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Paul Merrell

Sun to Distribute Microsoft Live Search-Powered Toolbar as Part of Java Runtime Environ... - 0 views

  • Sun and Microsoft have agreed on a search distribution deal that will offer the MSN Toolbar, powered by Microsoft Live Search, to U.S.-based Internet Explorer users who download the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
  • Sun and Microsoft have agreed on a search distribution deal that will offer the MSN Toolbar, powered by Microsoft Live Search, to U.S.-based Internet Explorer users who download the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). This agreement gives Internet Explorer users downloading Sun’s JRE the option to download the MSN Toolbar for one-click access to Live Search features, as well as news, entertainment, sports and more from the MSN network and direct access to Windows Live Hotmail and Windows Live Messenger.
  • “This agreement with Sun Microsystems is another important milestone in our strategy to secure broad-scale distribution for our search offering, enabling millions more people to experience the benefits of Live Search,” said Yusuf Mehdi, senior vice president of the Online Audience Business at Microsoft. “With the vast array of Java software-based Web applications that are downloaded every month, this deal will expose Live Search to millions more Internet users and drive increased volume for our search advertisers.”
Paul Merrell

OWL 2 Web Ontology Language:New Features and Rationale - 0 views

  • Abstract OWL 2 extends the W3C OWL Web Ontology Language with a small but useful set of features that have been requested by users, for which effective reasoning algorithms are now available, and that OWL tool developers are willing to support. The new features include extra syntactic sugar, additional property and qualified cardinality constructors, extended datatype support, simple metamodeling, and extended annotations. This document is a simple introduction to the new features of the OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, including an explanation of its differences with respect to OWL 1. It also presents the requirements that have motivated the design of the main new features, and their rationale from a theoretical and implementation perspective.
Paul Merrell - Sun seeks ray of light in open-source turnround - 0 views

  • Wall Street has all but given up on Jonathan Schwartz.The chief executive of Sun Microsystems has been pushing one of the most drastic turnround strategies Silicon Valley has seen. Yet he now also has to contend with a severe economic downturn, the early stages of which have already exposed Sun's vulnerabilities: its reliance on expensive high-end equipment that does not sell well when times are hard, and its large exposure to the financial services industry.At barely $3 a share, Sun's $2.3bn stock market value is 40 per cent below its book value, and little more than 1 per cent of its value at the start of the decade. The announcement earlier this month of job cuts of up to 18 per cent of Sun's workforce has done little to change investors' minds.
Paul Merrell

Sun on open source: What doesn't kill you... | The Open Road - CNET News - 0 views

  • Open source is the very thing that has crippled Sun, yet Sun is looking to open source, to hobble its competitors and revive its future. We often talk in the technology industry about the need to cannibalize your own business before someone else does it to you. Sun may be a little late off the starting blocks, but it's fascinating to watch its race against time.
  • Having open-sourced its own Solaris operating system, Sun has now tried to corner the market in open source databases with its $1bn purchase of MySQL, the database management system. It now also has its eyes set on the storage market, with a plan to inflict the same pain on incumbents there that it has itself felt from the rise of Linux. It's a hugely gutsy move. It remains to be seen whether it will work, but with Sun's OpenStorage business growing dramatically faster than the rest of the storage industry, it just might work.
Paul Merrell

The Self-Describing Web - 0 views

  • Abstract The Web is designed to support flexible exploration of information by human users and by automated agents. For such exploration to be productive, information published by many different sources and for a variety of purposes must be comprehensible to a wide range of Web client software, and to users of that software. HTTP and other Web technologies can be used to deploy resource representations that are in an important sense self-describing: information about the encodings used for each representation is provided explicitly within the representation. Starting with a URI, there is a standard algorithm that a user agent can apply to retrieve and interpret such representations. Furthermore, representations can be grounded in the Web, by ensuring that specifications required to interpret them are determined unambiguously based on the URI, and that explicit references connect the pertinent specifications to each other. Web-grounding reduces ambiguity as to what has been published in the Web, and by whom. When such self-describing, Web-grounded resources are linked together, the Web as a whole can support reliable, ad hoc discovery of information. This finding describes how document formats, markup conventions, attribute values, and other data formats can be designed to facilitate the deployment of self-describing, Web-grounded Web content.
Paul Merrell

Cover Pages: Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) - 0 views

  • "Business challenges: (1) Enterprises needed to aggregate/reuse business content trapped in disparate repositories: Different systems deployed in different departments, Systems inherited through business acquisition and merger. (2) Companies needed to get up-to-date information from business partner's repository: E.g. Aircraft maintenance crew needed to access manufacturers' vast manual repository to get the latest spec and procedure to comply with FAA regulation. (3) ISVs wanted a single application code-base that can be deployed in different repository environments: Lower development and maintenance cost, Bigger addressable market... Content Management Interoperability Services is a Web-based, protocol-layer interface to enable application to interoperate with disparate content management systems. It is platform-and language-agnostic, message-based, with loose coupling.
  • The specification was drafted by EMC, IBM, and Microsoft in a project started October 2006. Additional collaborators include: Alfresco, Open Text, Oracle, and SAP. Interoperability has been validated by all seven vendors.
Gary Edwards

