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Anatoliy Simeonov

Ways to boost your immune system - 0 views

    A strong immune system is key to good health. It protects us from all kinds of diseases - from colds, flu and cancer. Thanks to a normally functioning immune system, the body is coping with food poisoning, controlling allergies and slows the aging process. Healthy immune system function in perfect balance. It destroys harmful bacteria and removes damaged tissue.
Anatoliy Simeonov

Which vitamins mostly boost immune system? - 0 views

    In order to enable the immune system to function normally, the body needs: protein necessary for the construction of the immune cells and antibodies, carbohydrates for energy, which without any physiological process in the body is not possible, is also necessary for the fat metabolism, minerals and vitamins included in the composition of enzymes, which are due to perform and provide conversion processes. - See more at:

Immunity System : How To Boost Your Health - 0 views

    Are you worried about your immunity and want to strengthen your immune system? Taking care of your health and the health of your family, children, and parents is never exaggerated and unfounded. The organism must at all times have immunity that will allow it to cope with the greatest challenges. There are things you can't influence. However, those things that you can influence to fight the virus more effectively, such as strengthening immunity, you must take seriously and take full advantage of this opportunity. That is why we are here to give you some great tips on how to successfully strengthen your immunity and improve your health. HEALTHY DIET A healthy diet is very important for a healthy life. If you have used certain healthy habits in your life for the sake of feeling better in the body while not paying attention to what you eat, then you have probably seen that the lack of proper nutrition won't compensate for anything. A strong immunity can be achieved with a varied and balanced diet. Avoiding bad eating habits can be one of the key factors in boosting your immunity. If you want to boost your immunity, include garlic in your meals. Its antibacterial properties are well-known, and it can be included in natural antibiotics. Citrus fruits are also great for boosting immunity. Lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, and orange contain plenty of vitamin C and flavonoids, which are considered natural guardians of the immune system.
Anatoliy Simeonov

Natural antibiotics to Strengthen the immune system - 0 views

    In the treatment of many infectious diseases can not get away without antibiotics. Except that many of these drugs have numerous side effects, while not always effective ... Much more useful and cheaper to use natural antibiotics to strengthen your immune system as they are safe for the microflora of the gastro-intestinal tract, not provoking the development of fungal infections and does not damage the mucosa of the oral cavity. - See more at:
Anatoliy Simeonov

Natural immune system boosters or how to strengthen immunity - 0 views

    How to strengthen the child's immune system? 1.The first is a healthy diet which strengthens the immune system and makes them function properly . In low- protein meals decreased the number of active T cells and macrophages , as well as reducing the formation of immunoglobulin A (IgA), which are the " agents" of the immune system. Raw fruits and vegetables are the best source of vitamins and minerals to the body. No child who does not like fruit. Moreover, they are naturally sweet and are a great alternative for breakfast. You can also offer them raw or passion in the form of paste, if little boy prefers them so .
Suheir Kilani

7 Tips to Keep Your Immune System Strong During Winter - 0 views

    Keep your immune system strong during winter. Learn 7 useful and important tips from recent blog of California Family Medical & Urgent Care Center.

7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Immunity Naturally - Boost Immunity at Home - 0 views

    The immune system is the internal immune system of the body that protects the body from external diseases. When any virus, bacteria or pathogen attacks our body, then the immune system itself protects us from them. If you are very sick or you get tired without working. This means your immune system is very weak. That's why it is important for you to know how to boost your immune system. There are many supplements and products available in the market that claim to boost the immune system. But boosting the immune system is not that easy either. To boost the immune system, many things have to be adopted and many things have to be abandoned. It is very important to have a strong immune system to fight diseases. By improving a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle, we can improve our immune system and avoid diseases. Two types of Immunity: Innate immunity and Acquired immunity. 1. Innate Immunity is present from the time of birth. It is a non-specific security response that occurs automatically. It creates various types of barriers to prevent microbes from entering the body. Read More

