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Hypertension: - 14 views

Hypertension can be such a challenging condition to manage. It's important to stay on top of your health and monitor your blood pressure regularly. I've found that using digital health tools can re...

Hypertension symptoms health problems Killer disease.


Blood pressure checks:Well Pharmacy offers free checkups - 0 views

    Well Pharmacy is offering free blood pressure checks in all its branches across England to raise awareness of the dangers posed by hypertension. The leading independent pharmacy chain is inviting people to #thebigsqueeze in conjunction with May Measurement Month and World Hypertension Day (May 17) by inviting them to get a free blood pressure check and to learn more on the importance of understanding hypertension. George Sandhu, deputy superintendent pharmacist at Well Pharmacy said: "May Measurement Month is a global blood pressure screening awareness campaign. The aim is to raise awareness of the dangers posed by elevated BP and hypertension. May 17 is World Hypertension Day, and a perfect time to take control and get your blood pressure checked. "We are delighted to be supporting this campaign. Hypertension (more commonly known as high blood pressure) can cause a range of health issues.  Worryingly, it often comes with no symptoms, which is why it is vital to know if your blood pressure is higher people don't have any symptoms of high blood pressure so having their blood pressure checked is the only way to find out. "People can come into any of our Well Pharmacies across England and have their blood pressure checked. The theme for 2023 is Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer - and knowing your number is one of the most important things people can do.

Parliamentary drop-in event on hypertension service:PSNC - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) will be hosting a Parliamentary drop-in event for MPs on Monday (14 November). "The event will last for roughly two hours, during which MPs will have the opportunity to drop-in and have their blood pressure measured by a fully qualified pharmacist," said the committee. It added: "This event will be a great opportunity to talk to MPs from across the political spectrum about the incredible work pharmacies are doing up and down the country, to demonstrate the Hypertension Case-Finding Service and to discuss the frontline role pharmacists play in delivering vital services and free, expert advice." The other community pharmacy bodies, including the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), the Company Chemists' Association (CCA) and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) will also be present on the day, providing the sector with a valuable chance to present a united front on the big issues facing contractors throughout the country.

Pharmacy technicians to perform blood checks under 'Community Pharmacy Hypertension Cas... - 0 views

    Along with pharmacists, pharmacy technicians in England are now able to perform blood pressure checks as part of the Hypertension Case-Finding Service and deliver the Smoking Cessation Service (SCS). The government has amended Drug Tariff and includes the amendments to The Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (Amendment) (England) Directions 2023. Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) said: "The service specifications for both services are currently going through NHS England's publication process; when these are published PSNC will alert contractors through their normal communication channels. PSNC resources for both of these services are also currently being updated."

Hypertension And Diabetes Are Linked :Scientists - 0 views

    One of the long-standing medical mysteries is the diagnosis of diabetes in majority of patients suffering from high blood pressure. The reason for this had been unknown. But now, an international team of universities have made a breakthrough. The research, published online in 'Circulation Research', involved contributions from collaborating scientists in Brazil, Germany, Lithuania, and Serbia, as well as the UK and New Zealand. The important new discovery has shown that a small protein cell glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) couples the body's control of blood sugar and blood pressure. Professor Julian Paton, a senior author, and director of Manaaki Manawa, The Centre for Heart Research at the University of Auckland, said: "We've known for a long time that hypertension and diabetes are inextricably linked and have finally discovered the reason, which will now inform new treatment strategies." GLP-1 is released from the wall of the gut after eating and acts to stimulate insulin from the pancreas to control blood sugar levels. This was known but what has now been unearthed is that GLP-1 also stimulates a small sensory organ called the carotid body located in the neck.

EMIS Pinnacle Enhances Pharmacy First with GP Connect Update Record - 0 views

    EMIS Pinnacle, the leading Pharmacy First IT supplier, has begun implementing the GP Connect Update Record feature to all community pharmacies in England that use PharmOutcomes. Starting June 28, this new feature was made available for use with the Hypertension case-finding service and the Pharmacy contraception service, as announced by the Community Pharmacy England (CPE). The GP Connect Update Record will enable community pharmacies to securely share "structured" information with GP practices regarding consultations conducted under the Pharmacy First programme, which includes minor illness and clinical pathways, along with Hypertension Case Finding and Pharmacy Contraception services Live testing is underway with EMIS Pinnacle for Pharmacy First minor illness and clinical pathways. There are plans to expand the system in the future to include updates for urgent supply of medicines under the Pharmacy First service. EMIS Pinnacle is the third CPCF IT system supplier to offer this functionality, following Cegedim's Pharmacy Services system and Positive Solutions' HXConsult system.

