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Trenton Taber

Mass Media and its Influence on Society - 1 views

  • rtain movements have been sparked as a result of the mass media, in cases regarding major news most of the time. For example, the O.J.Simpson case and its verdict, The Rodney King trial and its verdict (causing a major riot), the Rowe vs. Wade case, and the case regarding Kalee Anthony. Media transmission from television has been known to create grow
  • Mass media is a very useful addition to human existence on earth. It helps people with many things in life, creating more time and convenience in the day. It almost has a life of its own amongst society as they interact with it continually and necessarily. Mass media has come a long way over the last hundred years; all the way from the carted horse and town center speech to the World Wide Web and cable television. It affects everyone one way today, maybe another way the next. It is sure to be around for a long time; it is very well integrated to society globally and entrenched in societies work, entertainment, finance, and education. It can affect people in good and bad ways, sometimes depending on the views the parties involved, but still effected nonetheless. It is up to one to figure out for themselves what they will do with the information from the mass media sources; and be aware of the influences on them and people around them, keeping in mind the effects mass media has, short and long term; always examining and evaluating to assess credibility, accuracy, and influence.
  • (Lovgen, Stefan
    This is a great article on how mass media has influenced our society and the ways in which technology has contributed to that. I enjoyed the pictures and how it relates to our ever evolving culture.
    Again an interesting choice. In this case you really attack the idea of the nature of authority. I believe this guy is an expert in media, but hes no scholar. Nonetheless his thoughts are engaging, well-expressed and with purpose. A good example of citizen journalism!
Trenton Taber

Mass Communication Effects: How Society and Media Interact - 1 views

    • Trenton Taber
      Author is creditable. This gives the passage authority.
  • With the rise of mass society and the rapid growth of the mass media starting in the nineteenth century, the public, media critics, and scholars have raised questions about the effects various media might have on society and individuals.
    • Trenton Taber
      The author states from the beginning the purpose in answering the readers questions about the effect of social media.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Understanding the effects of media on individuals and society requires that we examine the messages being sent, the medium transmitting them
    • Trenton Taber
      The authors passage is very much opinion based so the accuracy is dependent on your opinion.
  • Many people claim that the media are biased toward one political view or another. Conservative critics argue that there is a liberal bias arising from the tendency of reporters to be more liberal than the public at large. The liberals’ counterargument is that the pre
  • ss has a conservative bias because most media outlets are owned by giant corporations that hold pro-business views.
    • Trenton Taber
      Puts the information in your terms and explains how we look at information as a culture.
    • Trenton Taber
      The copyright of the passage is 2014 making it current and relate-able to our subject matter.
  • © 2014, CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications. All Rights Reserved. CQ Press is a registered trademark of Congressional Quarterly Inc.
    This article addresses questions that people have about how we interact with mass media. It is great in giving insight to perspectives that you may not think of. It approaches the topic from a physiological viewpoint.
    Interesting. This I think is a sample from an online textbook. Not much content, but a starting point. Good use of commenting on what was there to show why it would be useful!

how media shapes our world - 1 views

    Currency: 2014 last updates Purpose: This article focuses on both the past and the future of mass media. it reflects on both positive and negative features. Relevance: Though, this isn't the best source because the author isn't well-known it is a good place to gather and develop an opinion from. Authority: Idris Ahmed Osman Accuracy: though there is a lot of the author's opinion in the article there are also some valid facts that truly push the reader to reflect and think
    all good articles, and your evolution was complete. Try using highlights of the key points of the work, and reflect on this by adding your own comments from your perspective!
Tierra Valentine

Media in the Political Process (updated book chapter) | Levi Manda - - 1 views

    this book provides the history of mass media and how it came along today to be one of the most influence things that people flow. the main idea of this article is to describe how politicians decide to use the media to their advantage.
    Nice scholarly selection. I like how all you you chose a variety of content types, web sites, book chapters. This builds a solid description of the issue!
Tierra Valentine

