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Emerged technologies for education - 0 views

    Here is an entertaining talk about how everyday objects can be used for science education. We are all aware / starting to better appreciate that "it definitely ain't about the technology", but what conceptual understanding the technology can effect. Personally, I see two advantages of such low cost technologies: 1. They increase access to interesting learning materials for all - quickly. 2. They can serve as the kernels of ideas for influencing emerging technologies. ( Like in out class discussion : models are still expensive but they can guide / inspie Do share your thoughts.

Apple - iPad 2 - All-new design. Video calls. HD video. And more. - 2 views

    Tablets' potential for learning, as seen by apple. Thoughts?
    I personally see a lot of potential for the use of tablets in education, but I find it interesting that Apple is heavily promoting the ipad for educational uses on its web site, but doesn't offer the educational discount for the iPad.

More Schools Embrace the iPad as a Learning Tool - - 2 views

    • Chris McEnroe
      "It's not about a cool application," Dr. Brenner said. "We are talking about changing the way we do business in the classroom." This is a useful sound bite but this article is a quagmire of the issues facing education. Advocates who would rather spend the money on teachers are speaking into the wind politically but they are also not speaking to the point being raised by the event the ipad purchase or the opportunity to advance learning. Good teaching rests on good, personalized relationships as well excellent management. ipads help with both but the danger in not articulating that more clearly is the fear that ipads (or some such thing) will replace teachers. There are those who love the idea of ipads not as an enhancement to learning but as a way to drive up teacher production. That idea and the fear of it distracts from matter of using technolofy to enhance learning.
    • Stephen Bresnick
      Really well said, Chris. I was reading the article and couldn't help but chuckle at the quote, "this is this could very well be the biggest thing to hit school technology since the overhead projector," said by the teacher Mr. Wolfe. The quote communicated volumes about Mr. Wolfe's underlying assumption that good teaching rests on good gadgetry, as if the overhead projector was once a panacea for all that ailed education in the 1970s, but that now there is a new panacea, the iPad. I have heard an interesting criticism of use of the iPad in the classroom that I would like to share. Namely, that it is a device designed almost exclusively for the consumption of media, but that it provides little if any opportunity for collaboration. Yes, there are a ton of cool apps in the App Store and the number will continue to grow, and yes, some of them will be pretty darn neat. But without the ability for students to collaborate and create, there is little evidence that this is, in itself, a transformative educational technology, just a faster and more colorful way for students to do the same things they have been doing. I get a bit uncomfortable when I see teachers get really excited about the tools of technology and all of their cool capabilities without thinking about which problems these technologies might be able to solve. So many people are fixated on technology as an end, as if dropping this new gadget in the classroom will, by itself, solve all problems. iPads are really great, but this might just be a case of the tail wagging the dog.

Learning: Engage and Empower | U.S. Department of Education - 4 views

  • more flexible set of "educators," including teachers, parents, experts, and mentors outside the classroom.
    • Chris McEnroe
      This is an example of the promise of Tech in Teaching. It promotes the Psycho/Social pedogogical reality of the learner's sphere of influences into the vital center of our concept of school. To me, it transforms academic discourse into intentional design. Because school experience is so culturally endemic, this is a change in cultural self-concept.
  • The opportunity to harness this interest and access in the service of learning is huge.
    • Chris McEnroe
      This sentence makes me think of an explorer who has discovered a vast mineral deposit and is looking for capital investment. To persuade teachers, parents, and school boards the explorer will need to show tangible evidence that ". . . our education system [can leverage] technology to create learning experiences that mirror students' daily lives and the reality of their futures." The sixth grade teacher will need to be able to demonstrate to the parent of a student the tangible benefits of a technology infused paradigm.
  • The challenge for our education system is to leverage technology to create relevant learning experiences that mirror students' daily lives and the reality of their futures.
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  • large groups, small groups, and activities tailored to individual goals, needs, and interests.
  • What's worth knowing and being able to do?
  • English language arts, mathematics, sciences, social studies, history, art, or music, 21st-century competencies and expertise such as critical thinking, complex problem solving, collaboration, and multimedia communication should be woven into all content areas.
  • expert learners
  • "digital exclusion"
    • Chris McEnroe
      Isn't this just another iteration of the general disparity in all kinds of resource allocation? This could just as well be articulated by debilitating student/teacher rations, or text book availability, or the availability of paper, or breakfast, or heat in the he building?
  • School of One uses technology to develop a unique learning path for each student and to provide a significant portion of the instruction that is both individualized and differentiated
  • Advances in the learning sciences, including cognitive science, neuroscience, education, and social sciences, give us greater understanding of three connected types of human learning—factual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and motivational engagement.
    • James Glanville
      I'm interested in how our current understanding of how learning works can inform best practices for teaching, curriculum design, and supports for learning afforded by technology.
    • Erin Sisk
      I found the neuroscience discussion to be the most interesting part of the Learning section. It seems to me that the 21st century learner needs more emphasis on the "learning how" and the "learning why" and less focus on the "learning that." I think teaching information literacy (as described in the Learning section) is one of the most important kinds of procedural knowledge (learning how) students should master so they can access facts as they need them, and worry less about memorizing them.
    "School of One uses technology to develop a unique learning path for each student and to provide a significant portion of the instruction that is both individualized and differentiated." I liked the definitions of individualized (pacing), differentiated (learning preferences/methods), and personalized (pacing, preferences, and content/objectives).