Conditions Causing Type 2 Diabetes And High BP : Study - 0 views

    A study by scientists in a UK university has shown the scale of the prevalence of a condition that can lead to various cardiometabolic diseases. The study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal on Tuesday (January 4) has prompted calls for changes to healthcare policy after researchers revealed, for the first time, the scale of the impact of the condition associated with benign tumours that can lead to type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Up to 10 per cent of adults have a benign tumour, or lump, known as an 'adrenal incidentaloma' in their adrenal glands which can be associated with the overproduction of hormones including the stress steroid hormone cortisol that can lead to type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Previous small studies suggested that one in three adrenal incidentalomas produce excess cortisol, a condition called mild autonomous cortisol secretion (MACS). An international research team led by the University of Birmingham carried out the largest ever prospective study of over 1,305 patients with adrenal incidentalomas to assess their risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes and their cortisol production by comparing patients with and without MACS.

CPE Webinars for New Services | Dec-Jan Schedule - Join Now - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) is organising a series of webinars to help pharmacy owners and their teams to prepare for the implementation of new Pharmacy First service, and changes to the Contraception and Hypertension Case-Finding Services. Beginning from 5th December, the webinars would be conducted throughout December and January, with support from NHS England and the Centre for Postgraduate Education (CPPE), the organisation announced on Thursday (30 November). During the online seminars, pharmacy teams will be explained about the individual services announced, and things to consider before they start providing, or expand their offering of, these services. Each webinar will have CPE's Services Team, who would be leading the team, and policy experts from NHS England and CPPE as speakers.

How to know Pulmonary hypertension? - 0 views

    Audio link How to know Pulmonary hypertension? What are the main effects and symptoms of the disease?

Alpha Blockers: The Effectual Antihypertensive Drug - 0 views

    Are alpha blocker drugs effective in lowering high blood pressure? #alphablockers #hypertension #highbloodpressure #hypertensionmedicines #bloodpressurechecking

Pharmacy Blood Pressure Checks at Risk: NPA Chair Slams BMA's 'Shortsighted' Vote - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has lashed out at the British Medical Association (BMA) after GP leaders voted in favour of the motion to terminate pharmacy blood pressure checks with immediate effect and redirect the funds into pharmacy dispensing fees. Commenting on the BMA's vote, NPA chair Nick Kaye said: "It benefits no-one, least of all patients, for one set of health care professionals to talk down the services provided by another." He emphasised the importance of investment and collaboration across the healthcare system, particularly between general practice and community pharmacies, to provide the best possible care for patients. Furthermore, Kaye stressed the value of pharmacy-based NHS clinical services in improving access to care, while also providing more convenient care for patients and relieving pressure on other parts of primary care. "It would be terribly shortsighted to row back on preventative services such as hypertension case finding, which will be cost-saving as well as lifesaving in the long term," he warned. He noted that the NHS will only meet the growing needs and expectations of the ageing population by making the most of capacity and skills across the whole system.

Stroke Genetics And Risk Factors | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Stroke is a cerebrovascular syndrome that involves the blockage and bursting of blood vessels in the brain. It shows a multifactorial pattern of inheritance. High cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, hypertension and obesity are the key causes of stroke besides inherited genes.

