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3BL Media

George Washington, First Composter-in-Chief of the United States of America | 3BL Media - 0 views

    Well, maybe not as macho a title as Commander-In-Chief, but a lot more earth friendly. George Washington was a "scientific" farmer of his day, and absolutely loved it. He introduced the mule, which fertilizes as it plows, into American agriculture. He planted many of his own trees by hand, which is remarkable given that he had over 300 slaves. He even had compostable teeth-made of wood.

What are Online Notary Services? - 3 views

With the advent of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, trying to find a notary public online has never been easier. And with that, many notaries public have now taken their local notary se...

notary public

started by yosefong on 11 Jun 12 no follow-up yet
Alex Parker

European Commission gives green light to state backing Hinckley Point - 1 views

    The European Commission has given the UK Government the go ahead to offer EDF a guaranteed price per unit of electricity generated for a 35-year period for the purpose of incentivising investment. Ever since it was first proposed in October 2013, the proposed deal between the UK government and French nuclear power company EDF for the financing of a new nuclear plant has courted controversy.
Alex Parker

Mount Signal Solar Power Plant, Imperial County, California, United States of America - 1 views

    The Mount Signal Solar Project, also known as Imperial Valley Solar 1 (IVS1), is a utility-scale photovoltaic power plant, located in Imperial County, California, approximately 100 miles (160km) east of San Diego.
Alex Parker

The top 10 biggest power companies of 2014 - 1 views

    Five of the world's ten biggest power companies are based in Europe; the remaining five are all based in the United States. profiles the world's ten biggest power companies of 2014 based on Forbes calculation of net market capitalisation, assets, sales and profit.
3BL Media

Hot Job: Calculating Products' Pollution - 0 views

    Until a few years ago, Nuno da Silva's arcane occupation -- professional pollution calculator -- was of little utility to the corporate world. But in these days of global-warming worries and greener-than-thou marketing, companies suddenly can't get enough of his services. Revenue at the division he manages exploded 150% in 2008 and continues to expand this year, despite the recession. Since the beginning of 2008, he has added 13 people to his staff, bringing the number of employees to 16.
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