Tales of Coding: S5 with CSS Slide Transitions in WebKit - 0 views

    S5 with CSS Slide Transitions in WebKit: Very cool use of WebKit - CSS transitions and animations to create a browser ready presentation. The presentation plays perfectly in Google Chrome! Once again proving the value of the widely deployed WebKit layout engine.
Paul Merrell

Giggle of the Day -- Microsoft boosts OOXML compatibility - - 0 views

  • John McCreesh, an evangelist for, the main open-source competitor to the Microsoft Office productivity suite, told ZDNet UK on Wednesday that he was surprised to hear Microsoft was continuing to work on OOXML's compatibility. "The feeling had been that OOXML was dead in the water, so it's interesting to see that Microsoft is still trying to revive it in the marketplace," said McCreesh. "The response in the marketplace [to OOXML] hasn't been that encouraging, but they've clearly decided it's worth another push."
    Chutzpah or terminal naivity from John McCreesh. As though Microsoft had actually considered dropping OOXML from its game plan for domiinating the Web. Did McCreesh actually fall for that "ODF has clearly won" bit of press deflection from Microsoft? As Jean Paoli said in another report today on the same Microsoft event: "Since for maybe a year now, we are seeing far less passion about the format issue and more rationality."
Paul Merrell

XML.Gov - Home Page - 0 views

shared by Paul Merrell on 02 Dec 08 - Cached
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML) embodies the potential to alleviate many of the interoperability problems associated with the sharing of documents and data. Realizing the potential requires cooperation not only within but also across organizations. Our purpose is to facilitate the efficient and effective use of XML through cooperative efforts among government agencies, including partnerships with commercial and industrial organizations.
    The U.S. Feds' home site for XML-related initiatives. Activities include coordination of federal actions to capture the power of structured data information systems in XML formats. Site includes federal strategic plan.
Gary Edwards

John Resig - JavaScript iPhone Apps - 0 views

    Review of JavaScript Apps and developer approaches for the iPhone. JiggyApp, WebTouch, JSCocoa, and PhoneGap are mentioned. WebTouch is very interesting in that it involves a WebKit instance such as that used by wiki-WORD. It's really simple and gives you a good entry point into the world of hybrid HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Objective-C/Cocoa development.
Gary Edwards

What Chrome means for Web start-ups | Webware - CNET - Bob Walsh - 0 views

    Many stories focus on what Google Chrome means for Microsoft, Firefox, and the fate of the current online world. But what does it mean for up-and-coming Web start-ups? Here are six implications for the start-up world that I can see. These assume that Chrome lives up to its hype. T
    Thanks for that one, Gary. It pushed me a bit closer to getting it about Web Kit. But I still see big issues with web app < > web app interop. E.g., how do we work around the fact that neither HTML 5 nor CSS 2 standardize markup for footnotes, footnote calls, and their counters? And how do we easily edit the content generated by one web app in another without such standardizing markup? Continue creating footnote markup manually and manually renumbering and reordering footnotes?
Paul Merrell

[ANN] Markup Validator 0.8.4 released from Olivier Thereaux on 2008-11-20 (www-validato... - 0 views

  • I am thrilled to announce today the release of a new version of the W3C Markup Validation Service, also known as "HTML Validator". Use it online .... or download it: it is Free and Open Source The new version, 0.8.4 may sound like a very minor step from the version 0.8.3 released in August, but this new release of the W3C Markup Validator brings some very important change: in addition to checking documents against etablished standards such as HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0, the validator can now check documents for conformance to HTML5, thanks to the integration with the html5 engine.
  • HTML5 is still work in progress and support for this next generation of the publishing language of the World Wide Web will remain experimental. The integration of the html5 engine in the validator should provide experimentation grounds for those interested in trying on authoring in this new version of HTML, as well as a feedback channel for the group working on building a stable, open standard.
Paul Merrell

Microsoft to Google: Get Off of My Cloud - BusinessWeek - 0 views

  • Microsoft's newest facility is drawing lots of oohs and ahs from experts in this specialized field. Most data centers are open, warehouse-style buildings filled with racks of gear. But the first floor of this vast 700,000-square-foot facility looks more like an indoor parking lot, with gear packed into preconfigured shipping containers. Suppliers such as Sun Microsystems (JAVA) and Rackable Systems (RACK) have been advocating similar approaches for years, but this is by far the most ambitious implementation. Each of the containers can hold 2,500 servers, and the floor can hold up to 224 containers. That's a potential maximum of 560,000 servers. "They're pushing the concept to the extreme," Cappuccio says.
  • Microsoft's newest facility is drawing lots of oohs and ahs from experts in this specialized field. Most data centers are open, warehouse-style buildings filled with racks of gear. But the first floor of this vast 700,000-square-foot facility looks more like an indoor parking lot, with gear packed into preconfigured shipping containers. Suppliers such as Sun Microsystems (JAVA) and Rackable Systems (RACK) have been advocating similar approaches for years, but this is by far the most ambitious implementation. Each of the containers can hold 2,500 servers, and the floor can hold up to 224 containers. That's a potential maximum of 560,000 servers. "They're pushing the concept to the extreme," Cappuccio says.
Paul Merrell

tecosystems » What's a Document? - 0 views

  • To be sure, we should not - must not - try to reframe the traditional definition of a document. For those mainstream folks that will make up the bulk of the user population for the foreseeable future, their definition of what a document is is set, and it would be folly to try and change this. But neither should we let that definition carry forward, tainting more capable formats with the legacy of its limited capabilities. No, we need a new definition or term, I believe. Something more accurately descriptive, and yet non-threatening. Database? Too intimidating, too misleading. Web page? Likewise. Container? I don’t love it.
Gary Edwards

