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UK Covid-19 Inquiry Collects 50,000 Stories: 'Every Story Matters' Shapes Future Recomm... - 0 views

    The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has published the first record from Every Story Matters, bringing together stories from 50,000 people who have shared their experiences of life during the pandemic. Every Story Matters - the largest public engagement exercise ever undertaken by a UK inquiry - has been traveling across the UK to hear from the public since October 2023. These anonymised stories will help produce a themed report, which will help the Chair, Baroness Hallett, to reach conclusions and make recommendations for the future. Ben Connah, Secretary to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, expressed his gratitude for the public's involvement, stating: "This is a remarkable milestone for the UK Covid-19 Inquiry and I could not be more grateful to the public for your support and involvement." "This year we have travelled the length and breadth of the UK to listen to people's stories, from Enniskillen to Ipswich, from Oban to Southampton. "Every one of these stories matters and will go on to shape the Chair's recommendations for the future."

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Motivating Story Of Physically Challenged - 0 views

    How does a person feel when he lost his eyes in an accident or when one of his legs amputated? Would he feel like to end his life to escape from the crises or try to face all the problems that come on his way? According to the statistics more than one million people in the world commit suicide per year and over thirty thousand of these are said to be from the United States. Why these people commit suicide? What demoralize them? The surveys says that people commit suicide for different reasons in which most common are financial problems, relationship problems, bullying and stress of work. These people are trapped in depression and make up their mind that things will never get better, and none can improve the situation. G. B. Shaw said, "Sometimes, people get attached to their burdens more than the burdens are attached to them." Life gets tough We all just have to admit that life can sometimes get tough! Our health may sometimes suffer, family demands demoralize, daily traumas build up and work strains speed up, but it doesn't mean to feel that the life isn't worth living. In such situation, we need a dose of inspiration that makes us feel good.Buy online wheelchair for handicapped and disabled at lowest Wheelchair price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping. Inspiration brings positive signs and heightens our creativity. In times of insecurity, remind yourself of those who overcame bodily limitations and various obstructions. Finding inspiration Here are six inspirational stories of people who, in spite of their physical limitations, participated fully in all aspects of the society. These differently-abled people (I don't like to say them disable) are not only inspirational to other people having physical problems; but equally inspirational to those of us who feel life is worthless and give up trying when the obstacles come on our way. One of the world's best-known overachiever Stephen Hawking who suffers from Mot

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: A Success Story Of Help Handicapped - 0 views

    The loss of a foot or limb due to landmine explosions or any disease is a major tragedy for any human being and to come to terms with this loss of a part of the body is not only a very traumatic experience but also fraught with dire economic consequences. A financially independent person suddenly realizes that he or she is totally at the mercy of relatives and friends and unable to indulge in any income generating activity. Prospects of poverty loom large over the horizon and this mental anguish coupled with the physical injury can wreck many a life.Buy online Handicapped Tricycle and disabled at lowest price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping store of Tricycle manufacturer, distributor, dealer and supplier of variety of Tricycles at low price in india for handicapped Rehabilitation of such individuals is of prime importance and it is here that Help Handicapped International (HHI) plays a pivotal role especially in conflict areas where the number of landmine amputees is large. HHI is a registered charity working for the welfare of the physically handicapped and an NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC. HHI specializes in fitting the Jaipur Foot prosthetic-an artificial limb developed in India and the most preferred in Asia and Africa because of the following factors: (i) It is light in weight (ii) It is fast and easy to fabricate. Since its manufacturing takes only a few hours the patient who comes to the centre in the morning can walk out on his own artificial limb by evening. (iii) It is very cost effective. (iv) It facilitates cycling, walking bare foot and squatting-all tasks essential to lead a near normal life in these continents. Post fitment the patient undergoes physiotherapy sessions to become accustomed to the artificial limb. He or she is also explained about some simple exercises that could be carried out at home as well as some tips on the proper use and maintenance of the prosthetic. HHI has b

BBC show puts spotlight on community pharmacy - 0 views

    The One Show on BBC One has put community pharmacy in the limelight, showcasing the sector's vital work during the pandemic to a primetime TV audience. The five minute segment, aired on May 10, featured Sutton pharmacist Reena Barai and a reception at St. James's Palace for around 200 pharmacists, including Barai, hosted by the Prince of Wales on May 4. "It was great to be part of such a positive story," Barai, who is a board member of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), said. "It's heartening that the national media are taking notice of the sector, because it's too often overlooked. Coverage like this both reflects public opinion and shapes it, that's why the NPA works so hard on keeping us in the public eye." The segment told the story of community pharmacy's role during the pandemic and contained footage of a speech by the Prince of Wales, praising the sector for its contribution to the nation's healthcare. "Pharmacists are about people and places, not just pills, a place where science, as it were, meets society. I just want to thank you all, more than I can possibly say, for everything you do so brilliantly to keep people well, and above all, save lives. Thank you, everybody," Prince Charles is seen saying at the reception.
Alvaro Fernandez

Are mentally-stimulating activities good or bad for the brain? - 0 views

    Here is a true story about cognitive health. Brain exercise may worsen existing Alzheimers disease. Read more about this latest scientific study at sharpbrains.