Role of Mass Media | Marketography - 0 views

  • Mass media and advertising affect our actions, thoughts, and values. We are at the point where mass media creates and reflects our culture–a mediated culture.
    • Tierra Valentine
      purpose- this article describes how we are so depended on media that it is starting to change and mediate our culture beliefs.
  • A Mediated Culture 23 Tuesday Nov 2010
    • Tierra Valentine
      currency- publish November 23, 2010
  • Gregory Dean
    • Tierra Valentine
      authority- author is Gregory Dean
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Gregory Dean
    • Tierra Valentine
      authority- author is Gregory Dean
  • Marketing Philosophy
    • Tierra Valentine
      accuracy- theirs no source but the article do say that the author is in the Marketing Philosophy
  • Functionalists believe that mass media contributes to the benefit of society. Charles Wright (1975) identified several ways in which mass media contributes to creating equilibrium in society. He claims the media coordinate and correlate information that is valuable to the culture. The media are powerful agents of socialization. Through the media, culture is communicated to the masses. Serving society through social control, the media act as stress relievers which keep social conflicts to a minimum.
    • Tierra Valentine
      relevance- this article is lets us know that media contribute a big part in our lives and that it is a stree reliever for some people.
    I like the highlight you use to show relevance, very critically analyzed, and sums things up well!
amanda mast

Social Media Privacy: A Contradiction In Terms? - 1 views

  • Social Media Privacy: A Contradiction In Terms?
  • A 2001 UCLA report, for instance, found high levels of consumer concern over online privacy in general and credit card security in particular.
  • In a Euro RSCG global survey conducted among 7,213 adults in 19 countries, we found that 55% of respondents are worried that “technology is robbing us of our privacy”; the figure was above 60% in a number of countries, including the United States and China. Similarly, 61% overall agreed “People share too much about their personal thoughts and experiences online; we need to go back to being more private.”
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Nearly half the sample (47%)—and a majority of millennials—worry that friends or family will share inappropriate personal information about them online.
  • “Facebook is a relatively young company. It’s not surprising that we found some room for improvement.”
  • Today, we happily share our date and place of birth, name of our first pet, mother’s maiden name, favorite movie or book, favorite color, first school teacher
  • Of even greater concern to many is the amount and variety of information being gathered about us without our explicit permission
  • these people typically are eager to share their thoughts via comment sections on news sites, reviews on retail sites, and in branded clubs and forums.
    • amanda mast
      it is amazing that 55% of respondents are worried of "technology robbing us of our privacy" yet facebook has billions of users and so does many other social media sites. If people are so worried, why do they have an account? 
    • amanda mast
      I believe this is Relevance, it shows many facts and statistics that explain why privacy is such an issue on social media sites today and could be useful when preparing a presentation or paper with these articles.
    Nice online mag article with good data references!
Sherrise Linton

