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arnie Grossblatt

Book publishers hope for sales boost from apps innovation | Technology | - 1 views

  • How lucrative are iPad book-apps? UK studio Ustwo revealed some figures at Thursday's Futurebook Innovation Workshop conference in London indicating that gold-diggers should probably focus on other app categories for now.
  • The Nursery Rhymes app
  • spent £60,000 making the app, it has so far sold 37,339 copies for a total of £24,048 in revenue.
arnie Grossblatt

The books business: Great digital expectations | The Economist - 4 views

    All six sections of the report are worth reading.
Elizabeth Mack

After Years of Loss, Only the Strong Christian Stores Survive - 0 views

    Interesting article about the state of Christian Retailers and the effect of e-publishing as well as internet downloading on the sales and popularity of their stores and books. CBA is making a focused effort to curb the loss in sales by programs geared toward their members to help boost sales and get up-to-date with the digital age--- CHECK IT OUT!
arnie Grossblatt

Will the New iPhone Save Journalism? - 0 views

    Can the new iphone become a reading device?
arnie Grossblatt

More Kindle Limitations Discovered - 0 views

  • As noted earlier, DRM does nothing to prevent piracy. It’s in place on the Kindle to provide proprietary lock-in for Amazon and a little hand-holding comfort for nervous publishers.  It serves to annoy and alienate potential paying customers. The Kindle has great potential as a device, but as long as Amazon continues to cripple it, readers would be advised to seek alternative e-book solutions.
    Will DRM kill the Kindle?
arnie Grossblatt

Lost in the Cloud - 0 views

  • But the most difficult challenge — both to grasp and to solve — of the cloud is its effect on our freedom to innovate.
  • This freedom is at risk in the cloud, where the vendor of a platform has much more control over whether and how to let others write new software.
  • And many software developers who once would have been writing whatever they wanted for PCs are simply developing less adventurous, less subversive, less game-changing code under the watchful eyes of Facebook and Apple.
    Insuring that cloud computing doesn' lead to a loss of privacy and the ability to innovate.
Derik Dupont

Amateurs Rivaling Professionals Online - - 1 views

    In many fields, amateurs are rivaling professionals in opportunity, talent and the ability to produce quality work online." />
arnie Grossblatt

In the digital era free is easy, so how do you persuade people to pay? - 1 views

    The always interesting Cory Doctorow on business models for digital content.
Allison Begezda

Cathedral Rock Publishing's "Book IS The Store" Application Provides e-Commerce Functio... - 0 views

    Cathedral Rock Publishing's new "Book IS the Store" application is gaining traction with book publishers and authors looking to continue communicating with existing readers and make them aware of compatible products and services. The company is currently in talks with a well known rock and roll musician who is looking to reintroduce his substantial catalog to a new MultiMedia eBook generation.
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