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Specialist Tricycle Will Give Disabled Boy The Chance T... - 0 views

    A 7-year-old boy from South port, who was born with a medical condition that restricts his ability to play with his friends, is set to have much more fun in the playground thanks to receiving a Specialist Tricycle. Matthew Evans, who has Kabuki Syndrome, a condition which left him with a narrowing aorta in his heart, and weak muscle tone in his legs, was unable to walk until he was 3½-years-old. Although he can now walk by himself he can be unsteady on his feet.Buy online Tricycle for Disabled People and disabled at lowest price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping store of Tricycle manufacturer, distributor, dealer and supplier of variety of Tricycles at low price in india for handicapped 10169.13 Matthew Evans tricycle - document As a result he's found it difficult to play outside with other children, often having to watch them from indoors. Matthew's mum, Kathryn, explained that the tricycle has had an immediate impact on her sons quality of life: "He's taken to it so well. Until now the lack of power in his legs made him unable to pedal. But the new tricycle has been engineered to make pedalling that much easier, and now he pedals everywhere with a huge smile on his face." The tricycle has a steering rod which enables Kathryn, along with dad Frank, to steer whilst Matthew puts in the leg work; further developing the muscle tone in is limbs. Kathryn explained that it's not just about physical development: "Obviously, the more Matthew uses the tricycle the more strength he will develop in his legs, however, it's also making him a more confident boy. He's pushing himself to go faster and he's now much more involved with other children. He's competing against them, so the tricycle is improving him both physically and emotionally." Wheelchair india is manufacturer, supplier, distributor and dealer of Standard Single Hand Drive Tricycle For Disabled and handicapped in india Matthew's 4-year-old sister, Laura, is also be

Craig Raucher's Story - The court is no place for a guy with bad knees! - 0 views

    Craig Raucher A Guy Even With Bad Knees Play Basketball Playing professional basketball was always a part of life for Craig Raucher. But eight years ago, at the age of 59, he certainly had his knees replaced in the traditional age window, particularly considering his long and rich experience with athletics. Today, at the age of 67 and with two knee replacements behind him, not only with his peers but also with friends who are decades younger, he's back playing full-court basketball three days a week. Read the entire story:

Success Stories Of Global Patients: From Australia to India: Alira's Story of Hope, Hea... - 0 views

    We will share the experience of a patient Alira S. Bennett from Australia who sought Heart Failure Surgery in India with the help of Indian Health Guru Consultants. We will discuss the cost of surgery, the quality of care, and the overall experience.
thriveok wellness

Your Immune System Is In Your Stomach | Thrive OK Wellness - 0 views

    personal stories about weight loss and fitness for life, meet friends make new firends biking on a trek across Oklahoma
thriveok wellness

Be A Green Shopper | Thrive OK Wellness - 0 views

    personal stories about weight loss and fitness for life, meet friends make new firends biking on a trek across Oklahoma
    personal stories about weight loss and fitness for life, meet friends make new firends biking on a trek across Oklahoma

Weight Loss Success Stories - What Can We Learn? - 0 views

started by reemzoom on 05 May 13 no follow-up yet
Angelina Princess

Most Informative Links for HGH - 0 views

    Following are the links from which you can get a lot of information about HGH Human Growth Hormone
Richard Morris

Sochi Olympics Russia: The story of Empty Seats | Fitness Tip of The Day - 1 views

    Winter Olympics of 2014 are the 22nd winter Olympics that are programmed to be held from Feb 7th to Feb 23rd in Sochi, Russia. Event is facing criticism for poor preparations, Russian organizers of the mega event, SOC (Sochi Organizing Committee), are also criticized because of the major controversies marked by this event. Corruption allegations, lack of safety measures for LGBT.
Cristiana Crestani

Are OREOS as addictive as COCAINE? - 0 views

    Scientists claim to have finally figured out why most people cannot get enough of Oreos. Long story short, they say that, according to evidence at hand, these chocolate cookies are as addictive as cocaine. The chocolate cookies have been found to trigger the same neurons in the brain's 'pleasure centre' as the outlawed drug during extensive lab testing on rats. Read the full article

Get Started in Fitness - STOMPApparel Founder, Barry's Story - Stomp Apparel - 0 views

    "Your fitness and health change, my 5 tips to getting you started."
    "Your fitness and health change, my 5 tips to getting you started."

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Cerebral Palsy Information - 0 views

    Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of conditions caused by medical abnormalities in the development of a fetus or the early life of a child. These lead to damage or delayed development in the brain. The disorder is permanent and, though it does not worsen with age, the level of functionality of a person with cerebral palsy varies widely: in some cases, effects may be very minor, while in others, movement is impaired to the extent that a wheelchair is required. Common complications associated with CP vary by the type of CP disorder but can include vision problems, seizures, learning disabilities, and issues speaking, writing, and performing other tasks related to motor control. Cerebral palsy is the focus of a large amount of medical research every year. Though much of this research deals with younger patients, more and more attention is being paid to CP sufferers as they age and seek fuller opportunities and more integration with the rest of society. Living with CP is a daily challenge, but paths to a richer and more fulfilling life are being found. There is not, and may never be a "cure" for CP, but greater understanding by clinicians and the daily success stories of those who overcome their limitations are making. Buy online CP Wheelchair, Pediatric Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair, Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair, CP Child Wheelchair for handicapped and disabled at lowest price and cheap cost in india from wheelchair india online shopping store of Karma CP Wheelchair, Pediatric Wheelchair, Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair, CP Child Wheelchair at low price in india. Causes of Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy is generally caused by developmental issues during pregnancy which lead to abnormal conditions in the brain. During the birth process, lack of oxygen caused by premature delivery or delivery-room errors can cause brain damage that facilitates cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy can also be caused by recognizable brain injuries sustained by the developing child up to an early
Disease They Call FAT

Lipedema Treatment Diet - The Disease They Call FAT - 0 views

    The documentary, The Disease They Call FAT, is that story. Produced by Lipedema Simplified Productions in partnership with the Friedman Center for Lymphedema Research & Treatment.
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