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Adam Munera

Wordpress - 0 views

    If anyone is interested in messing around with wordpress here is a site with other things you can do!
Adam Munera

Easy Tags - 0 views

    Messing with websites has encouraged me to learn some of these tags! This website is full of easy ones to learn!
Anthony Rossi

Timeline of Video Game Consoles Released in North America - 0 views

    Here is just an interesting timeline of video game consoles. It does not reference open source issues, but shows the companies that produces each console and when each console was discontinued.
Alex Gregg - 0 views

The Obama administration seems to be upsetting photographers and compares their restrictions to that of the Soviet Union.

internet hist390 history web

started by Alex Gregg on 25 Nov 13 no follow-up yet
Claire Madison

Why Don't People Want to Read E-books on Tablets? - 0 views

    Great article of why there is a drastic statistical decline in people reading e-books
Amanda French

James Van Der Beek on Dawson's Creek and 1998 -- Vulture - 0 views

    Just for fun, a story about James Van der Beek guy who was on "Dawson's Creek," which was *THE* hot show in 1998, and some of the differences between being famous then and being famous now. On the one hand, you're more exposed now (thanks, iPhone); on the other hand, there are more ways to make pieces of 'the real you' public: " At least on Twitter, I put out some bits of my sense of humor. Whereas in '98, when I was being mobbed by girls, they were just looking to go crazy about anything and could use the excuse, you know, to scream and go mad." Just FYI, I myself have never seen Dawson's Creek, but I remember when it was big, and I know someone who's rewatching all the episodes on Netflix now and live-tweeting them.
Taylor Kreinces

ICANN 'coalition' created to tackle concerns about the future of the Internet - 0 views

    This article talks about how the Internet's naming and numbering system regulated by ICANN will be having a conference about "Internet governance, principles and proposed frameworks for global Internet cooperation, and a roadmap for future Internet governance challenges."
Claire Madison

Update: Skype being investigated over NSA spying links - 0 views

    Interesting updated article about skype spying!
Amanda French

Are These People Building Their Own Internet? - 0 views

    Fascinating article on grassroots alternatives to paying a company like Verizon for Internet access. If enough of these community-built networks come into being and link to each other, we'll have a brand-new Internet!
Mahrokh Akhavan

Does the internet have a sexism problem? - 0 views

    although this isn't a full on article, it does provide a snap shot of what many people think regarding sexism on the internet. It ranges from ignore it to yes this is a serious issue.
Ellie Cattle

HowStuffWorks "10 Worst Computer Viruses of All Time" - 1 views

    The presentation on the first computer worm on Monday made me want to check out other cases of major computer viruses.
Claire Madison

Digital Millennium Copyright Act - 0 views

    This is an article on the DMCA, so it may shine some light on my presentation yesterday on Pinterest and the copyright laws! It is also an interesting read and very informative!
Amanda French

Scanning Center Fire - Please Help Rebuild | Internet Archive Blogs - 0 views

    "Fire in the Scanning Center" is a great caption for a photo. Glad no one was hurt, and that the Internet Archive continues to operate.
Amanda French

Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine - 0 views

    Don't forget about the Internet Archive and especially the Wayback Machine in your research -- lots of good free stuff here, and you can look at what websites looked like years ago.
Taylor Kreinces

Jon Postel's Induction into the Internet Hall of Fame - 0 views

    This is the video of Postel's induction to the Internet Hall of Fame in 2012
Amanda French

Here's what the Morris Worm prosecutor thinks about Aaron Swartz - 0 views

    More on Robert Tappan Morris, plus a comparison to Aaron Swartz (whom a few of you know about). Swartz was charged in 2011 or 2012 (I forget which) under the same law Morris was, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and committed suicide in January.
Anthony Rossi

13 BEST Global Google Doodles - 0 views

    This article provides 13 Google Doodles that have been widely seen as "the best". It also gives a brief history of Google Doodles, talks about Doodle4Google, and briefly describes the events each of the 13 Doodles represents.
Amanda French

How a grad student trying to build the first botnet brought the Internet to its knees - 0 views

    Turns out yesterday was the 25th anniversary of the worm that Robert Tappan Morris released, so here's another Washington Post article on him. Again, great timing, Britney! Be sure to consult this for your final project.
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