Coding In Paradise: Fixing the Web, Part I - 0 views

    Must read: "This blog post is part of a new, semi-regular series called Fixing the Web. The goal is to highlight these issues, identify potential solutions, and have a dialogue. I don't claim to have the answers for the situation we are in. However, I do know this -- if there is any community that potentially has what it takes to solve these issues I believe it's the Ajax and JavaScript communities, which is why this is a perfect place to have these discussions. To start, I see four areas that are broken that must be fixed: ..... "
Gary Edwards

ArsDigita Community System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    A history of the ArsDigita Community Software System that first introduced the concept of connective Knowledgeware. Today these systems are known as enterprise ready "social networks". The ArsDigita Community System (ACS) was an advanced Open Source toolkit for developing community web applications developed primarily by developers associated with ArsDigita Corporation. The two most current software toolkits based on this codebase are the OpenACS toolkit and the Red Hat CCM.
Paul Merrell

SOA Could Rebound as Recession-Busting Strategy - News - 0 views

  • A survey by Gartner found that the number of enterprises planning SOA adoption this year dropped by more than half, to 25 percent from 53 percent in 2007. The number of companies with no plans to adopt SOA jumped to 16 percent from 7 percent.
Paul Merrell

Adobe Press Room: Adobe and ARM Accelerate Flash and AIR for ARM Platforms - 0 views

  • “ARM believes this partnership will develop optimized Adobe Flash and AIR implementations that will run on billions of devices from our partners such as pocket-sized mobile devices, mobile computing platforms, set-top boxes, digital TVs and automotive infotainment,” said Ian Drew, vice president, Marketing, at ARM
    Yup. They're making noises about moving Flash and AIR into ARM-based appliances. This seems a sound strategic move for Adobe in response to Silverlight, drilling hard for the big computing market that already dwarfs the desktop computer market. It ain't just about the desktop and the Web anymore, folks.
Paul Merrell

Technology Review: Expanding the Mobile Web - 0 views

  • Today, in an effort to bring more of the Web to mobile devices, Adobe and microchip maker ARM, which powers 90 percent of mobile phones worldwide, have announced a collaboration to ensure that Adobe's software runs well on future ARM devices. Specifically, the companies say that Adobe's Flash Player 10 and AIR (a platform for building complex Web applications) will be compatible and optimized for the ARM chips available in 2009. While ARM is used in a huge number of mobile phones, the announcement has broader implications: the chips are also used in set-top boxes, mobile Internet devices, personal media players, and automotive platforms.
    Adobe positioning AIR for a move into embedded systems? E.g., from Wikipedia: "Because of their power saving features, ARM CPUs are dominant in the mobile electronics market, where low power consumption is a critical design goal. Today, the ARM family accounts for approximately 75% of all embedded 32-bit RISC CPUs, making it one of the most widely used 32-bit architectures. ARM CPUs are found in most corners of consumer electronics, from portable devices (PDAs, mobile phones, media players, handheld gaming units, and calculators)." Don't miss page two of the linked article.
Paul Merrell

IDABC - Revision of the EIF and AG - 0 views

  • In 2006, the European Commission has started the revision of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and the Architecture Guidelines (AG).
  • The European Commission has started drafting the EIF v2.0 in close cooperation with the concerned Commission services and with the Members States as well as with the Candidate Countries and EEA Countries as observers.
  • A draft document from which the final EIF V2.0 will be elaborated was available for external comments till the 22nd September. The proposal for the new EIF v2.0 that has been subject to consultation, is available: [3508 Kb]
    This planning document forms the basis for the forthcoming work to develop European Interoperability Framework v. 2.0. It is the overview of things to come, so to speak. Well worth the read to see how SOA concepts are evolving at the bleeding edge. But also noteworthy for the faceted expansion in the definition of "interoperability," which now includes: [i] political context; [ii] legal interop; [iii] organizational interop; [iv] semantic interop; and [v] technical interop. A lot of people talk the interop talk; this is a document from people who are walking the interop walk, striving to bring order out of the chaos of incompatible ICT systems across the E.U.
    Full disclosure: I submitted detailed comments on the draft of the subject document on behalf of the Universal Interoperability Council. One theme of my comments was embraced in this document: the document recognizes human-machine interactions as a facet of interoperability, moving accessibility and usability from sideshow treatment in the draft to part of the technical interop dimension of the plan.
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