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Julie Cahill Tarr

US State History Timelines (American History) - 2 views

    "Provides a chronological timeline chart of important events and dates in the history of each of the fifty (50) US States. Browse key events in each states history chronological from 1600's to 2000's, with developments in politics, presidents, popular, Native American, planetary, technology, and culture. Also, access the United States early history (historical timeline), state facts, state history firsts, and famous people."
Julie Cahill Tarr

World History : HyperHistory - 0 views

    "World History : HyperHistory Online navigates through 3 000 years of World History with links to important persons of world historical importance; civilization timelines; events and facts; and historical maps"
Moultrie Creek

Mass Moments: Isaiah Thomas Born - 0 views

    The Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities launched the Mass Moments project-an electronic almanac of Massachusetts history-on January 1, 2005. Throughout 2005, radio listeners, cable TV viewers, and Internet users enjoyed listening to or reading about events and people in the recorded history of Massachusetts. In 2006, we are using the same 365 stories while we enhance the website for teachers. Visitors to the Mass Moments website [] can choose to listen to a one-minute audio spot or read the script, and then explore the story further by reading a background essay and clicking on a primary source document, links to follow, and places to visit. You can also use the timeline to see when a given "moment" occurred and a map to see where it happened. Visitors post comments or questions on the Discussion Board and have the option of being notified when someone responds. You can sign up for a free subscription to eMoments.
C Jackson

Google News Archive Search - 0 views

    News archive search provides an easy way to search and explore historical archives. In addition to helping you search, News archive search can automatically create timelines which show selected results from relevant time periods.
Moultrie Creek

World History - 0 views

    Interactive Maps, Timelines, Videos, Geocoded Photos, Museum Artifacts, and your Ancestors are just a few things you can do and discover on, the new social history experience. We connect the dots of history, we connect you to history. Sources, partners, and YOU provide the content, history provides the story.
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