Social media research raises privacy and ethics issues - 1 views

  • Social media research raises privacy and ethics issues
  • Social media research raises privacy and ethics issues
  • ocial media research raises privacy and ethics issues
  • ...19 more annotations...
    • amanda mast
      this article relates to Currency of the CRAAP test. the article was posted just one month ago on March 12,2014. this shows how big of an issue it is today with social media privacy.
    • amanda mast
      Relevance: this information relates to most everyone on this planet who uses the internet. The article says everytime you search something or share news on your facebook page, you have no idea who is actually reading it. This article is good for a lot of people to read to get information and gain knowledge. I would be comfortable siting this website because it is USA Today.
  • Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY
    • amanda mast
      Authority: Author of article is Sharon Jayson of USA Today, if you click on her name it shows you all the articles she has posted and that she is a credible source. the url is .com
  • "Facebook is transformed from a public space to a behavioral laboratory," says the study, which cites a Harvard-based research project of 1,700 college-based Facebook users in which it became possible to "deanonymize parts of the data set," or cross-reference anonymous data to make student identification possible.
  • Facebook data scientist Adam Kramer, of the Menlo Park, Calif.-based company, outlined what the company is learning as part of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology meeting in Austin. Its president, social psychologist James Pennebaker, of the University of Texas-Austin, says privacy is a big issue for the research world.
  • "Facebook especially, and Microsoft, is scared to death about privacy issues," he says. "A bunch of researchers have access to everybody's posts and Facebook is built on what's yours is private. They are struggling with the problem the same way as the scientific community."
  • Attorney and privacy expert Parry Aftab, of New York City — a member of Facebook's Safety Advisory Board — suggests that users shouldn't worry because the very large companies such as Twitter, Google, Microsoft and Facebook have privacy policies for users."The sites will never provide personally identifiable information unless they have the consent of the users. And there is legal recourse if they're using it in any other way," she says.
    • amanda mast
      Accuracy: These 5 paragraphs beginning with "facebook is transformed..." shows the author got her information from credible sources such as a Harvard based research project, a Facebook data scientist Adam Kramer, an attorney and privacy expert, and many more. The article is free of spelling and grammer mistakes.
  • "Be aware it is a space that is watched,"
    • amanda mast
      Purpose: the purpose of the article is to warn people of the privacy dangers social media occurs. they want people to take every precaution possible when dealing with online profiles and posting things that could be inappropriate.
  • March 12, 2014
  • Every time you search online for the best restaurant deal, share good news or bad with your Facebook friends, or tweet to your followers, your "audience" is bigger than you know.
  • Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY
    • Sherrise Linton
      Authority: the author here could be credible based on the study of politics and ethical research experience is mentions when you click on the name in the article. Also you uses other soures to back up the arguments she holds about how you leaving your "cyber" trail when on certain sites.
    • Sherrise Linton
      Authority: the author here could be credible based on the study of politics and ethical research experience is mentions when you click on the name in the article. Also you uses other soures to back up the arguments she holds about how you leaving your "cyber" trail when on certain sites.
  • every online move leaves cyber footprints that are rapidly becoming fodder for research without you ever realizing it
    • Sherrise Linton
      Relevance: The intended audience here would be those that are unaware of what can and cannot hurt them when it comes to just posting anything, a trail is being form. This information is crucial to my topic because it proves the important nature of becoming more aware, it cannot be stressed enough of the audience such as jobs, peers and co-workers see you posting.
    • Sherrise Linton
      Relevance: The intended audience here would be those that are unaware of what can and cannot hurt them when it comes to just posting anything, a trail is being form. This information is crucial to my topic because it proves the important nature of becoming more aware, it cannot be stressed enough of the audience such as jobs, peers and co-workers see you posting.
  • Using social media for academic research is accelerating and raising ethical concerns along the way, as vast amounts of information collected by private companies — including Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter — are giving new insight into all aspects of everyday life.
  • says social psychologist Ilka Gleibs, an assistant professor at the London School of Economics in London, whose study about social networking sites for research field studies has been drawing attention since it went online in January in the journal Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
    • Sherrise Linton
      Accuracy: Not only does this fall under Authority due to the reference entered into the article but it show the research and evidenced gather by Sharon Johnson. She picked a highly expert pyschologist to warn the audience to take this matter more serious than what the intended audience may be viewing Facebook. With the professor being from a school in London, it shows that this source is unbiased to the American views of Facebook.
    • Sherrise Linton
      Accuracy: Not only does this fall under Authority due to the reference entered into the article but it show the research and evidenced gather by Sharon Johnson. She picked a highly expert pyschologist to warn the audience to take this matter more serious than what the intended audience may be viewing Facebook. With the professor being from a school in London, it shows that this source is unbiased to the American views of Facebook.
  • Researchers who use these large sets of data "need to be especially cautious about the quality of the data and the error it can produce."
    • Sherrise Linton
      Purpose: The main purpose through this article is to inform, thoughout the article it has given insiders on not just Social Networkers but to be aware on using the web and certain data.
  • March 12, 2014
    • Sherrise Linton
      Currency: This was the was posted March 12, 2014, this article was very much timely and the topic I have needs the more recent views because my topics touches on the effectiveness of how to maintain your privacy while on socail medias/networks.
    • Sherrise Linton
      Currency: This was the was posted March 12, 2014, this article was very much timely and the topic I have needs the more recent views because my topics touches on the effectiveness of how to maintain your privacy while on socail medias/networks.
    This article is about the trails you leave on socail media such as Facebook and Twitter
    This article is about the trails you leave on socail media such as Facebook and Twitter
    Really nice insight into the content. A good critical interpretation of the meaning of the owrk!
amanda mast

