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Ryan Holman

Hollywood should not decide our copyright laws - 0 views

    Opinion piece about copyright reform.
Ryan Holman

Prince George's considers copyright policy that takes ownership of students' work - 0 views

    A proposal by the Prince George's County Board of Education to copyright work created by staff and students for school could mean that a picture drawn by a first-grader, a lesson plan developed by a teacher or an app created by a teen would belong to the school system, not the individual. The measure has some worried that by the system claiming ownership to the work of others, creativity could be stifled and there would be little incentive to come up with innovative ways to educate students. Some have questioned the legality of the proposal as it relates to students.
arnie Grossblatt

Creativity isn't one size fits all, so why is copyright? - 0 views

    Thoughts on copyright law from the IP counsel at Google  - Bill Patry.
Stephanie Wynn

Chef Sues Over Intellectual Property (the Menu) - New York Times - 0 views

    For those in last night's Copyright Law class, here's a NYT article akin to what we spoke about last night regarding copyrighting/patenting food. This is a couple of years old, but . . .
Paul Riccardi

Copyfight Erupts Over Fairey's 'Hope' Poster of Obama | The Underwire from - 0 views

    I wonder if Eric Sclater will be talking about this case in his copyright law class. Curious to see how this plays out.
    I can see this definitely being a topic in Eric's class. I just wonder why AP waited so long to claim copyright infringement? This image has become so popular and a part of history, that is probably what is prompting this law suit. I want to see the outcome of this as well - should be interesting!
Ryan Holman

Why Tweeting MLK's "I Have a Dream" Speech Now Constitutes Civil Disobedience - 0 views

    Citizens took to the digital streets today to celebrate what has become known as "Internet Freedom Day." The new holiday celebrates users' ability to speak, share, create, and innovate. It commemorates the Internet blackout of Jan. 18, 2012, in which tens of thousands of websites participated, to protest the draconian copyright bills SOPA and PIPA.
Stephanie Wynn

090322A Future Perfect: Our Computers - 2 views

    This is a segment from a "To the Best of Our Knowledge" podcast from a few weeks ago. Mr. Creative Commons (Lawrence Lessig), of course, says the copyright laws are too strict, but he talked in particular about the laws in relation to new technologies, in particular, mashup artists.
Ryan Holman

The Ethics of Publishing Cease-and-Desist Letters - 0 views

    Intersection of privacy law and copyright law (esp. fair use and library/archival uses) -- is it ethical to reproduce signed cease-and-desist letters?
Kat Rodenhizer

In Defense of Piracy - - 0 views

    With new technology, there are endless possibilities for creating new works, this article explains why current copyright law inhibits this from happening, and why you should think twice about reusing music by Prince.
Ryan Holman

Smaller damages sought in music case - The Boston Globe - 0 views

    Interesting take on the music piracy issue and a highlight of the punitive nature of the current laws.
arnie Grossblatt

First They Came For Hitler... - Hit & Run : Fair Use - 3 views

    Downfall parodies meet copyright law and take down notices.  Watch this before it disappears from You Tube.
Ryan Holman

Rob Pegoraro - New copyright laws could impose more restrictrions on digital technology... - 1 views

    DMCA 2.0 = ACTA?
Elizabeth Ralls

Digital copyright: Pick a book | The Economist - 0 views

    "Consumers seem to reward authors who trust them with their content."
    "Consumers seem to reward authors who trust them with their content."
    "Consumers seem to reward authors who trust them with their content."
Ryan Reeh

How Does Fair-Use Law Work? - 2 views

    What exactly "fair-use" means in copyright law is being challenged again.
Liz Rich

Publishers' crazy e-book prices - Dan Gillmor - - 0 views

  • drawbacks to e-books, at least the way Amazon and Apple sell them. They don't really sell e-books; they merely let me read them, and in the process remove my rights
  • But there are major
  • to do what I want with what I've purchased
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The ability to give away or sell a used book is called the “First Sale Doctrine” in copyright law. But by sending me a digital file and tethering that file to a specific device, Amazon and the publishers have removed my right to transfer it, and thereby destroyed a portion of the book's value. By all rights they should offer me a better price, considerably better, than the hardcover (or, for that matter, softcover) edition. Is a few hours' worth of portability worth everything else I lose?
Rebecca Benner

Science Commons - 0 views

    I stumbled upon this during Open Access Day. Might be interesting for STM folks to check out.
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