Nutritional |Dietary supplementation is here to stay - 0 views

    Community pharmacists are readily accessible healthcare providers and medicine experts in the community setting and their counsel is often sought by patients and consumers on a number of subjects including the use of dietary supplements. Their role in the sale of and advice regarding natural health and drug alternatives has never been more relevant. The recent National Health Service (NHS) Interim People Plan calls for the NHS to put all staff front and centre of the way it operates and identifies pharmacists as a critical part of multidisciplinary teams, providing care across a wide range of increasingly complex patient needs. Despite existing demand to counsel patients on a vast range of medicines, more and more consumers are looking to their pharmacist to support and enhance their knowledge regarding the relevance of a growing range of supplementary nutrients now available. Nutritional supplementation is increasingly becoming the consumer's first choice for 'drug free' treatment or natural prevention that provides a true sense of taking control, which the prescription process often denies them. The vast and growing depository of information on the internet is certainly fuelling this, but as much of this is brand derived content, information, it can often be generic with a 'one size fits all' marketing message.
Katie Diaz

Vaccine Research & Development In India, Vaccines Research - Hillemanlabs - 0 views

    Hilleman laboratories vaccine research and science programs are focused on turning innovative science into practical solutions for developing countries.
Katie Diaz

vaccine research - 0 views

    Hilleman laboratories vaccine research and science programs are focused on turning innovative science into practical solutions for developing countries.
    Hilleman laboratories vaccine research and science programs are focused on turning innovative science into practical solutions for developing countries.
Rita Nagy

Which probiotic supplements and foods to choose to improve the microflora - 0 views

    Probiotic supplements can be taken together with antibiotics to ensure that the good and bad bacteria in the body stay balanced.
Katie Diaz

Immunization Chart for Children - 0 views

    Good health is the best gift you can give to your new born baby, as we all are aware of the fact that newborn babies are prone to get affected easily by viruses or diseases because of their low immunity level in comparison to adults.
Anatoliy Simeonov

How to boost immune system against flu and other viral diseases. - 0 views

    mmunе system boosters and immunomodulators are major therapeutic agents used to treat hepatitis, herpes, cancer. Therefore they should not be used to boost the immune system, and to be appointed by the specialist after a careful review. One of the functions of the immune system is to regulate cell growth, that prevent viral and bacterial diseases. Therefore, not all well evaluated using immunomodulatory agents may cause "immune error" and cause serious health problems (e.g., unlocking the autoimmune disease).
Katie Diaz

vaccine manufacture - 0 views

    There is big gap between the healthcare facilities provided by the developing nations and developed nations. Vaccination programs help developing countries, defend deadliest of diseases. Hilleman Labs, a partner of Merck & Co. and Wellcome Trust
Anatoliy Simeonov

11 Useful foods to strengthen immune system - 0 views

    List of healthy foods which can help you to boost your immune system to provide resistance to the pathogen and successfully cope with their raids without going to the pharmacy.
Katie Diaz

child immunization - 0 views

    The Immunization Schedule charts for Children should be maintained. The Global Immunization schemes have been researched by Hilleman Laboratories.
bang kaisar

How to Boost Your Child's Immune System - 0 views

shared by bang kaisar on 19 Aug 11 - No Cached
    Unlike adults, children are yet to develop their immune procedure. This is the senses why they are agreed essential vaccines as new as they are. It's too a truth with the purpose of small children get a hold sick without difficulty especially at some stage in the cold seasons.
My Wellness

How Antioxidants Work, Preventing Free Radical Damage - 0 views

    Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by molecules known as free radicals, helping you live a longer and healthier life. Turmeric, Garlic, Peppermint, Cumin, Liquorice, Pomegranate, Dark Green Veggies,Sweet Potatoes and Orange, Thyme and Berries are the rich antioxidants food.
Brian Burgess

8 Foods That Detox and "Purify" Your Body Inside Out - 0 views

    Consuming certain foods can flush out toxins from your body and boost your health and immunity. Read Rehab for Teens' latest blog to know more about foods that help detox and purify the body inside out.
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