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Ryan Holman

The publishing conspiracy that's blocking an electronic version of Palin's memoir. - B... - 3 views

    If electronic books are the future-literary volumes optimized for the Kindle, the Sony Reader, the iPhone-how come two of this fall's hottest books won't be available in digital form anytime soon?
Natalie Barnes

Slate Launches Interactive YA Serial - 0 views

    Tapping into teen trends--vampires and the push towards interactivity--novelists Laura Moser and Lauren Mechling have launched a YA serial on with a parallel online world where their characters update their Facebook pages, tweet, and post videos on YouTube.
Ryan Holman

POD for high school yearbooks? - 1 views

    Article in Slate about POD and the ways in which it can help the yearbook business, which has some really interesting parameters to follow as a short-run publication....
Ryan Holman

The iPhone is the ultimate kid-pacification device. - By Michael Agger - Slate Magazine - 0 views

    Possibly a new in-road for those looking to do e-publishing for the iPhone or similar platforms?
Ryan Holman

Why I'll miss a world where books make the first move. - By Mark Oppenheimer - Slate Ma... - 1 views

shared by Ryan Holman on 02 Aug 10 - Cached
    Musings on the e-reader replacing the book, and how well (or not) it replaces the book as conversation-starter. Replacing the ink-and-paper book may be a bigger issue than anyone so far has actually realized....
Ryan Holman

The Wrong Stuff : This Interview Is A Stub: Wikipedia Co-Founder Larry Sanger on Being ... - 1 views

    Really interesting interview about Wikipedia and the democratization of content.
Paul Riccardi

BlockShopper v. Jones Day: The right of Web sites to link. - By Wendy Davis - Slate Mag... - 0 views

    Let's see if this case becomes an industry changer. This would affect everyone from the smallest blog to the biggest publisher.
Helen Nam

The amazing Amazon Kindle is bad news for the publishing industry. - By Farhad Manjoo -... - 0 views

    Amazon's reader is a brilliant device that shanghais book buyers and the book industry into accepting a radically diminished marketplace for published works.
arnie Grossblatt

The book industry is gonna get Napstered if it forces Amazon to raise e-book prices. - ... - 0 views

  • Right now, the electronic-book market finds itself roughly in the same place the market for MP3s was in 1999, the year after the release of the first portable MP3 player.
  • But that could change in a matter of months if the book industry insists on 1) jacking up the price of e-books and 2) withholding potential best-sellers from the e-book market.
  • "Publishers are in denial about the economics of digital content,"
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Does the book industry want to join the digital flow, the way the TV industry has with Hulu and Or by its obstruction does it intend to encourage the establishment of a Bookster?
Jillisa Milner

Typography on the Web is basic and dull. A startup called Typekit will fix it. - By Far... - 0 views

shared by Jillisa Milner on 29 Jul 09 - Cached
    Interesting article (though severak days old now) about typefaces on the web.
Ryan Holman

Why Tweeting MLK's "I Have a Dream" Speech Now Constitutes Civil Disobedience - 0 views

    Citizens took to the digital streets today to celebrate what has become known as "Internet Freedom Day." The new holiday celebrates users' ability to speak, share, create, and innovate. It commemorates the Internet blackout of Jan. 18, 2012, in which tens of thousands of websites participated, to protest the draconian copyright bills SOPA and PIPA.
Ryan Holman

The Threat of Silence: Meet the groundbreaking new encryption app set to revolutionize ... - 1 views

    "Back in October, the startup tech firm Silent Circle ruffled governments' feathers with a "surveillance-proof" smartphone app to allow people to make secure phone calls and send texts easily. Now, the company is pushing things even further-with a groundbreaking encrypted data transfer app that will enable people to send files securely from a smartphone or tablet at the touch of a button. (For now, it's just being released for iPhones and iPads, though Android versions should come soon.) That means photographs, videos, spreadsheets, you name it-sent scrambled from one person to another in a matter of seconds." In an age where we can pretty much assume we're being monitored 24/7, is this a good thing? Or is this another tool for some really terrible people to do some really terrible things, but now with an added layer of privacy?
Ryan Holman

J.K. Rowling Just Transformed Book Publishing - 2 views

    Via Joshua Gans, Harry Potter fans can now get their favorite books in digital format. But not from Amazon or the iTunes bookstore. Instead, the exclusive source of Potter ebooks is J.K. Rowling's Pottermore website where you're able to get them in formats that run on all major e-readers and tablets.
Kristen Iovino

Komen Bibles recalled by Southern Baptists: Planned Parenthood connection - 3 views

    I think this article overlaps into the discussion of ethics in publishing. Personally, I am not only appalled but also very disappointed in the choice Lifeway made to stop selling these Bibles. 
Ryan Holman

Writers Need To Stop Complaining About Amazon Making Books Cheaper - 1 views

    Amazon started life as a book retailer, and as a book retailer they made books cheaper. Then they were pioneers in the e-book industry where they made books cheaper. Their recently announced plan to give readers free e-book copies of books they buy in physical form doesn't make books cheaper per se, but it does give readers greater value for their book-buying dollar. This is all great stuff. But not everyone agrees. Emily Gould complains that "When ebooks and pbooks are bundled, the ebooks are sold at a loss. That's authors', publishers' and, associatively, non-AMZN retailers' loss" and "frustrating we have to keep explaining that ebook production is not free. digital objects are not made by elves."
Rebekah Young

The strange but inevitable rise of e-reader pornography - 0 views

    Sex sells, and e-readers offer a new, more discreet means of selling it.
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