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GPhC consults on equality guidance for pharmacies - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has launched a new draft 'Equality Guidance' for pharmacies to tackle discrimination and make sure that everyone can access safe and effective person-centred pharmacy care. GPhC's consultation is seeking views on "the structure and language of the guidance, if anything is missing and the impacts on patients and members of the public, pharmacy staff, pharmacy owners, and individuals or groups sharing any of the protected characteristics." The regulator said the draft guidance is designed to support pharmacy owners to: demonstrate that they are meeting our standards for registered pharmacies fulfil their legal and regulatory duties in relation to equality help protect the rights of individuals advance equal opportunities for staff, patients and the wider public help improve the experience and healthcare outcomes of patients and members of the public.

RPS :'A Long Way To Go To Achieve Gender Equity" In Pharmacy - 0 views

    There is still a long way to go to achieve gender equality in pharmacy in both academia and profession, Royal Pharmaceutical Society president Claire Anderson said while addressing a webinar on 'Driving equality for women in pharmacy' today (November 19). Sharing her personal experience, Anderson, who earlier worked as an academic, said: "I was the first ever female professor in the School of Pharmacy at Nottingham when I was appointed as professor in 2003, and at that point, only 11 per cent of professors in my university were female." She acknowledged that the situation has changed since then, but "there's still a very long way to go to achieve gender equity in most of academia, and in pharmacy, in particular." She added that the profession has ensured safe spaces for women but noted that is not enough, as gender equity is vital to achieve healthier and safer societies. "And although our work on equality, diversity and inclusion is progressing very well, I think we're still not there. It's a journey and there's much to be achieved."

United Pharmacy Bodies Condemn Racism Amid UK Riots 2024 | Stand Together for Equality - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPHC), Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), Company Chemists Association (CCA), Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK (APTUK), National Pharmacy Association (NPA), Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists, Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA), and Independent Pharmacies Association (IPA) have released a joint statement in response to the far-right riots across the UK. They emphasised their united stance, declaring zero tolerance for racism towards colleagues or the public in any form. The joint statement reads: "We are shocked and saddened by the violent public disorder events in recent days. "We acknowledge how all sectors of the pharmacy profession may be impacted and recognise the challenges that this level of overt aggression can have on people's ability or willingness to live their daily lives. "The pharmacy workforce deserves peace and safety, not fear and harm. We stand united in having a zero tolerance of racism towards our colleagues or the public in whatever form it takes." Meanwhile, Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has expressed concerns that protests and violent disorder in various towns and cities across England may impact the ability of community pharmacies to operate.

Pharmacy Students Demand Equal NHS Learning Support - 0 views

    Three pharmacy bodies have called on the government to allow pharmacy students access to the NHS learning support fund (LSF) currently available to students from other healthcare professions. Calling it "unjust", the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), British Pharmaceutical Students' Association (BPSA), and Pharmacy Schools Council (PSC) have voiced their disappointment over continual exclusion of pharmacy students on clinical placements and asked that pharmacy students are given equal access to the LSF. The Department of Health and Social Care recently announced a 50 percent increase in travel and accommodation allowances for students in nursing, midwifery, allied health professions, medical, and dental courses. However, this initiative notably excluded pharmacy students.

GPhC Unveils Shocking Truths About Racism in Pharmacy - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has published new reports on racism and other inequalities in pharmacy, following a series of virtual equality roundtables. This council organised its second equality roundtable on 18 September 2023, focussing on the topic of 'Language Barriers and Health Inequalities', and a follow-up roundtable on 'Racism in Pharmacy: Accountability Counts' on 10 October 2023. A wide range of pharmacy-related organisations, patient groups, equality groups, providers of translation services and software, individual pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and wider teams from different sectors and settings attended the events. GPhC chair, Gisela Abbam thanked speakers and attendees for listening and contributing to the important discussions around racism and language barriers, which she said are "not purely a pharmacy problem, nor a health problem", but a "much broader" system problem. "It is important we acknowledge that, and do what we can to tackle racism and barriers wherever we find them," she added.