How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education | Magazine - 3 views

    One teacher claims that "The idea is to invert the normal rhythms of school, so that lectures are viewed on the kids' own time and homework is done at school." - Do you agree that this is a good solution? 
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    That is the way a couple of my colleagues (science and math) use Khan and they feel it creates more opportunity to use them as a resource for their specific needs. The spend some time at the beginning of class to answer questions as a group and then students begin working on problems and asking for individual help during class.
    I think the idea of distributing video tutorials and courseware for free is a powerful lever for change and education (Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, etc). While I'm intrigued by Khan Academy and see the benefit to help student who want to pause and replay lessons, there is a limit to it's use as an educational tool. In the article linked below, the Los Altos district currently piloting the program noted that they have not seen any statistical difference between Khan students and the control group.
    I too am intrigued by this "inverting" of time spent in the classroom and at home. My idealized model would be to introduce learners to new material at their own pace out of the classroom (allowing for pausing, note taking, reflecting and/or rewinding) and focus classroom time on face to face guiding and coaching of clusters of students or individual students engaged in applying or exploring the current material. To help facilitate this (and assist with accountability) some brief form of pre-assessment before class or at the start of class could illuminate for student and teacher alike what material has been mastered and what needs more attention. The research report from the TIE Foundations summer reading appears to support this type of hybrid approach. => Marsha Lovett, Oded Meyer, and Candace Thille (2008). The Open Learning Initiative: Measuring the effectiveness of the OLI statistics course in accelerating student learning.
    An added benefit of tools such as Khan Academy is the option for reinforcement. In a traditional K-12 school environment students do not have the option to watch a video of their class or spend personalized time reviewing a concept they need more time with during class time due to the required pace of school curriculum. An online learning tool allows a student to watch a lesson as many times as needed and to learn from an expert. Often if a student needs help outside the classroom the only people they turn to is parents, who may or may not know about the content themselves.

Technology in Schools Faces Questions on Value - - 1 views

    • Chris McEnroe
      As journalism, this article observes well the cross conversation in the public debate. Before this conversation even begins it would be useful for the parties to agree on the goal of the interaction between teacher and student. This quote from the article, "digital devices let students learn at their own pace, teach skills needed in a modern economy and hold the attention of a generation weaned on gadgets . . ." Makes broad assumptions that the invitation to learn (things that are pre-conceived by adults) is all the students need. We have a system of education and no matter what we do, the system assumes s significant and active role for adults (rightly so). There is a persistant sense that the system is not working to our expectations, but that hardly argues for the abandonment of personal and substantive interactions among teachers and students. I agree more with this quote, ""Rather than being a cure-all or silver bullet, one-to-one laptop programs may simply amplify what's already occurring - for better or worse (Bryan Goodwin)," because it asserts the point that Technology promises to enhance the value of our effort in education with better tools to do what teachers do. Technology is not (as some seem to think) a replacement of what teachers do and that unspoken assumption seems to be underlying much of what I see as vague public discussion.

India's $35 tablet is here, for real. Called Aakash, costs $60 -- Engadget - 3 views

    Tying into discussions this week about bringing access to mobile devices to all via non-prohibitive costs, while still reaching a set of bare-minmum technical specs for actual use: India's "$35 tablet" has been a pipedream in the tech blog-o-sphere for awhile now, but it's finally available (though for a price of roughly $60). Still though, as an actual Android color touch tablet, with WiFi and cellular data capability - I'm curious to see how it's received and if it's adopted in any sort of large scale
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  • A much better article that isn't so 'tech' oriented. Goes into the origin and philosophy of the $35 tablet, and future prospects
    I had heard months ago that India was creating this, but was not going to offer it commercially - rather, just for its own country. Just like the Little Professor (Prof Dede) calculator, when tablets get this affordable, educational systems can afford classroom sets of them and then use them regularly. But to Prof Dede's point - can they do everything that more expensive tablets can do? Or better yet - do they HAVE to?
    I think this is what they're aiming to do - all classrooms/students across the country having this particular tablet. They won't be able to do everything today's expensive tablets can do, but I think they'll still be able too to do plenty. This $35 tablet's specs are comparable to the mobile devices we had here in the US in 2008/2009. Even back then, we were able to web browse, check email, use social networking (sharing pics and video too), watching streaming online video, and play basic 2D games. But even beyond those basic features, I think this tablet will be able to do more than we expect from something at this price point and basic hardware, for 2 reasons: 1. Wide-spread adoption of a single hardware. If this thing truly does become THE tablet for India's students, it will have such a massive userbase that software developers and designers who create educational software will have to cater to it. They will have to study this tablet and learn the ins-and-outs of its hardware in order to deliver content for it. "Underpowered" hardware is able to deliver experiences well beyond what would normally be expected from it when developers are able to optimize heavily for that particular set of components. This is why software for Apple's iPhone and iPad, and games for video game consoles (xbox, PS3, wii) are so polished. For the consoles especially, all the users have the same exact hardware, with the same features and components. Developers are able to create software that is very specialized for that hardware- opposed to spending their resources and time making sure the software works on a wide variety of hardware (like in the PC world). With this development style in mind, and with a fixed hardware model remaining widely used in the market for many years- the resultant software is very polished and goes beyond what users expect from it. This is why today's game consoles, which have been around since 2005/6, produce visuals that are still really impressive and sta

