. Are we watering-down the curriculum due to ideological pre-occupations?
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