PWRES Report: Battling Discrimination in Pharmacy - 0 views

    Pharmacists from BAME backgrounds still face higher levels of discrimination, harassment, bullying, and career obstacles compared to their white counterparts, the Pharmacy Workforce Race Equality Standard (PWRES) report has revealed. Published by NHSE England, this report underscores the persistent presence of inequality, emphasising the crucial need for all stakeholders in the pharmacy sector to prioritise addressing these issues. The PWRES report indicates that pharmacy team members of Black ethnic backgrounds are less likely to perceive equal opportunities for career advancement or promotion within their trust. Additionally, female pharmacy team members from BAME backgrounds report higher incidents of personal discrimination in the workplace. The report also highlights an overrepresentation of pharmacy technicians from BAME backgrounds in lower-paid roles. "It is shocking and unacceptable to see that across all indicators the BME staff experience is worse than their white counterparts," said Tase Oputu, Chair of RPS in England.

Double standards:Dangerous for patients and can't acceptable - 0 views

    The recent announcement that Royal Mail will be partnering with distance selling pharmacy (DSP) giant pharmacy2U highlights how standards of regulatory enforcement are being ignored to accommodate the DSP model. The brunt of these double standards hinges around the levelling down of temperature enforcement standards by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) which demands mapping must be audited from the point of dispensing to the patient. The MHRA has a well recognised duty to ensure medicines reach patients in a safe condition. The current anomaly appears to turn a blind eye to this step in the supply chain at the point the wholesaler releases goods to the pharmacy hub. Equally the training on delivering medicines safely and effectively direct to patients should apply fully to all hubs including DSPs. Why is it that DSPs are being treated differently to bricks and mortar pharmacies? It's essentially the same patients receiving the same medicines from the same wholesalers. A further regulatory disparity exists around how parcels must be "tracked and signed for" to be reasonably certain medicines are delivered into the hand of the intended recipient, as per existing regulations. Clearly an untracked, unsigned package cannot be guaranteed to finish in the hands of the intended recipient. There is a very real possibility that such omission could lead to community pharmacy closures which will, in turn, lead to unemployment and a reduction in the care services. At a time when integrated care systems have just gone live, the removal of vital support services leading to further inequalities is the wrong message for both providers and patients alike.

Community pharmacy inclusive environment for professionals - 0 views

    NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I), in association with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and the Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK (APTUK), has published its first inclusive pharmacy practice (IPP) bulletin, with an overarching ambition "to make community pharmacy a more inclusive environment for all pharmacy professionals". The IPP programme will take practical steps to improve the awareness and understanding at all levels of different cultural beliefs and attitudes, according to the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC). As a member of the IPP Improving Practice and Engagement Group, PSNC has contributed to this issue of the Bulletin, which focuses on how pharmacy professionals can help to reduce health inequalities via the detection and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The IPP programme, of which the Bulletin forms a part, aims to engage with local communities to help improve their health and reduce inequalities in care - particularly among those from ethnically diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds.

Soh Xi Ken :PDA LGBT+ Network wins STUC equality award - 0 views

    Fife-based trainee pharmacist and Honorary Secretary of the PDA LGBT+ Network, Soh Xi Ken has won the Scottish Trades Union Congress' (STUC) Equality Award. One of Scotland's leading LGBT+ campaigners and Honorary Secretary of the PDA's LGBT+ Network has been recognised for his advocacy work for LGBT+ pharmacists in Scotland. Soh Xi Ken of the PDA received the Equality Award at the STUC Annual Congress in April 2023 in Dundee. The award praised Xi Ken's tireless advocacy for LGBT+ workers within pharmacies in Scotland, highlighting his personal experience of homophobia in Scotland and his home country, Malaysia. In May 2021, Xi Ken became a founding member of the PDA LGBT+ Network's committee and was elected as their first Honorary Secretary. The PDA LGBT+ Network is the first of its kind in the pharmacy world and has made a significant difference to the profile of LGBT+ people in the profession. Xi Ken and others within the PDA LGBT+ Network spotted that there was a lack of LGBT+-specific guidance given to pharmacy students and that their unique and specific health needs were not being addressed as part of the pharmacy education that they received.

NHS Long-Term Workforce Plan : Pharmacy bodies reaction - 0 views

    The government has unveiled its much awaited 'NHS Long-Term Workforce Plan' to tackle the staff shortage in the pharmacy sector. The plan set out an ambition to increase the training places for pharmacists to around 5,000 places by 2031/32. David Webb, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England, in his open letter to pharmacy professionals said: "The NHS LTWP sets out how we can build on changes, addressing the changing needs of patients over the next 15 years, by closing the current workforce shortfall through funding for increased education and training places and a comprehensive retention strategy." The plan commits to expand training places for pharmacists by 29% to around 4,300 by 2028/29 and Grow the number of pharmacy technicians in future years. "The development of independent prescribing as part of initial education and training is a gamechanger for pharmacists, patients and the NHS, with approximately 2,800 newly registered pharmacist independent prescribers due to join the workforce every year from September 2026," said Webb. "This will be transformational for all pharmacy teams, creating improved access and quality of care for patients and, importantly, a more flexible workforce with skills that are equally applicable in all pharmacy settings, enabling multi-professional clinical teams to work in new ways."

