So you've got a pair of shoes (or a couple pairs of shoes) that are old, outta style, you're not in love with them anymore, etc. etc. What do you do with them?
Here are a couple of ideas for your old footwear. If you have any other suggestions, share them.
When most of us think about recycling, we usually think about the standard recycled items like plastic bottles, soda cans and paper. But there are actually hundreds of other materials out there that can be recycled into new and interesting items.
The top five finalists have been selected in SDialogue's $10,000 "S Contest," and voting has now begun. Over 40 entries were received and narrowed down to the list of five finalists. Perry Goldschein, partner at SDialogue stated: "It was a tough job choosing finalists due to the high quality of the responses, and moving stories. Our main criterion was the amount of positive, ongoing impact on society and/or the environment that entrants can have."
Launching the week after Global Climate Week, mokugift's GreenLifestyle daily quiz and green fact-sharing application on Yahoo!'s homepage empowers up to 118 million* individuals to make every week Global Climate Week. By taking three daily quiz questions, users can learn new environmental facts every day in just a few minutes. With a few more clicks of the mouse, they can challenge a few friends to a quiz and pleasantly surprise them with new green knowledge. For busy users, with a single click of the mouse, they can broadcast a daily environmental fact to friends that use Yahoo! Mail and Yahoo! Messenger 10 through Yahoo! Updates. Anyone can add Mokugift's GreenLifestyle app to his or her Yahoo! homepage exploring the My Favorites application gallery on
Corporate Responsibility Officer Summit Chair Jay Whitehead today announced that the speaker lineup for the 5th annual CRO Summit, held October 6-7 at the Union League Club of Chicago will feature a record 7 CEOs-leaders of the corporate responsibility movement in sustainability, governance, compliance and philanthropy.
3BL (Triple Bottom Line) Media and the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) announced today a strategic partnership which will provide CSE clients with access to the world's largest corporate social responsibility and sustainability news distribution network.
Corporate Social Responsible News: Clinton Global Initiative Partners Green for All + Living Cities; Proctor & Gamble's Sustainability Programs; UN Global Compact's Climate Change Conference Run Up
Each week we profile a new Sulusso featured designer. All of our designers have one thing in thing in common - a commitment to social and environmental responsibility.
Hear from Okomido jewelry founder, Midori Ferris-Wayne. Learn about her inspiration and where she can be found when not at the jeweler's bench.
Well, maybe not as macho a title as Commander-In-Chief, but a lot more earth friendly. George Washington was a "scientific" farmer of his day, and absolutely loved it. He introduced the mule, which fertilizes as it plows, into American agriculture. He planted many of his own trees by hand, which is remarkable given that he had over 300 slaves. He even had compostable teeth-made of wood.
Despite its destructive reputation, the goat is really a marvelous animal. Talk about sustainable. They are almost entirely useable and recyclable. Goats are intelligent and curious. Trainable and affable. They are a renewable source of milk and fiber for yarn. They provide meat and hide. They make great pack animals, and are easier to raise and require less resources than cattle.
For the first time in Olympic history, the medals at the Olympic Games contain gold, silver and copper that has been recovered from electronic waste (e-waste). Each medal was made with a tiny bit of the more than 140,000 tons of e-waste that otherwise would have been sent to Canadian landfills. More than 1,000 medals to be awarded at the Vancouver games this year.
Luke Wilson tells Melissa McGinnis that he conserves by drinking beer from the tap vs. using bottles or cans, and recycles whether at home or on the go. A player in the Charlie Hoffman Foundation pro-am golf tournament, Luke Wilson also shows his support for recycling and conserving by sharing his thoughts with Greenopolis TV.
Check out how chocolate gets a green upgrade on the most romantic day of the year.
Oh chocolate, how I love thee! You are the perfect drink of choice on a cold winter's day, and you make hot summer days seem tolerable with your frozen goodness on a stick. Whether you're a 100% chocolate candy bar, or only 25% of the topping on a sundae, you're still one of the greatest treats around to consume.
The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) in North America successfully extended the momentum of corporate training in CSR and Sustainability by hosting its CSR Practitioners' Workshop in the US on September 1-2, 2009.
As part of its rebranding effort, SDialogue (formerly SRB Marketing) is currently running its $10,000 "S Contest," and using audio and video to promote the contest to other organizations with a sustainability story to tell. It's also giving participants multimedia options for entering - participants can enter the contest with a short written argument for why they should be chosen at the firm's website or Facebook page, or can add or substitute a video at its YouTube page. The winner gets $10,000 worth of sustainability strategy and communications services.
Last winter, my husband Dan and I noticed we were beginning to struggle in our quest for fresh, local food. As a Californian learning to endure my first Boston winter, I wanted more variety in our produce. At the same time Dan, a culinary school student, was learning more and more about the role of things like corn syrup and stabilizers in processed food. Between the two of us, we often ended up wondering what we could do to ensure that what we put into our bodies was healthy, fresh and ultimately unprocessed. So we took up cooking more and expanded our repertoire to include items like homemade bread, chicken stock, ice cream and others. Still, in hindsight we relied more often than we would have liked on cheap meat, poultry and dairy - often because it was what we could afford.