First virtual school in Mass. opens Thursday - - 4 views
Jessica O'Brien on 05 Sep 10Poor student health is associated with educational gaps. It seems possible that virtual schools may one day offer an effective alternative to traditional schools for children with chronic disease. However, it seems far too premature to consider that application yet.
Very few virtual schools have worked with students this young, so there are interesting questions about jumping from no virtual schooling all the way to this model.
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There is a really fascinating and controversial policy story behind this. Through "legislative sausage-making" the states first virtual school is being run by a single district out in Western Mass., mostly as a result of the entrepreneurial spirit of the superintendent. There are big questions about what will happen as students across the state sign up for the virtual school and their districts are required to pay tuition to Greenfield. And Greenfield isn't really providing a school, they are just enrolling students to be taught by a for-profit company, K-12. There are quite a few very interesting policy issues that would be worth digging into as the state launches this new venture in an unusual way.
When I first read the article, I immediately thought "an idealist gone rogue." I wondered if there was even any research/method behind this decision, and you mentioned there is a fee. Did I understand correctly that the school district will have to pay this fee for the student like some sort of voucher? If I get a chance I'm going to look for more articles out there on this project. Thanks for mentioning it, Justin. Interesting, indeed.