GPhC Chief Calls for a Speak Up, Listen Up Culture in Pharmacies - 0 views

    Duncan Rudkin, chief executive and registrar of the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), has underscored the importance of listening in pharmacy practice, which is crucial for fostering a culture where professionals feel empowered to speak up. Rudkin, who is taking part in this year's Speak Up Month, believes that speaking up and listening are essential for ensuring quality care and patient safety. In a video message, he says: "Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy team members are working hard to provide care that's person-centered, inclusive, safe and effective to patients and members of the public. "Speaking up about anything that's getting in the way of this is a core part of pharmacy professional practice." He emphasises that while it's important for professionals to voice their concerns, it is equally vital for managers and leaders to listen and act upon this feedback.

Election Debate 2024: Community Pharmacy Closures & Political Promises - 0 views

    In a significant event organised by Eastern Eye (EE), a sister publication of Pharmacy Business, political leaders gathered on July 1st to address pressing issues affecting the Asian community The EE election debate aimed to amplify their political voice and encourage participation in the political process. The debate, moderated by Barnie Choudhury, Editor of Eastern Eye, saw prominent figures including Andrew Boff AM of the Conservative Party, Anneliese Dodds represented Labour as Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, and Lord Richard Newby from the Liberal Democrats engaged in a robust discussion. They fielded questions on various issues affecting the UK, including economic and social inequality, immigration, health inequalities, and funding cuts to community pharmacies. Amid an audience that included stakeholders from the pharmacy sector, a notable query focused on each party's stance on the role of community pharmacies and their commitment to funding these vital services.

GPhC Strategy To Achieve Diversity And Inclusion Goals - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has published a new strategy pledging to deliver equality, improve diversity and foster inclusion in all aspects of its work. The strategy was updated after a public consultation held between April and July. It's key themes are: To make regulatory decisions that are demonstrably fair, lawful, and free from discrimination and bias. To use our standards to proactively help tackle discrimination and to make sure everyone can access person-centred care, fostering equality of health outcomes.To lead by example and demonstrate best practice within our organisation, holding ourselves to the same high standards we expect of others. GPhC chair Nigel Clarke said having a strategy is vital as the pandemic has exposed "the scope and scale of inequities in society, in healthcare outcomes and in pharmacy." "Inequality and exclusion are bad for people's health. Therefore, this strategy is fundamental to our core purpose as a regulator and our vision for safe and effective pharmacy care at the heart of healthier communities."

GPhC Apology Sparks Debate on Pharmacy Roles - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) recently issued a public apology after they mistakenly referred to pharmacy technicians as 'pharmacist technicians' in a council paper. It has also written a letter of apology to the President of the Association of Pharmacy Technicians (APTUK) for the error they made. Meanwhile, the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has raised concern about an equally worrying trend in which pharmacists are being referred to by the GPhC and others as 'pharmacy professionals', a term that is also used for pharmacy technicians. The association said this creates confusion in the minds of the public about the two roles and responsibilities, which are very different, as well as have impact upon the workplace.

Breaking: NPA Welcomes 3 Trailblazing Women - 0 views

    In a move towards greater diversity and inclusivity, the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has welcomed three accomplished women to its board of key members. Aisling O'Brien, Sukhi Basra, and Sehar Shahid-who is the youngest member- have joined the board, marking a significant step in the organisation's commitment to equality and representation. The announcement, made on the occasion of the International Women's Day, by chief executive, Paul Rees MBE via X reflects the organisation's dedication to celebrating and empowering women in the pharmacy profession. Sukhi Basra, the inaugural female board member since last April, adds a valuable dimension to the NPA. With her role as a Community Pharmacy KCW committee member and her experience in clinical pharmacy spanning over 25 years, she brings a wealth of knowledge and a distinctive viewpoint.

