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5 Things You Should Know about Green Cleaning | Clean Calculator Cleaning Industry % - 0 views

    "Green cleaning is a phrase you've likely heard more often over the years. While the term clearly suggests using environmentally-friendly products over conventional cleaning solutions, what does this trend mean for janitorial services?   The idea that cleaning companies should be mindful of their environmental impact is not a new one, but it hasn't yet been fully implemented in the janitorial industry. The prevalence of green cleaning is growing significantly; this is not a temporary trend in the janitorial market, but a way for cleaning businesses to improve and innovate their service offerings.   What do you need to know about green cleaning in the market today? Here are 5 fast facts about eco-friendly cleaning practices:   Green cleaning products are typically lower in cost than their conventional alternatives.   Green cleaners, contrary to common misconception, cost less than conventional cleaners over time. This is mainly because green cleaning products are potent and condensed, allowing you to use less product while achieving the same result. Research has proven that companies who implement green cleaning products experience less employee illness and injury.   Conventional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that may result in irritation of the eyes, throat, and nose. Harsh chemical cleaners can also trigger headaches. The health of janitors and other employees who are in frequent contact with cleaning products is at risk if harsh chemicals are present in the products.   The desire among consumers for environmentally-friendly cleaning products and services is rising quickly. There is more information available to consumers than ever about conventional chemicals and the harm they may cause, both to the environment and people's health. As such, more and more consumers are seeking cleaning businesses that offer green products and services. Cleaning companies will need to implement green cleaning solutions to keep up with consum

What are Online Notary Services? - 3 views

With the advent of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, trying to find a notary public online has never been easier. And with that, many notaries public have now taken their local notary se...

notary public

started by yosefong on 11 Jun 12 no follow-up yet
3BL Media

The Problem with Palm Oil - Be Part of the Conversation | 3BL Media - 0 views

    Join Seventh Generation, Rainforest Action Network and Whole Foods Market to learn more about what they're doing and what you can do to end the destruction of vital ecosystems.
3BL Media

Be Green Packaging helped to sponsor The Organic Center's - 0 views

    Be Green Packaging's CEO, Ron Blitzer, proudly attended The Organic Center's 5th Annual Bay Area Celebration September 12th 2009. Be Green Packaging was also a Silver Sponsor of the event along with Whole Foods Market.
a2z offer

Product Search,Find Offers,Submit Free Coupons,Deals,Store,Banners,Online - 0 views

    Online Marketing,Product Search Engine - Search and Submit free Products,Banners, Offers, Submit free Deals, Coupons. Search and create online store per various business categories
Audrie Willians

Reasons That Make It Right To Opt Payday Loans Houston In Cash Crisis! - 0 views

    Nowadays, getting the short term finances is lot easier. Online credit market provides the smooth way to arrange the needed additional cash while sitting comfortably at your place...
Arthur Reynolds

* EcoLcoker Ltd * - 0 views

    EcoLocker Ltd was founded as a result of years of planning and research into emerging markets and sustainable energies. Learn about the different types of renewable energy and how they work.
Felix Gryffeth

Is clean tech China's moon shot? | Green Tech - CNET News - 0 views

    The global race to develop clean tech is shaping up to be a contest between Chinese-style capitalism and the U.S. and Europe's more market-oriented approach. Read this blog post by Reuters on Green Tech.
Felix Gryffeth

Chinese Gov't to Spend More on Smart Grid Projects than U.S. in 2010 : TreeHugger - 0 views

    An Opportunity to Leapfrog Over the Dumb Grid The U.S. federal stimulus funds included a lot of money for smart grid investments, but according to a recent report by ZPryme, a market research firm, China's government will be #1
3BL Media

Enter the "S Contest" for a Chance to Win $10,000 in Services - Deadline Wed, Sept 30th - 0 views

    As part of its rebranding effort, SDialogue (formerly SRB Marketing) is currently running its $10,000 "S Contest," and using audio and video to promote the contest to other organizations with a sustainability story to tell. It's also giving participants multimedia options for entering - participants can enter the contest with a short written argument for why they should be chosen at the firm's website or Facebook page, or can add or substitute a video at its YouTube page. The winner gets $10,000 worth of sustainability strategy and communications services.
3BL Media

Innovation at the Bottom of the Pyramid - 0 views

    According to C.K. Prahalad, a professor of corporate strategy at the Ross School of Business of the University of Michigan, corporations seeking to create new markets addressing the needs of the billions of poor people living at the bottom of the economic pyramid can - and should - use that effort to drive sustainability and innovation within their own ranks.
3BL Media

Hot Job: Calculating Products' Pollution - 0 views

    Until a few years ago, Nuno da Silva's arcane occupation -- professional pollution calculator -- was of little utility to the corporate world. But in these days of global-warming worries and greener-than-thou marketing, companies suddenly can't get enough of his services. Revenue at the division he manages exploded 150% in 2008 and continues to expand this year, despite the recession. Since the beginning of 2008, he has added 13 people to his staff, bringing the number of employees to 16.

My Vacuum Doesn't Suck! - Super Gleam Cleaning Service - 0 views

    "Even if you have signed up with Super Gleam for our bi-weekly home cleaning service, you may find yourself in need for between cleaning touch-ups. Maybe your darling child completely missed the bowl with his Frosted Flakes then crushed them into the carpet in his attempts to 'help' clean up. That mess isn't going to wait until your Tuesday cleaning service - it needs to go NOW. So, you pull out your vacuum only to realize it's not quite sucking like it used to and is leaving quite the literal crumb trail.   So now it is time for a new vacuum, but with the 1000s of available options on the market that all claim to be the #1 vacuum around, how do you know you are getting one that will suck up the mess without cleaning out your wallet?"
Alex Parker

Hornsea one kicks into life: will it electrify the UK wind market too? - 1 views

    Electricity has begun to flow at Hornsea 1, a wind array that will become the world's biggest offshore wind farm off the coast of the UK. This milestone makes the UK's offshore wind sector arguably the best in the world, and with significant investment recently announced it looks set to maintain that position.
Alex Parker

The top 10 biggest power companies of 2014 - 1 views

    Five of the world's ten biggest power companies are based in Europe; the remaining five are all based in the United States. profiles the world's ten biggest power companies of 2014 based on Forbes calculation of net market capitalisation, assets, sales and profit.
Pump Wat

Two Thumbs-Up to Pump Solutions Australasia - 1 views

Pump Solutions Australasia is truly the market leader in delivering quality specialists pumps products and services which can benefit small businesses like me, in production and in reducing downtim...

vacuum pumps

started by Pump Wat on 14 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
3BL Media

CSR Minute: September 21, 2009 - 0 views

    Corporate Social Responsible News: Seventh Generation, Whole Foods + Rainforest Action Network's Palm Oil Webcast; Plum Creek Timber + Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes; Siemens + McGraw-Hill's Report
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