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Learning How To Use Social Tagging | Diigo - 0 views

  • With the ability to add/delete thoughts, they are able to interact with a text, allowing them to continuously reevaluate the content and develop higher metacognitiive thinking skills.

FFFBI Home - 0 views

    Cute site asking students to use HOTS to solve crimes while learning information about the world. National Geographic hosts.
1More - 0 views

    Free 3D programming originally intended to help peak middle school girls' interest in computer programming. Eerily addictive. I spend all last night creating my own park.

Dropout Rates in The United States: 2000, Index - 0 views

    Since 1990, the gap has remained fairly constant. In addition, Hispanic young adults in the United States continued to have a relatively high status dropout rate when compared to Asian/Pacific Islanders, Whites, or Blacks (table A and table

NAEP Studies - Achievement Gaps - 0 views

  • White students, however, had higher scores than Black students, on average, on all assessments.
  • While the nationwide gaps in 2007 were narrower than in previous assessments at both grades 4 and 8 in mathematics and at grade 4 in reading, White students had average scores at least 26 points higher than Black students in each subject, on a 0-500 scale
  • At the state level, gaps in grade 4 reading existed in 2007 in the 44 states for which results were available. Gaps narrowed from 1992 to 2007 in Delaware, Florida, and New Jersey, due to larger increases in Black students’ scores.

If You're Not Seeing Data, You're Not Seeing | Gadget Lab | - 0 views

  • “augmented reality,” where data from the network overlays your view of the real world
    • Jennifer Hern
      I knew that.
  • developers are creating augmented reality applications and games for a variety of smartphones
    • Jennifer Hern
      Who are these developers? Lots of $$ backing them?
  • embraced a version of the technology to enhance their products and advertising campaigns.
    • Jennifer Hern
      Of course AR has been used to enhance private $$ making industries.
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • Tom Caudell, a researcher at aircraft manufacturer Boeing, coined the term “augmented reality” in 1990.
  • head-mounted digital display
  • was an intersection between virtual and physical reality
  • he wants to be able to point a phone at a city it’s completely unfamiliar with, download the surroundings and output information on the fly.
    • Jennifer Hern
      Called Anywhere Augmentation.
  • stifled by limitations in software and hardware
  • requires a much more sophisticated artificial intelligence and 3-D modeling applications
  • must become affordable to consumers
  • early attempts have focused on two areas
  • your computer is prominently appearing in attention-grabbing, big-budget advertisements
  • Mattel is using the same type of 3-D imaging augmented reality in “i-Tag” action figures f
    • Jennifer Hern
      Mattel is experimenting with AR... can I get a job there?
  • isn’t truly useful in a static desktop environment, Höllerer said, because people’s day-to-day realities involve more than sitting around all day
    • Jennifer Hern
      Okay... so desktop computers are not for AR tech. People are mobile, so AR should be mobile. But what about people stuck sitting at a desk all day?
  • And that’s why smartphones, which include GPS hardware and cameras, are crucial to driving the evolution of augmented reality.
  • Ogmento, a company that creates augmented reality products for games and marketing
    • Jennifer Hern
      Ogmento... see if they want to hire me, too.
  • movie posters will trigger interactive experiences on an iPhone, such as a trailer or even a virtual treasure hunt to promote the film.
    • Jennifer Hern
      This is going to bring out the inner nerd in everyone....
  • The Layar browser (video above) looks at an environment through the phone’s camera, and the app displays houses for sale, popular restaurants and shops, and tourist attractions
    • Jennifer Hern
      Where does this information come from? Who creates this information? Selected sources/companies who pay to have their information posted? A whole new competitive marketing strategy in the making.
  • it’s not truly real-time: The app can’t analyze data it hasn’t downloaded ahead of time.
    • Jennifer Hern
      I can only imagine crowds of people walking the streets staring at their apps, running into people and lamp posts, not to mention getting run over by cars... I think this technology might weirdly affect the health insurance industry.
  • You know more, you find more, or you see something you haven’t seen before.
    • Jennifer Hern
      this is supposed to be the advantage of using AR from a commercial perspective... it is still self-centralized.
  • Nokia is currently testing an AR app called Point & Find, which involves pointing your camera phone at real-world objects and planting virtual information tags on them
    • Jennifer Hern
      This can be a really cool feature for teachers if they have a closed-group option. If you are part of the large network, there is all sorts of things people might plant that you don't want to see or know about... Another thought, if there is a closed-group option, perhaps this will create a whole new way of drug trafficking and helping illegal organizations hide information from authorities.
  • the hardware is finally catching up to our needs
  • Nvidia Tegra, a powerful chip specializing in high-end graphics for mobile devices.
  • place (real) Skittles on the physical map and shoot them to set off (virtual) bombs
    • Jennifer Hern
      Are you kidding me? Marketing Skittles within an AR game?
  • open API to access live video from the phone’s camera
    • Jennifer Hern
      Need this technology in order to produce AR. iPhone does not have it. Wonder why.
  • live tweets of mobile Twitter users around your location.
    • Jennifer Hern
      I can just imagine what a nightmare this app would be in a classroom full of students with handhelds....
    Background on Augmented Reality. Reading for 9/14.

Top 10 Back to School iPhone Apps - Top 10 back to school apps - Gizmodo - 0 views

    Top Ten Back-to-School iPhone apps. Check out the new free Kindle app.
    As more and more educational apps hit the market, will schools reconsider allowing hand-held devices in schools?

