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Derik Dupont

E Readers Offer Little Relief For The Newspaper Industry - Industry News - - 0 views

    With ad revenue and audience on the decline, newspapers look to e-readers as a possible new revenue path. But early signs show that "win-win" deals between publishers and e-reader developers are both elusive and nonprofitable.
Derik Dupont

MediaPost Publications Report: Craigslist Revenue Soars, But Problems Loom 04/27/2010 - 1 views

    Report: Craigslist Revenue Soars, But Problems Loom - 04/27/2010
dana payne

Belt-tightening in media - newspapers - 0 views

    Newspapers drop in advertising revenues and staff suffer from wage freezes and downsizing.
Paul Riccardi

When A Newspaper Stops Publishing In Print, What Happens To The Print Advertising Dolla... - 0 views

    What does happen to advertising revenue when a newspaper stops printing and goes online? With strong presences already online, how can the newspapers compete in an online world?
Derik Dupont

Eric Schmidt: How Google Can Help Newspapers - - 0 views

    In The Wall Street Journal, Google CEO Eric Schmidt says that the Internet will not destroy news organizations. He says that Google working in cooperation with publishers of newspapers and magazines can help bring about a business model to share ad revenue from searches." />
Derik Dupont

Media Cache - For U.S. Newspaper Industry, an Example in Germany? - - 0 views

    Seventy percent of Germans read newspapers, and while newspaper revenue has plunged in the United States, it has held steady in there.
Derik Dupont

Why Charging for Online Content (Mostly) Won't Work - Advertising Age - Digital - 1 views

    Why charging for online content won't work and some online revenue model suggestions.
Derik Dupont

Newspaper Hopes Could Be Old News - - 0 views

    Newspaper publishers are running out of costs to cut, and unless they can show some real ad revenue gains soon, the rally that has ignited their stocks in recent months could fizzle. " />
arnie Grossblatt

The Readable Future - 1 views

    As online publishers look to increase ad revenue, readers look to ways of removing ad clutter and a better reading experience.
Paul Riccardi

Hard-Hit Niche Publishers Rethink Strategies - Sales and Marketing @ - 0 views

    Sorry, this didn't seem to bookmark the first time. But it looks like niche magazines are getting hit hard by lost advertising revenue.
Amanda Litvinov

How Village Voice Media Uses Digg to Game Their Traffic Numbers | The Deets - 0 views

    A fascinating investigation that raises questions about Digg's ranking algorithm; revenue models based on page views; and the ethics of media outlets inflating their page hits using social bookmarking.
Allison Begezda

Professional/Trade, College Segments Boost John Wiley - 12/10/2009 7:23:00 AM... - 0 views

    Revenue in the professional/trade segment and the college segment are up at John Wiley.
Derik Dupont

With Tablet, Apple Sees New Money in Old Media - - 0 views

    With a new tablet device, Steve Jobs is betting he can reshape businesses like textbooks, newspapers and television much the way his iPod revamped the music industry-and expand Apple's influence and revenue as a content middleman." />
Derik Dupont

It's Official: 2009 Was Worst Year for the Newspaper Business in Decades - Media Decode... - 0 views

    The Newspaper Association of America says its complied revenue figures for 2009 make it official that it was the worst year for newspaper advertising in decades.
Derik Dupont

Hearst Near Deal for Digital-Marketing Firm iCrossing - - 2 views

    Magazine-and-newspaper publisher Hearst is near a deal to buy digital-marketing firm iCrossing, the latest sign of how publishers are going head to head with Madison Avenue to grab some of the growing revenues from online advertising." />
Derik Dupont

Five Years Later, The Huffington Post (And Online Media) Are Coming Of Age - 0 views

    Look who's headed for $100 million of revenue!
arnie Grossblatt

Apple Eases Rules for Publishers on Sales via Mobile Apps - - 0 views

    Publishers win a big one in confrontation with Apple.  No more requirement that content subscriptions must go through Apple, no more 30% revenue sharing with Apple, and control of user/reader information remains w/publishers.
arnie Grossblatt

Google's censorship struggles continue in China - 0 views

    When revenue and doing right collide....
Thelisha Woods

Scribd: An E-Book Upstart with Unlikely Fans - BusinessWeek - 0 views

    Digital book site Scribd is wooing big publishers by offering greater control and more revenue than Amazon.
Paul Riccardi

Print CEO - Printing Industry News Blog - Ad Ratings for Magazines - 0 views

    A new analysis for the effectiveness of print advertising, based on previous performance metrics instead of potential views. Looks like publications could be getting less in revenue.
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