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Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms, Types & Treatment - Health Blog - 0 views

    Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that accelerates the rate at which your skin cells grow. An effective method to treat psoriasis is phototherapy or light therapy.
    Psoriasis is an auto-immune illness that affects almost three percent of the world's population. People who suffer from psoriasis experience a great deal of skin irritation and discomfort.

Forehead Pain: When to Seek Medical Help and Diagnosis Options - 0 views

    Explore the various causes of forehead pain, when to consult a healthcare professional, and the diagnostic methods used to identify the root cause of the pain.

Anorexia Nervosa: Types, Symptoms And Causes | Health Blog - 0 views

    There are some symptoms & causes of anorexia. Are you facing weight stress? In fact, you're underweight If you have been suffering from an eating disorder
    There are some symptoms & causes of anorexia. Are you facing weight stress? In fact, you're underweight If you have been suffering from an eating disorder

How To Tell If You Have Hyperspermia or Hypospermia - 0 views

    Hyperspermia & Hypospermia are two conditions that are lesser-known but may impact quantity of men's sperm and hence ability to conceive a child. Both conditions have different symptoms, causes, & treatments but share the same outcome, i.e., fertility complications.

Sprains 101: 3 Types And 4 Treatment Options - 0 views

    A physically active lifestyle offers numerous benefits, including better cardiovascular fitness, healthy body weight, management of chronic illnesses like diabetes and arthritis, and improved bone health and muscular fitness. However, like the cliché statement that every action attracts an adverse reaction, physical activity has its fair share of risks, including injuries. Some common body injuries while engaging in various levels of physical activity or active sports include wrist, knee, and ankle injuries. The most common injuries are bruises, strains, and sprains, and this article focuses on the latter. A sprain is an acute soft tissue injury when ligaments get torn or stretched excessively. Ligaments are tough fibrous tissues made of collagen that connect the bones and form the different joints found in human bodies. Therefore, sprains are joint injuries, with ankles taking the giant share of most sprain injuries. It's also important to note that sprains are often confused with strains. However, they're distinctly different because the former are injuries to the ligaments in a joint, while the latter are injuries to the muscles.

Hearing Loss:How To Handle Certain Issues - 0 views

    If you have recently been diagnosed with hearing loss, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. You are not alone - millions of people around the world are living with hearing loss. The good news is that there are many resources available to help you learn how to manage your condition and live a full life. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common issues that people with hearing loss face and provide tips on how to handle them. HANDLING ISSUES FROM HEARING LOSS - HOW TO DO IT PROPERLY Hearing loss is certainly a difficult obstacle to face in life, but it doesn't have to stop you from living a full and rich life. Of course, hearing loss comes with its own set of unique challenges, but there are ways to manage them. From learning what hearing aids are the best for you to communicate with loved ones, to the different types of therapies available, we're here to help you find the answers you need. Generally speaking, there are four main issues that people with hearing loss face; Isolation, communication difficulties, feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, and depression. Unfortunately, each of these "consequences" will likely get worse if hearing loss is not managed early on. Here are some tips on how to handle each one:

Dental Problems:How Pharmacy Can Help With Teeth Problem - 0 views

    There are many reasons why people might need help with their dental problems. Maybe they don't have insurance, or maybe they just don't have the money to go to a dentist. In these cases, the pharmacy can be a great option. Pharmacists can provide a variety of services that can help people with their dental problems, including over-the-counter medications and advice on how to take care of teeth and gums. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the ways that pharmacies can help you take care of your teeth! So, whether you have a toothache, cavities, or bad breath, a pharmacy can be a great place to turn. 1) OVER-COUNTER MEDICATIONS One of the most common services that pharmacies provide is the sale of over-the-counter medications. These medications are designed to be taken for short periods of time and can help with a variety of dental problems. For example, if you have a toothache, you can buy an antiseptic rinse or analgesic gel that can help relieve the pain. If you have bad breath, you can buy mouthwash or breath fresheners that will help mask the odor. And if you have cavities, you can purchase fluoride rinses or gels that can help with decay prevention. If you are worried about the cost of dentists, these medications can be a great way to get the relief you need without breaking the bank. However, it doesn't mean that you should neglect regular dental visits! 2) PROVIDE YOU WITH EDUCATION Another way pharmacy can help you with your dental problems is through advice and education. Pharmacists are trained to provide general information on oral hygiene and health and can help you make educated decisions about which products to buy. They can also provide recommendations on how often you should brush and floss your teeth, as well as advice on diet and lifestyle choices that can help prevent dental problems. In addition, some pharmacies may even have an oral health specialist on staff who can answer any questions you might have about your teeth or gums

Blog - Obesity And Its Causes - Expert Advice From iClinic Healthcare - 0 views

    Obesity is a big issue at present since people are struggling with their weight and are unable to lead a healthy lifestyle. A person is considered obese when he/she has excess body fat which affects their health negatively.

