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How to Get Rid Of Genital Warts? - 0 views

    Genital warts is a sexually transmitted viral infection that is caused by the severe action of virus named Papilloma viral agent.They are basically caused by HPV-6 and HPV-11 and are usually painless sometimes cause itching.

Oral Sex, HPV and Throat Cancer: A Risky Combination - Erectile Doctor - 0 views

    The incidence of a particular form of throat cancer is rising according to a recent report in the British Medical Journal.The type of cancer identified by this research team is related to the human papilloma virus (HPV). Researchers say that sexual transmission of HPV may explain the rise in cases.When you add cervical cancer in [...]


    India rank's no. 1 in cancer cervix, this is largely because we believe that leucorrhoea (white discharge per vagina) is normal to occur. This leucorrhoea is primarily because of a variety of genital infections like candidiasis, trichomoniasis, vaginosis etc. These vaginal infections render the genital tract susceptible to HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection. When we come across HPV, usually 80% of HPV infections are cleared off by our immunity. But if our immunity is hampered due to these vaginal infections, promiscuity, early age at intercourse, smoking etc, we tend to harbor this organism in our cervical cells (cells the f mouth of uterus). There HPV causes sequence of changes ranging from ASCOUS, AGOUS, CIN1, CIN2, CIN3, carcinoma in situ to florid Cancer cervix (cancer of mouth of uterus). These changes take about 10-12 years before conversion to florid cancer giving us a window for catching the diseases in its infancy.
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