Privacy issues of Social Networks - Social Networks Privacy - 0 views

  • 1. Privacy and Human Rights, An International Survey of Privacy Laws and Practice. Global Internet Liberty Campaign. Available at: 2. Pring, C. (2012) The Social Skinny.100 More Social Media Statistics For 2012. Available at: 3. Madden, M. (2012) Pew Internet. Privacy Management on Social Media Sites. Published on February 24. Available at: 4. Identity Fraud. BBC One Watchdog. Available at: 5. Lewis, K. (2011) How Social Media Networks Facilitate Identity Theft and Fraud. Entrepreneurs Organization. Available at:
  • Forbes, 21. Rosa Golijan (2012), Consumer Reports: Facebook privacy problems are on the rise, NBC News, 22. Wolny, P. (2012) Foursquare and other location based services. Checking in, staying safe and being savvy. Rosen Publishing Group, New York 23. Microsoft (2012) Location based social networks. Retrieved from 24. Hickman, L. (2010) How I became a Foursquare cyberstalker. The Guardian. Retrieved from 25. Thompson, C. (2012) Girls Around Me highlights Foursquare’s biggest privacy flaw. Retrieved from
  • 26. Cipriani, J. (2012) How to prevent Facebook Messenger from sharing your location. Retrieved fro
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • amanda mast
      accuracy: the author is not stated for this article but the sources he used to write this article are. This shows where he found his information from and is helpful for researchers that need to site their findings.
    This article talks about the types of social network sites, locations, privacy concerns regarding these sites, using your location with your social media, and much more.
    I like your highlight of the references, really lets me know up front what I am working with!
Sherrise Linton