cooltoolsforschools - Home - 1 views

    Here's a mass of tools that can teachers can use right now to turn themselves and their students into a more interactive, personal version of Khan Academy.

Top News - Instructor to outsource grading ... to students - 1 views

    Speaking of crowdsourcing - how about outsourcing grading to the students themselves?  

Boston publisher enters new chapter in textbooks - The Boston Globe - 3 views

    An article about the shift towards computer-based teaching systems.
    Thanks for sharing Jennifer. I currently work for Pearson and worked on many of the "digital paths" that the article refers tot. I am seeing first hand the shift in priority towards customized personal learning through digital technologies. Pearson's first attempt at integrating technology into their curriculum was a good start but I think the future of Pearson products will employ a lot of the strategies we've been learning in class from intelligent tutoring systems to fully integrated learning platforms. Very exciting shift for the educational publishing industry!

Web-based tool Hotseat taking students' questions - - 0 views

  • That potential for instant feedback adds a new edge and depth to the class
  • Hotseat probably helps most in large classes, where he says it "can give voice to the silent student body and help stimulate discussion.
  • And because Hotseat allows anonymous posts, says senior Tim Cummings, 21, students are more likely to ask questions they wouldn't if they had to speak out in person.
    Interesting article about Hotseat, a web-based tool that can be accessed by students through facebook, twitter, or cellphones, which allows them to ask questions and make comments during class.

A researcher whose work ties into our class discussion - 0 views

    Yesterday afternoon, some of us were at a talk by Prof. Alex Pentland I found several of the topics tie back to our class discussion. In particular, his thoughts that only the individual should have ownership over personal data and others may seek permission to access it was, I felt appropriate. Of course for young students it appears more complicated. I am considering reading his papers ( at least the non technical parts :) His ideas can impact learning in the class room too ! Please share your thoughts !

Facebook's Impact on Student Grades - - 4 views

    A recent study looking at Facebook use and student grades found some evidence that students who share links and participate in "lurking" had higher grades while students who posted status updates had a higher likelihood of lower grades. 
    Kate, Intesting post. Does this take into account of personality or social desirability bias? Sharing links and chatting may not be considered same type of activity.Since it relies on self reporting, there is also margin for error.

What Works Clearinghouse - Education Technology - 1 views

    A U.S Department of Education initiative to review what initiatives really work in education. The link directs to the Education Technology section. Directly quoting from their website: "Our goal is to provide educators with the information they need to make evidence-based decisions". I personally had contradictory reactions about this initiative. What do you think?

At Waldorf School in Silicon Valley, Technology Can Wait - - 1 views

    A contrarian view. "Some education experts say that the push to equip classrooms with computers is unwarranted because studies do not clearly show that this leads to better test scores or other measurable gains."
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    Maung - I just tweeted this! The irony? I read it on my Android smartphone at the Apple store waiting to buy my iPad2!! Would love to talk more about this in class because I DID learn the "old fashioned" way and here I am as an adult, proficient at technology and attending I any less off for not being a digital native? Am I behind the rest of my HGSE because of it? Or has my learning technology as a late teen and adult benefitted me in some way that cannot be proven unless we conduct research with a control group devoid of technology all together during those early formative years? Would love to continue this discussion!
    First of all - the girl in the picture of this article is reading Nancy Drew - who else spent most of their childhood with their head buried in a mystery series? :-) Secondly, I cannot tell you how valuable mud was to my childhood. Had I not been at a camp every summer where I was able to play around in mud and run through the woods all day, I would not be the person I am today. I think I did most of my growing and much of my learning in informal environments such as camp. It sounds to me like this school is trying to replicate those learning a classroom. Not saying it's the way to go...but certainly an interesting model. Thanks for sharing!
    Waldorf philosophy is different approach. For example, children learn to write first before they learn to read. As a result children may learn to read as late as 8 or 9. It's based on the anthroposophy philosophy. Children's who parents value these things will do well in a school without technology. Children who are plugged in at home would have a difficult time. This is effective for private school but not public school.

Blended Learning Demands Big Open Spaces - 2 views

    Designing a blended learning classroom/school "More significant than the shift from print to digital will be the shift from cohort matriculation to individual progress. Personalized digital learning will increasingly enable competency-based progress-advancement based on demonstrated mastery."
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