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Best Gynaecologist in Delhi | Pediatrician in Nehru Place| Apollo Cradle Delhi - 0 views

    Apollo Cradle is one of the best maternity hospital in Delhi. Get an appointment with our best gynecologist in Delhi center. Consult with our best pediatrician, child specialist, gynecologist, near you in Delhi Nehru Place. We have best doctors for the treatment of IVF, Neonatology, Gynaecology, Maternity, Fertility, Women, Childcare, and others. Call for Appointment at (011)- 4424 4424.
Maheen Fatima

Gynecological Intimalase Procedure (best gynecologist in dubai) - 0 views

    This article discusses the intimalase procedure and how the best gynecologist in Dubai can help regarding this. If you want to know more about it, continue reading.
David Swift

What Is Induced Labour? Why It May Be Necessary? | Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Dr. Nup... - 1 views

    Know about the process in which the Gynecologist/Obstetrician decides to artificially stimulate labour pains if these are not occurring naturally, and prepare for delivery.
Shelia Morales

Skincare & Skinmedica Laser Treatments St. louis | O'Fallon - 0 views

    Cutera was founded in 1998 and has quickly become a leader in the laser and light-based aesthetic market. Their lasers are used widely by primary care physicians, dermatologists, plastic surgeons and gynecologists for safe, effective and non-invasive aesthetic treatments for their patients.

Your gestation causing health complications terminate with MTP KIT - 0 views

    You ware pregnant of 7 weeks, but having some complication as of which your gynecologist suggest you have an abortion. Firstly, you denied for that as you are separated from your partner and living alone so your baby is only there with you. But, after knowing the adverse factor of continuing with pregnancy convinces you to go for abortion...
David Swift

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Symptoms - 1 views

    PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a gynaecological disorder that affects 8 to 20% of the female population. It is an endocrine system disorder in which fluid-filled sacs or cysts develop in the ovaries and affect women in their reproductive years. The problem is often neglected and goes undiagnosed, creating problems at the time of conception.
David Swift

Causes of male and female Infertility | Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Dr. Nupur Gupta Blog - 1 views

    Infertility- Read about the causes of male and female infertility. Know about symptoms, signs and tests, treatment and prevention. Click to read & explore more.
David Swift

Understanding Polycystic Ovarian Disease | Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Dr. Nupur Gupta - 1 views

    Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease is also known as Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome, PCOD or PCOS in short. It is globally prevalent in 4%-8% of women in reproductive age group.


    India rank's no. 1 in cancer cervix, this is largely because we believe that leucorrhoea (white discharge per vagina) is normal to occur. This leucorrhoea is primarily because of a variety of genital infections like candidiasis, trichomoniasis, vaginosis etc. These vaginal infections render the genital tract susceptible to HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection. When we come across HPV, usually 80% of HPV infections are cleared off by our immunity. But if our immunity is hampered due to these vaginal infections, promiscuity, early age at intercourse, smoking etc, we tend to harbor this organism in our cervical cells (cells the f mouth of uterus). There HPV causes sequence of changes ranging from ASCOUS, AGOUS, CIN1, CIN2, CIN3, carcinoma in situ to florid Cancer cervix (cancer of mouth of uterus). These changes take about 10-12 years before conversion to florid cancer giving us a window for catching the diseases in its infancy.
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