Privacy issues in social-networking sites - 2 views

  • By M. E. Kabay, Network World
    • amanda mast
      authority: the author is M. E. Kabay and i believe this person is somewhat credible. You do not get a whole lot of information about him in this article but it has good facts in it. No contact information, no mistakes.
  • September 27, 2010 12:09 AM ET
  • ...23 more annotations...
    • amanda mast
      Currency: this article was posted on September 27, 2010 and has not been updated (or you cannot tell). This site is good for older facts to also help to see how far a social media site has come over just a couple of years.
  • In December of 2009 Facebook made one of the most controversial changes to their privacy policy. No longer could you have a nearly invisible account allowing only those you wanted in by default. A user's profile was now publicly searchable with most of the information opened up for all to see by default. Facebook users were not pleased. Now, this isn't to say that Facebook pages couldn't be public before (they could), it was more about the loss of the choice. And that was the truly scary part.
    • amanda mast
      Accuracy: facts like this contribue to accuracy because he did his research to find this information. This paragraph also has another link put into it that leads to another article where information was pulled from.
  • Realistically, today's article is more of a wakeup call to be cautious how you use the social-networking sites and other parts of the Web that ask for personal information. It's not so anonymous: it's more public than you may think at the time you sign up for that nifty site. Remember that the Internet never forgets: not only are there public archives, but once your information has been copied by other people and saved on their hard drives, you really have lost control over it.
    • amanda mast
      Purpose: the purpose of this article is to warn people about what they put on social media, there are many ways information can be saved that you posted and come back to haunt you.
  • Let's say that you are on top of your security settings and have your Facebook page well locked down. Your boss isn't your Friend and you haven't added or been tagged in any racy or embarrassing photos. Are you safe now? Not necessarily. Glitches in Facebook's own services may still share data, especially with Instant Personalization. Instant Personalization is intended to share some of your
  • sites to, you guessed it, personalize the experienc
    • amanda mast
      Relevance: the inteneded audience is anyone who uses social media and does not believe they are doing damage to their future or current jobs. You may think your page is private and noone can see what you are posting but there is always a way around things.
  • first started in 2004 the site was limited to just Harvard students
  • But what if those Friends were your employers, how about the Friends of Friends, or even worse, Everyone?
    • Sherrise Linton
      Relevance: This information is very useful to my topic because it goes unto open the view to those who do not realize that your peers are not the only individuals that can view your post/status friends of friends are there to capture your every move as well.
  • Facebook is easily the king of social networking.
  • make money
  • to advertisers, or worse yet, dishonest strangers, the data you willingly input are a gold mine
  • Facebook itself is a business venture
  • provide a service
  • But being on Facebook doesn't mean you're not concerned with privacy. Rather, the issue is what information you provide and allow them to show.
  • sites cater particularly to the college-age crowd
  • Pictures from last week's party may become evidence against you in your job hunt.
  • social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace
  • September 27, 2010
    • Sherrise Linton
      Currency: This article does not pass the test of being timely, my topic is requires the most recent information so that individuals can know the up-to-date form of privacy laws and issue website now uphold. This article is listed for September 10, 2010 which is not recent at all, for the intended audience to reference to.
  • Kyle Covino is one of the bright young people that I very much appreciate at my local Staples store in Berlin Corners, Vt. He and his colleagues in the technology department have never failed to greet me warmly and offer immediate help in finding the right equipment for my needs – and I have watched them serve other customers with the same enthusiasm and competence.
  • 500+ million users
    • Sherrise Linton
      Purpose: Using this number here helps the argument of the intended auidence, the purpose here is to attract these 500+ million users to become more aware and trustworthy of the author here into believe that there are more than just peers at view of your profile and to remain professional at all times.
  • you'll want to look at the Account, Privacy, and Application Settings links, which provide the tools necessary to lock down your information and limit what others can see. Two good recent articles that provide details on how to use these settings properly are by Nilay Patel and by Whitson Gordon. Facebook may change your settings without warning you, so you should check them periodically
    • Sherrise Linton
      Authority: The two authors listed behind this warned Application Setting view and how to manage you Facebook account privacy settings; you click on the url and the authors are very much credible, they have written articles on both the privacy issues and Facebook which cover the relevancy of my topic.
    This article discusses facebook and how it began and how it became a public social networking site.
    This Article opens up the views of the target audience which are college students and this helps them to become more aware of the status and post updated. This article is relevant to this targeted audience because it mentions job offers and "Facebook Firing" and this type of awaeness get the attention of those that are recently applying for jobs.
    Absolutely credibe! If in doubt about the author, Google the person! In about 3 sec I found out who he was, and he is a guru of security from Dartmouth...
Kristina Johnson

Can Your Social Media Image Affect Your Chances of Getting Into College? « CB... - 2 views

  • July 22, 2013 6:00 AM
  • What kind of online behavior affects a student’s admission to the college of their choice, and how can students prepare their online footprint for inspection?
  • That said, with only 15 percent of schools having any policy whatsoever, that gives the vast majority of college recruiters complete freedom to surf your internet trail.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Lauren Haas is a writer who specializes in finding the fun! Lauren was the publisher of the St. Louis Area Family Gazette for eight years, and now writes freelance articles on St. Louis events and attractions, budget travel, arts and entertainment and fitness topics. Her work can be found at
  • According to Kaplan Test Prep, who tracks such things,
  • In a 2012 survey
  • Managing your online reputation
  • Online behavior that can affect your chances of admission
  • Privacy issues
    • Kristina Johnson
      Currency: July 2013
    • Kristina Johnson
      Relevance: The intended audience is students applying to college
    • Kristina Johnson
      Accuracy: The author does provide some sources of information such as Kaplan Test Prep and a 2012 survey but most of the information is from the author themselves. I can verify the articles information from personal knowledge. The language of the article is unbiased and there are no spelling, grammar, or typographical errors. 
    • Kristina Johnson
      Relevance: The fact that the vast majority of college recruiters have the complete freedom to surf your internet trail relates to our topic of privacy issues on social network sites. 
    • Kristina Johnson
      Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform college applicants of privacy issues on social media sites when applying for college. The author makes their intentions clear by using precise headings and defining what behavior is not appropriate and tips to managing your online reputation. There are no biases in this article. This issue is one to consider and will only increase as the use of technology and social media increase.  
    • Kristina Johnson
      Authority: Lauren Haas is the author of this article. Her qualifications are listed at the end of the article and her work is found at The source of this article is CBS New York which is a news source in New York. 
    This article from CBS New York discusses how social media sites can affect admissions into college. Many admissions officers are using social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus to screen applicants. This article defines what behavior is unacceptable and tips to manage your online reputation. 
    Really nice thorough documentation and good comments!
Kristina Johnson