Diet can improve bp, sugar levels and weight control:Study - 0 views

    Adults who are overweight or obese and have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes are at a higher risk of developing severe health issues, according to authors of a recent study. Experts. however, disagree on the best dietary regimens and supportive measures to suggest. The latest study was published in the journal 'The Annals of Family Medicine'. In the findings, researchers used a 2×2 diet-by-support factorial design to randomise 94 adults with the aforementioned conditions, contrasting a very low-carbohydrate (VLC) or ketogenic diet with a Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. They also determined the outcomes of interventions that included and excluded additional support practices like mindful eating, effective emotion regulation, social support, and cooking instruction. Using intent-to-treat analyses, the VLC diet led to greater improvement in estimated mean systolic blood pressure (SBP; -9.8 mmHg vs. -5.2 mmHg, P =.046), greater improvement in glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c; -.4 per cent vs. -.1 per cent, P = 0.034), and greater improvement in weight (-19.14 lbs vs. -10.33 lbs, P = 0.0003), compared to the DASH diet. The addition of extra support did not have a statistically significant effect on outcomes.

PSNC launches 'four point plan' at parliamentary event - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has launched a four point plan at its parliamentary drop-in event for MPs and peers hosted on Tuesday (15 November). The event lasted for two hours, during which MPs had the opportunity to drop-in and have their blood pressure measured by pharmacists with experience of working on the front-line and were briefed on the urgent need for action to address the pressures on the sector. Outline of the four-point plan: Resolve the funding squeeze: Community pharmacy needs an immediate funding uplift to prevent large-scale pharmacy closures, as well as emergency business relief to get through this winter. Tackle regulatory and other burdens: Pharmacies must be protected from medicines market shocks, supported to help them weather the workforce crisis, helped to free up capacity and freed from red tape that does not enhance patient care. Help pharmacies to expand their role in primary care: Pharmacies could do more to support the delivery of primary care for example through offering clinical services for long-term conditions - like hypertension, diabetes and respiratory disease, supporting people to adopt healthier lifestyles and prevent the development of long-term conditions, medicines optimisation, and a much wider variety of NHS vaccinations.

Vegan Diet: Its Benefits and Improve Your Stomach Health - 0 views

    Whether you believe it or not, following a vegan diet can be quite eventful for your body. For instance, it can help you lose weight, get a better body structure, and so on. However, is that all? You can get that by following a thorough exercise plan as well, no? Well, yes, you can. Nevertheless, following a vegan diet plan can help you out in more than a single manner. Please keep reading this article till the end to know more about it. WHAT IS A VEGAN DIET? As a vegan, you can eat dairy food, including cheese and milk, without any boundaries. If you want to get a little bit of protein, you may consume eggs (boiled or in a gravy) too. Also, yes, plants are going to be an integral part of your diet plan too. However, you won't be able to eat meat anymore. So, no chicken, mutton, or beef for the rest of your life. Instead, you will need to focus solely on plant-based protein. BENEFITS OF FOLLOWING A VEGAN DIET A plant-based diet structure can be highly beneficial for your health. For example, it can - LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, can increase your risk of a heart attack. It's also known to be a close counterpart of type-2 diabetes too. Fortunately, though, the diet you follow can make quite a massive difference here. For example, following a vegan diet can help you reduce the amount of oily food you're taking on a daily basis. This, in turn, can decrease the amount of cholesterol in your blood and make it easier for you to lose weight. And, the less obese you are, the lower your blood pressure will be.

VAT exemption extended to include services - 0 views

    The government has extended VAT exemption from Monday (1 May) on healthcare services carried out by pharmacy staff under the supervision of pharmacists. HM Revenue and Customs has issued a note detailing the change to the VAT treatment of medical services. The Government said this will bring the VAT treatment of pharmacists in line with other registered health professionals providing medical services to the public. The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) said: "This is something that PSNC has been seeking Government agreement on for a long time, including in recent CPCF negotiations." PSNC believes that the extension of this VAT exemption will help as community pharmacy businesses try to make better use of the skill mix in their teams both now and in the future. "Not only does it enable contractors to review the VAT status of any locally commissioned services currently provided by non-registered pharmacy staff but also, in time, it could be used to amend nationally commissioned services to allow support staff to provide certain parts. For example, following a recent amendment to the service Directions, pharmacy technicians are now able to perform blood pressure checks as part of the Hypertension Case-Finding Service and deliver the Smoking Cessation Service.

