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Moultrie Creek

Florida Historical Quarterly - 0 views

    The Florida Historical Quarterly, the academic journal of the Florida Historical Society, promotes scholarly research and appreciation for the peoples, places, themes, and diversity of Florida's past. The Society is the oldest cultural institution in the state, tracing its origins to 1856. The Quarterly has served to expand understanding of Florida's historical development and offers a broad spectrum of articles. Published four times annually, the Quarterly continues the tradition of high quality scholarly articles established and maintained by the Society. The Quarterly has been a central component of the mission of the Florida Historical Society to promote scholarly research and publication. Students, researchers, and casual readers may use the collection liberally, although reproduction of materials for use outside of classrooms must be approved by the Society.
Brian DeGraaf

Historical Markers and Historic Landmarks at Markeroni - 0 views

    "Markeroni: A friendly, informal and light-hearted online community where history fans, treasure hunters and travelers log their visits to historical markers and historic landmarks. "
    If you sign up please tell them GeoGenealogy sent you. They keep track of who brings people to the site this way.
Moultrie Creek

Moultrie Creek Online Historical Society - 1 views

    Moultrie Creek Online Historical Society is a fictitious society used to demonstrate how historical and genealogical societies can develop an online presence to support existing members and attract new ones.
TK Sand

The Ancestry Insider: The Marshall Historical Maps Collection - 0 views

    Within the next few days, will be redirected to Current topo maps will be available shortly thereafter at
Brian DeGraaf

David Rumsey Historical Map Collection - 0 views

    From site: "The David Rumsey Historical Map Collection has over 20,000 maps and images online. The collection focuses on rare 18th and 19th century North American and South American maps and other cartographic materials. Historic maps of the World, Europe, Asia, and Africa are also represented. Collection categories include antique atlas, globe, school geography, maritime chart, state, county, city, pocket, wall, childrens, and manuscript maps. Some examples are United States map, maps New York, California map, Arizona map, America map, New York City map, Chicago map, and Colorado map. The collection can be used to study history, genealogy and family history. "
Brian DeGraaf

The Historical Marker Database - 0 views

    "This website is an illustrated searchable online catalog of historical information viewed through the filter of roadside and other permanent outdoor markers, monuments, and plaques. It contains photographs, inscription transcriptions, marker locations, maps, additional information and commentary, and links to more information. Anyone can add new markers to the database and update existing marker pages with new photographs, links, information and commentary."
Craig Manson

Milledgeville Historic Newspapers: Home - 0 views

    Contains issues of historic papers published in Milledgeville, one-time capital of Georgia, from 1808-1922. A reference for Georgia politics, history, laws, slave data. The Milledgeville Historic Newspaper database is a project of the Digital Library of Georgia as part of Georgia HomePLACE. The project is supported with federal LSTA funds administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Georgia Public Library Service, a unit of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
Brian DeGraaf

LookBackMaps - 1 views

    "Lookbackmaps is a network of neighborhood historians, historical photo enthusiasts, historians, book publishers and others who collaborate to map history.\n\nThrough the online digitization of high-resolution public photo collections and geotagging technology, Lookbackmaps creates collaborative, standardized views into the past.\n\n \n\nThere's something in being human that wonders what was here before us-who occupied this space, how did they live, what did they leave behind? By mapping the millions of historical photos available through public libraries and private collections on the web, we start to piece together the puzzle."
TK Sand

Welcome to the Online Historical Newspapers Website (Online Newspaper Site) - 12 views

    "Have you ever wished you could find links to all the online historical newspapers in one place? A place where they were listed by county and city so you could find the newspapers your ancestors read? This is the purpose of the Online Historical Newspapers Website. It is meant to be used as an aid to genealogists, historians, and other researchers."
Michael Hait

Maryland Historical Society to present genealogy workshops with Robert Barnes - 0 views

    The Maryland Historical Society and genealogist and author Robert Barnes will once again present a series of four Family History workshops this year.
TK Sand

Maptech: Historical Topographic Maps - 0 views

    As a special service to the mapping community, Maptech is proud to host this collection of historic USGS topographic maps. This ongoing project is headed by historian Christopher Marshall and compiled through the efforts of many individuals. We are honored to be the stewards of this fine collection, making it available to all via the World Wide Web.
Craig Manson

The History Box | Welcome Genealogists, Historians, and History Buffs - 0 views

    The History was created and is maintained by Miriam Medina, researcher and transcriber of the site. The History Box. com's educational intent is to provide information of historical interest that is relevant to the people of New York State, New York City and American history, and direct them to the sources that it has utilized which are available to the public. The contents of this site are derived from extensive research of public records, newspapers, books and web links. It is a source of quality information for researchers, historians, literary scholars, writers, historical societies and academic institutions.
Michael Hait

Tips for Researching Civil War Soldiers - 0 views

    Information on the records of State agencies; also directs to information about historical records in local govts, historical societies, libraries, archives, and other organizations around the State
Moultrie Creek

MyTopo: Historical Topographic Maps - 0 views

    "As a special service to the mapping community, MyTopo is proud to host this collection of historic USGS topographic maps. This ongoing project is headed by historian Christopher Marshall and compiled through the efforts of many individuals. We are honored to be the stewards of this fine collection, making it available to all via the World Wide Web."
Craig Manson

Catholic Cemeteries in St Louis, MO - 0 views

    Within this site you will find maps, directions and historical information about many of the 17 cemeteries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. You will find photos and interesting facts about the cemeteries and many of the famous people interred there. Not only can you perform searches of the over 500,000 burial records, but be sure to check out the Historical, News and F.A.Q. sections.
Julie Cahill Tarr

World History : HyperHistory - 0 views

    "World History : HyperHistory Online navigates through 3 000 years of World History with links to important persons of world historical importance; civilization timelines; events and facts; and historical maps"
Moultrie Creek

Cambridge Historical Association | Scribd - 0 views

    Cambridge Historical Association - Cambridge, Iowa This is their page on Scribd where they are posting their association newsletters.
Craig Manson

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati - 0 views

    The Mission of the Historical Archives of the Chancery is to assist the Church in reflecting on her history, and specifically on how the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has lived the Gospel message. Every generation examines and interprets its history in order to understand the present life and activity of the Church. This reflection and historical perspective is especially important during times of great change and transition in the life of the Church.
harry potter12

Historical Resources - 255 views

archive genarchive history local

TK Sand

Welcome to the Kentucky Historical Society Web Site - 3 views

    Martin F. Schmidt Research Library Tuesday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. EST Free and open to the public The Martin F. Schmidt Research Library of the Kentucky Historical Society houses over 90,000 published works, dealing primarily with history and genealogy, as well as more than 16,000 reels of microfilm and over 30,000 vertical files of collected and contributed research.
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