Pharmacy Business Diversity Conference on December 9, 2021 - 0 views

    Asian Media Group will hold the inaugural Pharmacy Business Diversity Conference on Thursday December 9 - a ground-breaking event exploring and showcasing diversity and inclusion in the pharmaceutical industry. The conference, themed 'Change the Ratio', will be be chaired by BBC presenter Clive Myrie and held virtually between 10am and 5pm. While both both RPS and ABPI are supporting the conference as associate sponsors, Well Pharmacy, the UK's largest independent pharmacy chain, is the headline sponsor of the event that will have some of Britain's most inspiring leaders and influential diversity and inclusion practitioners. These leaders will share their knowledge and experience whilst offering tangible steps to positively promote and implement diversity, inclusion and equality in workplace. Check pharmacy business website for more information.

GPhC : Managing concerns about pharmacy professionals - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has initiated the evaluation of its five-year strategy for changing the way it manage concerns about pharmacy professionals. It has urged people to share their experience of fitness to practice. The evaluation will look at how the strategy has improved the experience of people involved in fitness to practice (those who raise concerns, professionals, witnesses etc.); impacted the culture amongst pharmacy professionals and their attitudes to openness and honesty; improved the process and made it fairer and changed perceptions of fitness to practice. The first phase of the evaluation process will take place from July to September 2023. The council said: "We are committed to making our ambitions a reality for the benefit of everyone involved and your contribution will help us to make sure patients and the public continue to be protected while being fair to pharmacy professionals." In June 2021, GPhC published its five-year strategy- Managing concerns about pharmacy professionals: Guided by its 2030 vision and commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, the strategy outlines a programme for change.

Social responsibility shifts into pole position in ESG - 0 views

    The rising focus on the "Social" component of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is prompting UK pharmacies, particularly independent pharmacies, to take a more active role in social responsibility. Beyond just meeting regulatory requirements, pharmacies can strengthen their communities while building trust and supporting business growth by aligning their practices with social initiatives. The importance of social responsibility in ESG Research shows 77% of consumers are motivated to purchase from companies committed to making the world a better place, while 73% of investors state that efforts to improve the environment and society contribute to their investment decisions. As customers, employees and investors increasingly expect businesses to contribute positively to society, the "Social" aspect of ESG is gaining importance. In healthcare, trust, accessibility, and community engagement are essential, giving pharmacies a unique opportunity to lead by prioritising social responsibility. By aligning with community needs and values, pharmacies can positively influence local health outcomes, while strengthening their reputation as trusted healthcare providers.

TECHNOLOGY: Pharmacists working from home - 0 views

    One evening whilst I was watching TV, my phone pinged with an all too familiar WhatsApp alert with a message preview saying "Can you help". I recognised the name as one of our Titan pharmacy customers who was clearly in a state of panic. I replied offering my assistance and asked him what was up. What followed over the next 24 hours was an interesting case study of how innovative technology can genuinely solve real challenges in pharmacies. Mr P (let's call him that) had booked a locum to cover in his dispensary on the next day so he could focus on his vaccination service. The problem - his locum had just called to cancel his booking (no reason given) and now he had no cover. Meanwhile, he was fully booked with back to back appointments and could not cancel them. He had phoned round his usual network of pharmacists and no one was available at short notice. He was asking if there was anything that Titan could do to reduce his workload and said he had heard about Titan's artificial intelligence module. Unfortunately, Titan. X had not been installed at this site and was not an option at this late stage. Equally, Titan's digital workflow cannot be circumvented so there was no way steps could be taken out of the process.

Women in Pharmacy Leadership 2024 : Rachna Chhatralia's Vision - 0 views

    Rachna Chhatralia, the superintendent pharmacist at Day Lewis and winner of the 2024 Pharmacy Business Aspiring Pharmacy Leader of the Year award, points out that, despite the pharmacy workforce being predominantly female at grass roots, leadership positions in the sector are still largely dominated by males-a reality she believes "stands to benefit greatly from change." For Rachna, more women in leadership can drive meaningful advancements across the profession, bringing new perspectives and empathetic understanding that would benefit both teams and patient care. She urges women to embrace their potential, overcome doubts, and step into leadership roles, even if it means pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. However, Rachna acknowledges the distinct challenges that women face when progressing their careers, especially when balancing roles after career breaks for childcare. Having faced these obstacles herself, Rachna advises, "Women should not feel following motherhood, they cannot strive to achieve career aspirations. It may take a little longer, but it is absolutely possible." Her own career was shaped by resilience, often pushing past her doubts by focusing on the end goal. She recalls, "There were times I thought, 'I am not sure if I can do this, but I chose to challenge myself and proceed regardless.'
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