CPE Aims for Expanded Services Agreement with DHSC and NHSE - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) is aiming to reach an agreement with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England (NHSE) on negotiation with regards to expanded services and payment model in the pharmacy sector. Chief Executive Janet Morrison, said: "We are working at pace in negotiations with DHSC and NHSE. The process remains on track with the Government's original timescale - i.e. aiming for agreement in July, with cross-government clearance later in July, and implementation from July through to September." CPE is involved in working groups on service expansion of Hypertension Case-Finding and the Pharmacy Contraception Scheme and service design for the Common Conditions Service; and are in in-depth negotiations on Payment models. These discussions critically look at the balance between funding core capacity and activity payments, how the funding streams will be distributed and how CPE will measure delivery and impact. NHSE has been leading on the development of the PGD pathways for each of the 7 conditions, with external medical, pharmacy and other experts feeding into the process - pharmacy owners from the Community Pharmacy England Committee have also been involved but the discussions are clinically led to ensure they comply with NICE principles and concur with Antimicrobial Stewardship policy.

Boots UK Grants 5% Pay hike to Pharmacists: A Win-Win Deal - 0 views

    Boots UK has agreed to grant a five per cent pay increase to its pharmacists following a collaborative agreement with the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA). This raise acknowledges the unique market conditions faced by pharmacists in the community pharmacy sector, Boots UK and PDA said in a joint statement on Oct. 9. According to the statement, the pay increase applies to all pharmacists within the PDA Union's bargaining unit, except for those who joined or received a pay raise after August 2023. Moreover, trainee pharmacists or those not meeting performance standards are not eligible for the raise. Additionally, pharmacists and store managers will receive a pro-rata, one-time non-consolidated payment of £750 in August 2024. This payment serves as recognition for their dedication to establishing and providing new core and advanced NHS services, particularly in light of the substantial changes anticipated in the upcoming year, the joint statement said. The services include new medicines, hypertension, contraception, and common conditions services in England, the clinical community pharmacy service in Wales, and the Pharmacy First services in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Smoking Cessation Service to commence on March 10 - 0 views

    The new Smoking Cessation Service (SCS) will commence on March 10, 2022, allowing community pharmacy contractors to register to provide the service on the NHS Business Services Authority's (NHSBSA) Manage Your Service (MYS) portal from March 1, 2022. This is the second of the two new Advanced services to be introduced this financial year, after the Hypertension case-finding service, which were agreed outcomes from negotiations for Year 3 of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework. Since the service is an Advanced service, contractors are free to decide if they wish to provide it, as most would be busy completing work for the Pharmacy Quality Scheme 2021/22 alongside winter-related workload, the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee said. Therefore, those who decide to start this service should consider the likelihood of receiving sufficient referrals to make provision of the service worthwhile, the PSNC said.

Brain Injuries and Potential of Technological Advancement - 0 views

    Suffering a brain injury is no easy thing. The plurality of potential symptoms meets with the potential long-term effects to create a poor prognosis for many unfortunate enough to experience them. But new technological leaps could pave the way to a better quality of life. What is a Brain Injury? The above question might seem a simple one, with a simple answer. But brain injuries are by no means simple, and by no means simply defined. There are two major categories under which a brain injury can fall: hypoxic and traumatic. Of civil brain injury claims in the UK, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are the most common - with 95% of claims revolving around some form of traumatic injury or incident. TBIs are brain injuries suffered as a result of a specific or direct injury. The brain is damaged through direct contact or the transfer of force. A direct strike to the head is in an assault or a serious fall might compromise the cranium, sending shockwaves of energy through the brain and potentially crushing the skull into the cranial cavity. Alternatively, a car accident or sudden stop might see the brain bashed against the occipital bone, causing internal trauma and intracranial hypertension. Hypoxic brain injuries refer specifically to injuries caused as a result of loss of blood or oxygen to the head. These injuries reflect birth injuries that might lead to cerebral palsy, or serious medical events that might alter the brain's response to stimuli. How are Brain Injuries Diagnosed and Treated? While the potential causes of a brain injury are plain to see, diagnosing a brain injury is not as straightforward. There are immediate symptoms that can indicate brain injury, such as the 'fencing response' which can indicate a severe rotational brain injury. Conscious patients might also exhibit difficulty speaking, remembering key pieces of information or responding to any stimuli.
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