Privacy and Security Issues in Social Networking - 1 views

  • By Brendan Collins
  • Graham Cluley, Chief Technology Officer at UK tech security firm Sophos says.
  • . Privacy issues, those involving the unwarranted access of private information, don't necessarily have to involve security breaches. Someone can gain access to confidential information by simply watching you type your password. But both types of breaches are often intertwined on social networks, especially since anyone who breaches a site's security network opens the door to easy access to private information belonging to any user.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The reason social network security and privacy lapses exist results simply from the astronomical amounts of information the sites process each and every day that end up making it that much easier to exploit a single flaw in the system.
  • Adrienne Felt, a Ph.D. candidate at Berkeley,
  • David Evans, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia,
  • The problems plaguing social network security and privacy issues, for now, can only be resolved if users take a more careful approach to what they share and how much.
  • limit your presence altogether.
  • October 3, 2008 | 5:00 AM
    The article from Fast Company discusses the rising privacy issues on social networking sites. There are several high-profile breaches of security on these sites and the article describes how the networks are dealing with them and how to protect yourself.  
    Good trade article from the field. Your comments really helped me know what was going on with the issue!
Sherrise Linton

Users quitting Facebook cite privacy concerns - The Daily Beast - 0 views

  • 09.19.13
    • Sherrise Linton
      Currency: This article is not too old or out-dated that it can be used as an useful source. It is 2014, so some researcher might bash it but I do feel the information is reliable and gives numerical statistic on what users were affected by Privacy dilemmas on Facebook.
  • Holly Ellyatt
  • "Although the Facebook quitters of the present sample represented only a very small amount of all Facebook users, many of them seemed to be concerned about privacy to such an extent that it outweighed perceived advantages of Facebook and eventually led them to quit their virtual Facebook identity," Stieger and his co-authors said in an article entitled "Who Commits Virtual Identity Suicide?"published on Wednesday.
    • Sherrise Linton
      Relevance: This information is appropiate enough to the topic because it points on the emotions tha these users have for Facebook. It appeals pathos and it shows the disadvantages that Facebook users have while trusting this site with so much valueable information. 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A survey of around 300 Facebook users and 300 quitters of the social networking site by Austrian psychologists at the University of Vienna assessing what motivated them to use or abandon Facebook revealed an emerging counter-movement against social networking.
    • Sherrise Linton
      Accuracy: The information is coming from this author and it throws numerical information and that was found by an Austrian psychologist at a University which makes the argument a lot stronger because he specializes int he thought process and emotion of those 300 Fcebook users that felt as though they had to quit Facebook due to it harming their social identity.
  • Holly Ellyatt
    • Sherrise Linton
      Authority: The url that took me to more information about this author has that she is a producer of CNBC which is a good quality and she can hold a view on Privacy issues on television but I am skeptical of saying is she is credible to believe on Facebook users.
  • Among those saying they were quitting Facebook, almost half were leaving because of privacy concerns.
    • Sherrise Linton
      Purpose: The main argument here is the privacy issue on Facebook is what is forcing users to leave not what Facebook content provides. Its the lack of safety of one's profile, number, age, and location that Facebook has out there to the web. Then when it comes to cleaning up your page to get  job it never goes away.
    This Article focuses on Facebook users and quitters due to the fact of feeling as though it is "virtual identity suicide". This article goes on to prove the that fact that Facebook and other socail medias can be a danger to your future career goals. Users are left with a lot of vent-like post that are taken out of content and held against them in the end.
    This is current enough and very relevant. It would be nice to look at this idea over a couple of years and see if people are still fearful!
William Moran

