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Jeff Johnson

13 Alternative Search Engines That Finds What Google Can't | - 1 views

    Google has become the standard search engine of virtually every web-goer on the internet today. In fact "to Google" is pretty much synonymous with "to search". But that certainly doesn't mean that other search engines can't do a decent, if not better, job and this list has been compiled for just this reason. So check out this catalog of awesome alternative search engines that are certain to help you search faster and more efficiently on that World Wide Web
Jeff Johnson

FORTUNE: Techland Cuil not a Google killer - yet « - 0 views

    With hours of being launched Monday, Cuil - a new search engine created by former top Google engineers - was already being touted in the blogosphere as the next Google killer. But unless Cuil (pronounced 'cool') can develop an ad platform to rival Google's, Cuil will have a difficult time challenging the search giant.
Dennis OConnor

Search Engines List - Listed by Types of Searches and Categories | Professional Web Ser... - 38 views

    Knowing where to look is an essential aspect of information fluency.  Google, Yahoo, Bing are just the top of the pyramid.  Here's a list of search engines.  How many have you even heard of, let alone used?
Doug Peterson

Fake Google search engine emerges in China | ITworld - 11 views

    A new search engine called Goojje highlights why Google may leave China.
    This fake google do not intend to contest for users from google . It is just an ironic joke......
Shamblesguru Smith

Student Safe Search Enginnes - 9 views

    This page lists over 20 websites that have been specifically set up to provide a safer experience for students. In addition there is also information about ... | Introduction to Child-Safe Searching | Google Safe Search | Alta Vista Family Filter | Ivy's Search Engine Resources for Kids | Kid's Browser | Surfing the Net with Kids | Safe Surfing Family Guide | Review of safe search engines at 'searchenginewatch' | Internet Content Rating Association | Create your own safe search engine with Google | Censorship / Filtering | Health & Safety | About the Internet | Internet Usage Policies | Education Portals | General Resources |
Michelle Krill

Create a Custom Search Engine - 0 views

    Create a customized search engine.
Dean Mantz

EdTech Gold Rush: Create Your Own Student-Friendly Search Engine with Google - 0 views

    Create your own student safe Google search engine.
Raul Babolea

Gooru | A Free Search Engine for Learning - 18 views

    Gooru can also be added to your Google Apps domain through the Google Apps Marketplace.
Chris Betcher

Google Apps for Education California Summit - 22 views

    The program features Google Certified Teachers, Google Apps for Education Certified Trainers, practicing administrators, solution providers, Google engineers, and representatives from the Google Apps for Education team. 
Chris Betcher

Factory Images for Nexus Devices - Android - Google Developers - 4 views

    "This page contains binary image files that are provided for use in restoring your Nexus device's original factory firmware. These files are for use only on your personal Nexus devices and may not be disassembled, decompiled, reverse engineered, modified or redistributed by you or used in any way except as specifically set forth in the license terms that came with your device."
Lisa Winebrenner

Google Labs - Explore Google's New Ideas - 26 views

    Google Labs is a playground where our more adventurous users can play around with prototypes of some of our wild and crazy ideas and offer feedback directly to the engineers who developed them. Please note that Labs is the first phase in a lengthy product development process and none of this stuff is guaranteed to make it onto While some of our crazy ideas might grow into the next Gmail or iGoogle, others might turn out to be, well, just plain crazy.
qualitypoint Tech

Google Instant - See search results as you type. - 13 views

    Google is continuously innovating to improve its Search Engine.The recent announcement is Google Instant.Google Instant is a new search enhancement that shows results as you type (In fact it predicts the results even before you type).
Jeff Johnson

Google will try to outshine Microsoft's Internet Explorer with new Web browser called '... - 0 views

    Google Inc. is releasing its own Web browser in a long-anticipated move aimed at countering the dominance of Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer and ensuring easy access to its market-leading search engine. The Mountain View-based company took the unusual step of announcing its latest product on the Labor Day holiday after it prematurely sent out a comic book drawn up to herald the new browser's arrival. The free browser, called "Chrome," is supposed to be available for downloading Tuesday in more than 100 countries for computers running on Microsoft's Windows operating system. Google said it's still working on versions compatible with Apple Inc.'s Mac computer and the Linux operating system.
Michelle Krill

Google For Educators - 0 views

    Google is constantly looking for new ways to spur innovation and creativity in science and engineering. We are looking for the best examples of showing your work in Google Earth using KML. And we'll reward the brightest scientists, researchers, and students from all over the world.
Dennis OConnor

Online Teaching Jobs - 0 views

  • Educators looking for online teaching jobs at the postsecondary level. searches sites including: http://onlineadjunctjobs.blogsp..., http://teachonline2008.blogspot...,,, Keywords: "online adjunct" "teaching online" "jobs" "college"
    customized google search engine
Dennis OConnor

Moodle 101 - 0 views

    Custom Google Search engine focused on Moodle
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