Nausea: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment | Health Blog - 0 views

    What causes nausea and how can you avoid/treat it at home? You feel nauseous when your stomach either stops contracting or... Ever wonder why you feel so uneasy while driving across a rough, bumpy road? How does nervousness lead to nausea? Patients with nausea make up 6.7% of all cases treated...
    Today was an exceptionally bright day. At least the morning. The rest of the day was marred by Kate throwing up on me nonstop. She felt a strong sensation of nausea and dizziness. But why does she eat at that weird Mexican place when she knows it makes her stomach sick? Every time she goes there, she feels a gut-wrenching, stomach-turning urge to release all that her belly holds. I mean, the stomach is an elastic bag made of muscular walls containing acid. We read that in science once. But why does Kate's stomach hold a serious grudge against Mexican food?

Appendicitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment | Health Blog - 0 views

    What Is Appendicitis? How to diagnose Appendicitis? Where is Appendix pain located In this article, we hope you can find all of your answers related to Appendicitis. We covered everything about Appendicitis. We discussed types, causes, symptoms, tests, and treatment of Appendicitis.
    Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, which is a small tube of intestinal tissue that projects from the large intestine. While the appendix does not seem to have a particular function, one theory suggests that it acts as a storehouse of good bacteria and boosts immunity after diarrheal illness. However, some experts believe the appendix is just a purposeless remnant from our evolutionary past. One thing we're sure of is that we can live without it, without any apparent consequences.

COPD: Stages, Causes, Symptoms And Treatment - Health Blog - 0 views

    COPD consists of multiple lung infections and is considered incurable by most physicians. Can timely diagnosis, on the bright side, slow down its progress?
    COPD consists of multiple lung infections and is considered incurable by most physicians. Can timely diagnosis, on the bright side, slow down its progress?

Chalazion Eye: Causes, Surgery & Home Remedies - Health Blog - 0 views

    Are you searching for Chalazion? We covered completely Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Surgery and Home Remedies of Chalazion. Read and get rid of Stye too
    Are you searching for Chalazion? We covered completely Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Surgery and Home Remedies of Chalazion. Read and get rid of Stye too

Acne Problems Diagnose And Treatment | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Acne commonly named vulgaris, a disorder of hair follicles of the face, back and chest or neck.acne also characterized by blackheads or whiteheads on oily skin (Pimples). Dermatologists find different treatments for improvement of this disorder by regulating oil-producing glands.

Causes And Treatment Of Obesity | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Read how to measure weight and take healthy steps for reducing fats. Obesity is excess of your calories stored in adipose tissues as fats. BMI is used for calculating body mass in relation to stronger muscles.

Symptoms And Treatments of PMS | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    About eighty-five percent of all women suffer from PMS or PMDD at some point in their lives. Premenstrual Syndrome is a dreadful condition that precedes your period and causes uncomfortable symptoms like backaches and cramps. Luckily, there are a number of tried remedies to live happier with PMS.
    Depression, cramps, and headaches are some of the symptoms that mark the onset of the "Oh So Dreadful" days as most women associate with. These are the days when women suffer from Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS. It has become such a common term these days that it needs no introduction. Premenstrual Syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that affect women during the week preceding the start of their period.

What Causes Hiccups And Treatment | Health Blog - 0 views

    Hiccups are an uncontrollable reflex of the human body. What exactly goes on within the body to generate this weird sound is highly debated. The fact that hiccups can be heard and seen from fetuses suggests that the central circuit involved in producing hiccups...
    Hiccups are unwanted contractions of the diaphragm - the muscle that participates in breathing. Although evolutionary scientists have a few theories, the exact cause and purpose of hiccups is unknown. They remain a unique and age-old feature of the human physiology that continues to elude scientists to this day.

Symptoms And Causes Of Diverticulitis | Health Blog - 0 views

    What is diverticulitis and what signs and symptoms occur when you have diverticulitis? What Foods You Should Eat If You Have Diverticulitis and what you should not eat when you discovered you have diverticulitis. Described many causes in this article if you are looking for causes of diverticulitis.
    Diverticulitis is a very serious medical condition. It causes inflamed pouches in the lining of your intestine. It is a very serious medical condition that causes infection or inflammation of small pouches in the lining of your intestine that is known as diverticula that develop along the walls of the intestines.

Amnesia: Types, Symptoms And Causes | Health Blog - 0 views

    Are you living your life in depression? If yes then there is a chance you can lose your memory. There are types, symptoms & causes of Amnesia / Memory loss
    Amnesia is commonly known as memory loss. The reason of memory loss can be an emotional or physiological disorder, drugs abusement or Brian injuries. The memory loss can be temporary or permanent but mostly refers to temporary memory loss.

What is erectile dysfunction? What are its symptoms and causes? - Quora - 0 views

    Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the most common sex problem that men report to their doctor. It affects as many as 30 million men.ED is defined as trouble getting or keeping an erection that's firm enough for sex. Though it's not rare for a man to have some problems with erections from time to time, ED that is progressive or happens routinely with sex is not normal, and it should be treated.

Lower Back Pain Reasons, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment - 0 views

    Lower Back Pain can be caused by problems with the tendons, muscles, nerve roots joints and spinal discs. Learn about Lower Back Pain including information on Reasons, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options with Tips How to Avoid Lower Back Pain For More Information Visit Our Website: Lower Back Pain
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