Social Networking Privacy: How to be Safe, Secure and Social | Privacy Rights Clearingh... - 0 views

  • Employers are increasingly monitoring what employees post on social networking sites.
    • William Moran
      authority- Employers can look through your social media if there is no privacy setting. If bad things are found, then it can get you fired
  • Copyright © 2010 - 2014Privacy Rights Clearinghouse Posted June 2010 Revised January 2014
    • William Moran
      currency- Its review and copyrighted
  • There are two kinds of information that can be gathered about a user from a social network: information that is shared and information gathered through electronic tracking.
    • William Moran
      Relevancy- If theres no privacy all this can view by almost anyone.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • However, many people besides friends and acquaintances are interested in the information people post on social networks.  Identity thieves, scam artists, debt collectors, stalkers, and corporations looking for a market advantage are using social networks to gather information about consumers.  Companies that operate social networks are themselves collecting a variety of data about their users, both to personalize the services for the users and to sell to advertisers.  
    • William Moran
      purpose- there are more people other than family and friends to look at your stuff.
  • Within the context of social networking, “third-party applications” are programs that interact with a social network without actually being part of that social network. These applications take many forms but some typical and popular forms include
    • William Moran
      accuracy- There's more party's than can have access to your account so be careful.
    Again well documented. I really like the way you comment on the highlights, very informative!
William Moran

"Privacy Issues and Solutions in Social Network Sites" by Xi Chen, et al. - 0 views

  • Katina Michael, University of Wollongong
    • William Moran
      accuracy- its created by a professor and it looks like she knows what shes talking about.
  • Austin [7] also asserts: “[w]e do need to sharpen and deepen our understanding of traditional concerns regarding privacy in order to respond to these new situations”.
    • William Moran
      purpose- "we have to sharpen our understanding to be able to respond to new situations."
  • Attack techniques steal private information that users wish to keep secret.
    • William Moran
      authority- have control in your privacy settings.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Privacy Issues and Solutions in Social Network Sites
    • William Moran
      currency- this article is about solutions to keep our things private
  • . In either case, users’ information disclosure can be helpful to other users,
    • William Moran
      Relevancy- this goes back with everything I have said, be careful what you put in the media because this can help other user that can be trying to hack in your page.
    Good documentation on this article and nice personal comments as well!
Rebecca Gonner

Positive and Negative Influence of Media among Young People - 1 views

  • June 12, 2012
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Currency 2012
  • Suman Shafi in Youth World
    • Rebecca Gonner
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Authority: For the students, by the students
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Media is basically dominated by five major companies. They are Time Warner, VIACOM, Vivendi Universal, Walt Disney, and News Corp. These companies own 95% of all the media we get every day.
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Accuracy: facts
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Accuracy: comment at bottom-"very good. helpful for my thesis."
  • Advertising is one of the most fundamental ways, where buyers are brought into buying what they are shown to be good, with their decisions based on what they saw on television, newspapers or on billboards.
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Accuracy: can verify information
  • Positive and Negative
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Accuracy: shows both sides of the argument
  • Influence of Media Among Young People
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Purpose: Inform
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Relevance: relates to topic
  • 2, 201
    this article is about how we are surround by media from the time we wake up til the time we go to bed. it also says how the media is design to draw us in and to make us believe everything we see and hear.
    Good article from a student perspective!
Rebecca Gonner

Mass Media: Mass Media - 1 views

  • воскресенье, 25 марта 2012 г
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Currency: March 25, 2012 (in russian)
  • Mass Media Influence on Youth
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Relevance: covers topic
    • Rebecca Gonner
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Statistics show that there are few things which impact the human mind more than mass media.
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Accuracy: statistics
  • Mass Media
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Accuracy: article has an informative, unbiased tone
  • Mass media includes print media like newspaper and magazines, electronic media like radio, television and video and new age digital media like internet, blogs and mobile phones. To know the origin and history of media, we should know the growth and evolution of mass media. 
    • Rebecca Gonner
      Purpose: inform/teach
    Good background info here in general! I would like to hear what you thinks about all this in your comments!
Logan Hickey

