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3BL Media

City of Atlanta Launches Pilot Incentive Based Recycling Program - 0 views

    In order to complement Atlanta's existing sustainability initiatives, the City of Atlanta has partnered with Rehrig Pacific, a container company and service provider, to bring a unique incentive based pilot recycling program to its residents. As part of this pilot program, Rehrig Pacific has collaborated with key sponsor Coca-Cola Recycling, LLC and rewards partner RecycleBank® to offer Atlanta residents a premiere rewards and loyalty program that incentivizes household recycling. City officials are confident they will see a rise in recycling volumes and a decrease in waste tonnages. In addition to the benefit to the environment, the rewards program will give residents and local businesses a needed economic boost.
3BL Media

6 Surprising Things You Didn't Know You Could Recycle | 3BL Media - 4 views

    When most of us think about recycling, we usually think about the standard recycled items like plastic bottles, soda cans and paper. But there are actually hundreds of other materials out there that can be recycled into new and interesting items.
3BL Media

Colorado Rocky Mountain School Work Crews offer meaningful work & create sustainable li... - 0 views

    Colorado Rocky Mountain School Work Crews provide an avenue for students to take leadership roles and initiate change on campus toward creating a more sustainable life. The Recycling Work Crew maintains recycling stations in all the dorms and major buildings. They collect recycled materials and take them to the local recycling center.
Felix Gryffeth

Bra Recycling - 0 views

    Bra Recycling
    recycle, recycling
Felix Gryffeth

Christmas Lights Recycling - 0 views

    Carpet Recycling
    recycle, recycling
Felix Gryffeth

Carpet Recycling - 0 views

    Carpet Recycling
    recycle, recycling
Felix Gryffeth

Packing Peanuts Recycling - 0 views

    Packing Peanuts Recycling
    recycle, recycling
Felix Gryffeth

Reuse a Shoe - 0 views

    Shoe Recycling
    recycle, recycling, shoes
Felix Gryffeth

Wine Cork Recycling - 0 views

    Wine Cork Recycling
    recycle, recycling, cork
3BL Media

Going Goat | 3BL Media - 1 views

    Despite its destructive reputation, the goat is really a marvelous animal. Talk about sustainable. They are almost entirely useable and recyclable. Goats are intelligent and curious. Trainable and affable. They are a renewable source of milk and fiber for yarn. They provide meat and hide. They make great pack animals, and are easier to raise and require less resources than cattle.
3BL Media

Olympic Medals made with your recycled TV? | 3BL Media - 1 views

    For the first time in Olympic history, the medals at the Olympic Games contain gold, silver and copper that has been recovered from electronic waste (e-waste). Each medal was made with a tiny bit of the more than 140,000 tons of e-waste that otherwise would have been sent to Canadian landfills. More than 1,000 medals to be awarded at the Vancouver games this year.
3BL Media

Conserve! Drink from the tap with Luke Wilson | 3BL Media - 0 views

    Luke Wilson tells Melissa McGinnis that he conserves by drinking beer from the tap vs. using bottles or cans, and recycles whether at home or on the go. A player in the Charlie Hoffman Foundation pro-am golf tournament, Luke Wilson also shows his support for recycling and conserving by sharing his thoughts with Greenopolis TV.
smtwaste brokers

Recycling Services in Sydney - 1 views

    Proper recyclng services is important for your accumulated business waste.SMT Waste Brokers can help you compare and find a lucrative deal with a waste management company.

Recycle This Valentines Day with Willard School - 1 views

    Help recycle common supplies. Check out this 1st grade presentation for a Green Valentines Day.
3BL Media

Recycling Democrats! | 3BL Media - 1 views

    Top 10 Democratic Politicians Who Turn Waste to Resources!
smtwaste brokers

Effective Waste Management With Recycling - 1 views

    These days, there are highly innovative techniques that have evolved over the years, that enable professional waste management workers to recycle each product that is not required anymore due to loss of its utility purpose, and create a whole new product, or raw material, which can be utilized in a variety of ways to manufacture...
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