A library without the books - The Boston Globe - 0 views

  • Tia Alliy, a 16-year-old junior, said she visits the library nearly every day, but only once looked for a book in the stacks. She’s not alone. School officials said when they checked library records one day last spring only 48 books had been checked out, and 30 of those were children’s books.
  • School officials said when they checked library records one day last spring only 48 books had been checked out, and 30 of those were children’s books.
  • Tia Alliy, a 16-year-old junior, said she visits the library nearly every day, but only once looked for a book in the stacks. She’s not alone. School officials said when they checked library records one day last spring only 48 books had been checked out, and 30 of those were children’s books.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • School officials said when they checked library records one day last spring only 48 books had been checked out, and 30 of those were children’s books.
    Cushing Academy is transitioning from traditional library to a learning center without books, staffed with electronic readers.

Technology Review: Adding Trust to Wikipedia, and Beyond - 0 views

    WikiTrust helps increase the validity of Wikipedia postings and makes posters more accountable... supposedly.

JOURNEY TO THE END OF COAL - Web documentary by Samuel Bollendorff & Abel Ség... - 0 views

    This "Web documentary" provides a unique way to expose an important political and social issue. Focusing on the issues surrounding China's exploitation of its land and people related to coal, the site casts the viewer as an investigating journalist. You can choose to visit the sites and see the conditions for yourself or you can talk to people along the way and gain insight into their lives (as well as the political system). The content is deep, has high replay value, consists of very high-quality media, and represents an innovative approach to sharing experiences about important world issues.
    Wow. I have seen web documentaries highlighting human rights issues before, but this one's style and tone really captures the juxtaposition between socioeconomic classes. The map and additional information buttons are great for Social Studies and History teachers willing to bring this into the classroom. As a former middle school World Geography teacher, I would be interested in showing this to my class, but also hesitant. Any former teachers who would show this to their students?
    Wow. I've seen similar attempts at making web documentaries trying to raise public awareness about human rights before, but the filmmaker really hit the nail on the head. The juxtaposition between socioeconomic classes and the attempts mine workers make to brighten their world (i.e. engaging in a Christmas song/dance at the temple) is striking. I'm curious if any teachers would be brave enough to discuss these topics in their social studies classes.

A Virtual Revolution Is Brewing for Colleges - - 0 views

  • When this happens -- be it in 10 years or 20 -- we will see a structural disintegration in the academy akin to that in newspapers now. The typical 2030 faculty will likely be a collection of adjuncts alone in their apartments, using recycled syllabuses and administering multiple-choice tests from afar.
    • Xavier Rozas
      I think this vision is at its core flawed.
  • But within the next 40 years, the majority of brick-and-mortar universities will probably find partnerships with other kinds of services, or close their doors.
    • Jennifer Hern
      I seriously doubt colleges and universities are going to fall by the wayside into cyberspace. The article is focusing on the cost of education at these institutions instead of the quality of education. Yes, more students will have access to higher ed. degrees because they are more affordable, but setting out on your own at eighteen years of age, whether it be going to college or entering the workforce, is a long-held tradition in society. Students at universities aren't just learning about academics, they're learning about social dynamics as well. Based on my personal experience, I probably learned more about why and how people, groups, teams, and large organizations operate and interact (especially in informal settings) than I did about Milton's 15th century Morte D'Arthur. If the author is proposing that MOST high school graduates stay home for an additional two to four years before entering the real world, I think it would create a whole new set of rammifications that would negatively impact our society as a whole.
    This article talks about online-learning and the ways it may change the college experience. While I agree that new technology is affecting the way our courses are run, I don't see it leading to the complete shut down of Universities. While it is wonderful that people have access to courses and resources that they may not otherwise have, I believe that there will always be a need for face-to-face interactions that one can only get from a University setting.

Understanding Users of Social Networks - HBS Working Knowledge - 0 views

    Online social networks are most useful when they address failures in the real world. Pictures are the killer app of social networks. Women and men use these sites differently. Businesses shouldn't consider SNs as just another channel.

Top 20 Teacher Blogs | - 0 views

    A rundown of the top 20 teacher blogs, similar to the Best of Boston rankings.

EBSCOhost: Black-White Gap Widens Faster for High Achievers - 0 views

  • From kindergarten to 5th grade, he found, the achievement gaps grew twice as fast among the students who started out performing above the mean than they did among lower-performing children.
  • "The long-term implication of this is that, if these gaps continue to grow throughout their schooling career, even kids who enter kindergarten with high levels of readiness are going to end up falling below where they started," said Mr. Reardon.

STLtoday - Associated Press News - 0 views

    Students around the world join together to solve global issues, such as the environment, energy, and the global recession, via Webcasts, the Internet, and VChat.

Dropout Rates in The United States: 2000, Index - 0 views

  • his report is the 13th in a series of National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reports on high school dropout a
  • h school dropout and completion rates for the period 1972 through 2000. In addition to extending time series data reported in earlier years, this report examines the characteristics of high school dropouts

3-D television expected to come to homes in 2010 - - 0 views

    no more class field trips to the imax once this comes out

Neuroengineering to challenge what it means to be human | Emerging Technology Trends | ... - 0 views

    Here are just a few topics that we will cover… 1. Brain-machine interfaces to control computers, exoskeletons, robots, and other devices with thought alone; 2. Mind-reading devices that will project the conscious contents of one's brain onto a screen as if it was a movie; 3. Devices to enhance intellectual ability and to increase concentration; 4. Devices to enhance creativity and insight; 5. Mechanisms to upload the mind to a machine, thus preserving it from bodily decay and bodily death.
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