Media Influence on Youth - 2 views

  • 1995.
  • 1998,
  • 2001)
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • 2001)
  • , 1999
  • 1997)
  • , 2001
  • e, 2000)
  • 1997,
  • 1999)
  • 1996 poll
  • 2001)
    • Logan Hickey
      Currency - I was unable to find when the article was written, but the most recent sources sited in the article are from 2001.
  • This site sponsored by
    • Logan Hickey
      Authority - The author's name is not given. The article is on a website for "Crisis Connection." The URL is a .htm, which is not necessarily encouraging.
  • Media Influence on Youth
    • Logan Hickey
      Relevance - This article is concerned directly with the effect of media on young people. 
  • American Academy of Pediatrics,
    • Logan Hickey
      Accuracy - The article is supported by a lot of evidence from many credible sources.
  • What’s the Problem? Facts about Girls, Women & the Media
    • Logan Hickey
      Purpose - the article intends to inform the reader of statistics concerning how media affects youth (mainly girls), and to persuade them that the media's effect is largely negative.
    This is a rather unprofessional looking site upon first glance. It does, however, have a lot of promising looking numbers and statistics. I will examine their validity.
    You are right to question it, no apparent author, not so professional looking either. It does link out to the sources mostly, and those are legit if not the highest grade sources.
Logan Hickey

Violence In The Mass Media And Its Effects On Youth | Researchomatic - 1 views

    This is a rather short article. It does, however, seem to be well written and it has numerous citations. Despite its length, it seems to have good information. 
    The content seems sound here. And you can cite it, I would have liked to seen the citations, but did not want to sign up to see all of it.
Joseph Goetz

Health Effects of Media on Children and Adolescents - 1 views

  • Accepted October 28, 2009.
    • Joseph Goetz
      Currency = October 2009
  • effects of media on the health and well-being of children and adolescents
  • ...9 more annotations...
    • Joseph Goetz
      Relevance: This article examines the effects that mass media can have on the health and well-being of children. This article relates to our topic by answering how media can effect youth.
  • uthor Affiliations aDepartment of Pediatrics, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico; bAnnenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and cDepartment of Communications, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
    • Joseph Goetz
      Authority: The authors are all university professors. The article was published in the Journal of Pediatrics. This suggests that the authors are very qualified to write on the topic.
  • reducing the negative effects can be implemented.
  • otential for media to play a beneficial role
    • Joseph Goetz
      Purpose: The purpose of this article is to foster the use of mass media in a way that is beneficial to youth. By engaging parents, schools, the government, advertising professionals, practitioners, and the entertainment industry, society can attempt to reduce the negative effects of media on youth.
  • Health Effects of Media on Children and Adolescents
  • Health Effects of Media on Children and Adolescents
    This article examines the correlation between mass media and its health consequences on youth. Mass media content can increase aggression, sexual behavior, drug and alcohol use, and obesity.
    Nice online journal article on your topic. Quality web content!
Anthony Ginn

The effect of mass media on teenagers - Research Papers - Wingson5757 - 3 views

    • Anthony Ginn
      Despite social media has its drawbacks, there are benefits to social media on the youth. Mass media could be used to voice people's opinion, and shares knowledge with others.
    • Anthony Ginn
      Mass media keeps people informed of events that recently occurred, and mass media is a good way to keep politicians in check.
  • radio, to TV
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • mobile phone. M
  • rom telegraph
  • computer,
  • Mass media brings out some of the positive and negative effect on teenagers:
  • oice their
    As noted earlier, the media can have a negative effect on the youth;however, there are some good things the media can do. According to this web site, the media can be a good thing: "Media makes the lives of the people at ease, along with Information and Communication Technologies; they produce to increase the standard of living for the people to spend time..." Media is a way for young people to voice their opinion via Facebook, email, or Twitter (along with many more web sites). Media is also a way for people to stay informed on particular topics. Media is a way to get information to people, which is a positive effect on younger people.
    XLNT Anthony! There is so much discussion about what we can do to empower and protect our girls (which is great but), not so much with guys and having a graduating boy, I know they need support too. Save our boys!
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