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Fred Delventhal

OverlapMaps - Instantly compare any two places on Earth! - 16 views

    via An Overlap Map is a map of one part of the world that overlaps a different part of the world. Overlap Maps show relative size.
David McGavock

What's included in my edition of Gmail? - Google Apps Administrator Help - 14 views

    Compare Google for Business, Education, Non Profits and Free
Shane Freeman

21st Century Presentation Literacy: President Obama's Education Address - 15 views

    Presidents, like everyone else change and adapt over time.  Use the Wordles of last years speech and this years to compare the to speeches and make connections to your own life after you have viewed the speech.  
Michelle Krill

Google Trends - 0 views

    With Google Trends, you can compare the world's interest in your favorite topics. Enter up to five topics and see how often they've been searched on Google over time. Google Trends also shows how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and in which geographic regions people have searched for them most.
Pavlína Hublová

G-learning: Using Google Forms to enter checklists (attendance, homework, participation... - 27 views

    "Google Sheets are great for managing students' gradebooks and keeping all sorts of organisational content for school. However, I find them a bit frustrating to use when it comes to checklists. Compared to dealing with checklists in notetaking apps like Evernote or Google Keep, creating and using checklists in Sheets feels rather cumbersome, particularly when you want to use them on a mobile devices such as a tablet or smartphone."
Fred Delventhal

Productivity Suite: Email / Calendar Solution Comparison - 21 views

    UC Berkley chooses to go with Google over Microsoft. Here's why...
Dean Mantz

Gulf Coast oil spill map - 15 views

    Compare the size of Deepwater Horizon oil spill just off of New Orleans, LA to a geographical location of your choice.
Michelle Krill

Google Squared - 0 views

    Google Squared is a search tool that helps you quickly build a collection of facts from the Web for any topic you specify. * Facts about your topic are organized as a table of items and attributes (we call them "Squares" for fun). * Customize these Squares to see just the items and attributes you're interested in. * See the websites that served as sources for the information in your Square. * Save and share Squares with others.
Dennis OConnor

Internet Search Challenge: Adults Do Better - 0 views

  • Need proof that adults search and evaluate better than youth? These charts show how students in middle school and high school compare to teachers and librarians. The assessment is the pretest from a course we call "Investigative Searching 20/10."
  • To date, 449 middle schoolers, 414 high schoolers and 28 adults have taken the 10-item pretest that measures the ability to find critical information and evaluate its credibility. There are several differences that really stand out.
  • Are these the results you would expect? Do you think they are artificially low or about right? That's hard to say without seeing the pretest. Without disclosing specific items (in case you want to take the test), the 10 items focus on skills that have been described in previous posts, requiring the application of appropriate techniques to find the author of articles, the name of the publisher, the date of publication, other instances of the content on the Internet and references to web pages.
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