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3BL Media

Tuesday Tract: Should We Be Transparent About Transparency? - 0 views

    To "refresh your recollection" (I am a former lawyer, after all), let me take you back. Good Guide is a beta site that rates products on three scales: environmental, nutritional, and social justice (my terms, not theirs). They reduce a product and its producer to three numerical scores, with 10 being the top score. Then they combine the three scores to a single score purporting to rate a product/producer overall. More than a month ago, I wrote to Good Guide through its website asking for help in understanding how it could rate a commercial "lite" yogurt (Yoplait) with all its additives, so much higher than an organic, plain whole milk (Straus) made from nothing more than organic whole milk and live yogurt cultures, and higher than an organic nonfat plain (Nancy's) made from nothing more than organic nonfat milk and live yogurt cultures.
3BL Media

My Journey for Sustainable Food | 3BL Media - 1 views

    Last winter, my husband Dan and I noticed we were beginning to struggle in our quest for fresh, local food. As a Californian learning to endure my first Boston winter, I wanted more variety in our produce. At the same time Dan, a culinary school student, was learning more and more about the role of things like corn syrup and stabilizers in processed food. Between the two of us, we often ended up wondering what we could do to ensure that what we put into our bodies was healthy, fresh and ultimately unprocessed. So we took up cooking more and expanded our repertoire to include items like homemade bread, chicken stock, ice cream and others. Still, in hindsight we relied more often than we would have liked on cheap meat, poultry and dairy - often because it was what we could afford.
Felix Gryffeth

Amazon Condoms To Preserve Forests and Reduce Imports in Brazil : TreeHugger - 0 views

    (Picture: Acre news agency.) The Brazilian government has inaugurated yesterday the first factory to produce condoms with latex from Amazon trees. The company, called Natex, is located in Xapuri, in Acre State (Northwest Brazil). According to Acre's news agency,
3BL Media

Information Oversimplification by Good Guide? Radical Transparency Yields Opacity. - 0 views

    When consumers can know the footprint of a product -- not merely the carbon footprint -- but the full enviro-footprint of every stage from extraction of materials, to converging of materials to production to packaging to shipping through use and disposal for every component of every product (at least for mass produced products) than consumers will begin choosing the better choices from an environmental perspective.
Arabica Robusta

Embedding Evidence on Conservation Interventions Within a Context of Multilevel Governa... - 0 views

  • The lack of availability of larger-scale evidence can thus lead to an unfortunate mismatch in knowledge of the relative effects of local-scale interventions versus regional-scale ecological processes, and thus also to incomplete knowledge about where local conservation interventions would be most effective.
  • Integrating specific intervention-guided conservation with a deeper understanding of moderating regional ecological contexts requires combining intervention-driven conservation thinking with “holistic” conservation thinking. As an example, incentives intended to benefit farmland biodiversity may increase one resource, such as food availability, but fail to provide other key resources such as nesting sites or overwintering habitats (Kleijn et al. 2011).
  • Embedding specific conservation interventions within the context of multiscale ecological principles could help alleviate the problem that a focus on local conservation interventions is unable to deal with multiscale phenomena. However, it does not yet address another main criticism raised in the past, namely that existing work on evidence-based practice in general has been overly technocratic in its conception of real-world policy implementation and governance (Greenhalgh & Russell 2009, but see Pullin et al. 2009). In this context, drawing on insights from multilevel governance research could help to understand key challenges of implementing evidence-based interventions in practice. Such insights can be applied to both specific interventions, as well as to a more general, multiscale approach to conservation that is based on guiding ecological principles.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • An effective response to the wide variety in governance and ecological systems therefore calls for the creation of new decision-making forums that engage diverse constellations of actors and knowledge across spatial and temporal scales, in ways relevant to specific decisions (Paavola et al. 2009). This in turn raises issues of democratic legitimacy and accountability, because for citizens it may become difficult to assume democratic responsibilities when being part of overlapping sites of decision-making (Peters & Pierre 2005).
  • The second step will be to ensure that scientists, policy makers, and practitioners participate in the cocreation of policy-relevant science, going beyond identifying stakeholder-relevant questions for systematic reviews. From the outset, scientists and decision-makers should jointly consider how administrative and ecological scales fit in order to balance democratic legitimacy and ecological efficacy.
  • By being clear as to the types and scales of knowledge needed, and the limitations of existing knowledge to inform policy, decision-makers will also play a role in highlighting knowledge gaps. We thus frame decision-makers as actively participating stakeholders in shaping what evidence base is needed for conservation, rather than framing conservation policy as something that must respond to the agenda of scientists who produce evidence. As a consequence, there is a strong need to develop practical solutions, based on a joint effort by researchers, decision-makers and land-use planners, on how to integrate evidence-based practices and general ecological principles within a multilevel governance framework. Through embedding locally implemented conservation interventions within a broader context, we are confident they would gain both in legitimacy and effectiveness.
Alex Parker

Independent Scotland's bounty - the biggest oil fields in the UK North Sea - 1 views

    More than 90% of the UK's oil production occurs offshore within the central and northern sections of the North Sea, regions which could soon fall under Scottish control if the country votes yes to Independance. profiles the ten biggest oil producing fields in the UK sector of the North Sea based on production during the year ending in October 2013.
Alex Parker

Video - Mississippi Power's Kemper County energy facility - Power Technology - 1 views

    Kemper County energy facility, which is currently under construction, will use coal gasification TRIG technology to turn lignite coal into gas while capturing 65% of CO2 produced. Learn more from Mississippi Power's company video.
Alex Parker

UK nuclear waste - where it's generated, contained, transported and stored - 1 views

    It will be decades before the UK Government builds a long-term storage for the country's radioactive nuclear waste; but where is this waste produced, contained, transported and stored in the interim, and just how much of it is there? Via an interactive map, Future Power Technology, provides the answers to these questions.
Alex Parker

US wind energy by state: Ranking the top 10 - 1 views

    he US is the second largest producer of wind energy in the world, but output by state varies by factors including size, climate and policy. What are the top ten US states by wind energy capacity
Alex Parker

Why has wave power lagged behind other renewable energy sources? - 1 views

    With the UK going coal-free for a record-breaking 90 hours over the weekend, energy sources such as solar and onshore wind now play a key role in generating electricity. However, with the urgent need for new energy sources to replace the 60% of the electricity produced worldwide by fossil fuel combustion, it has become necessary to look further afield to alternative energy sources.
Alex Parker

What does the future hold for hydropower energy? - 1 views

    What does the future hold for the world's largest renewable energy source, hydropower? Hydropower is an incredibly old source of energy, tracing its usage back to the watermills that have been a staple of civilisations since ancient times. Today, it is the largest source of renewable energy in the world, with an installed capacity of over 1126GW in 2018. Hydropower is particularly prominent in China, where the world's largest power station Three Gorges power plant in Hubei province produces 22.5GW. Other massive projects also dot the country, including the Xilodu (12.3GW) and Longtan (6.3GW) dams.
Alex Parker

iraq solar energy: nation has largest power deficit in the region - 1 views

    The decision by Iraq to invite interest in a number of solar independent power producer (IPP) projects is not the first time that Baghdad has sought to push ahead with competitively tendered IPP schemes.
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