Contents contributed and discussions participated by GVRE Manager
Top 40 Potential Viva Questions - 0 views
Nasty PhD Viva Questions - 0 views
Times Higher Education - Take the heat out of trial by fire - 0 views
"Two of my students are within weeks of submitting their doctorates. It is tough to configure the right mix of compassionate support and needling motivation to ensure that the exhaustion, fear and worry are not incapacitating. All supervisors know that these final few weeks - to use estate-agent speak - will close the deal. If students suffer a metaphoric brain explosion and become so overwhelmed with stress that they cannot complete the necessary editing, a thesis that should have sailed through examination becomes mired in major corrections."
PORT : Viva questions - 0 views
'You don't want a smart Alec': selecting examiners to assess doctoral dissertations - S... - 0 views
The use of external examiners in the doctoral assessment process is seen as a quality assurance process in most higher education systems. This article suggests that the selection of examiners is a critical aspect of that process. Interview analysis highlights the professional/academic considerations involved in selecting suitable examiners, as well as the somewhat more difficult to determine personality issues. Most of the findings lead to an appreciation that experienced supervisors see one of their roles in selecting examiners as protecting their doctoral students from the 'bad and mad', and looking for those examiners who have empathy and understanding, while at the same time maintaining high standards and integrity. A particular concern raised in the article is that of inexperienced supervisors selecting examiners, given the finding that most experienced supervisors ensure that they know, or at the very least know of, the personality traits of potential examiners.
The use of external examiners in the doctoral assessment process is seen as a quality assurance process in most higher education systems. This article suggests that the selection of examiners is a critical aspect of that process. Interview analysis highlights the professional/academic considerations involved in selecting suitable examiners, as well as the somewhat more difficult to determine personality issues. Most of the findings lead to an appreciation that experienced supervisors see one of their roles in selecting examiners as protecting their doctoral students from the 'bad and mad', and looking for those examiners who have empathy and understanding, while at the same time maintaining high standards and integrity. A particular concern raised in the article is that of inexperienced supervisors selecting examiners, given the finding that most experienced supervisors ensure that they know, or at the very least know of, the personality traits of potential examiners.
CiteULike: Portal - 0 views
CiteULike is a free service to help you to store, organise and share the scholarly papers you are reading. When you see a paper on the web that interests you, you can click one button and have it added to your personal library. CiteULike automatically extracts the citation details, so there's no need to type them in yourself. It all works from within your web browser so there's no need to install any software. Because your library is stored on the server, you can access it from any computer with an Internet connection.
Directory of open access journals - 0 views
"Welcome to the Directory of Open Access Journals. This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages. There are now 5065 journals in the directory. Currently 2089 journals are searchable at article level. As of today 401012 articles are included in the DOAJ service. "
Zotero | Home - 0 views
Simulation and Visualization Research group - 0 views
"The Group's research focus is on Simulation and Visualization Environments (SVEs). Specifically, virtual environments in medicine, radiotherapy, archaeology, marine environments and computational steering. Our research concerns innovative applications of SVEs and new tools and techniques associated with constructing SVEs. A major capital and staff investment programme for the group has resulted in the group becoming an international leader in the majority of its research themes."