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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Internet piracy isn't killing Hollywood - The Week - 0 views

    "Hollywood is killing Hollywood"
    "Hollywood is killing Hollywood"
    "Hollywood is killing Hollywood"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

In battle of online piracy, it's Hollywood vs. Silicon Valley - The Reporter - 1 views

    [LOS ANGELES -- In a move that heightens the growing tension between Silicon Valley and Hollywood, Wikipedia and other websites went dark Wednesday in protest of two congressional proposals intended to thwart the online piracy of copyrighted movies and TV programs. The web-based encyclopedia is part of a loose coalition of dot-coms and large technology companies that fear Congress is prepared to side with Hollywood and enact extreme measures -- possibly including the blocking of entire websites -- to stop the online sharing and unauthorized use of Hollywood productions. ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hollywood Studios Willingly Advertise on Notorious 'Pirate' Site | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on October 10, 2014 C: 0 Breaking This week the International Intellectual Property Alliance informed the U.S. Government on Russia's lack of anti-piracy enforcement. The group which represents MPAA and RIAA, among others, called out VKontakte as one of the worst piracy havens. At the same time, however, major Hollywood studios continue to use the site for promotional purposes."
    " Ernesto on October 10, 2014 C: 0 Breaking This week the International Intellectual Property Alliance informed the U.S. Government on Russia's lack of anti-piracy enforcement. The group which represents MPAA and RIAA, among others, called out VKontakte as one of the worst piracy havens. At the same time, however, major Hollywood studios continue to use the site for promotional purposes."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

MPAA: Google Assists and Profits from Piracy | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on June 17, 2015 C: 0 Breaking The MPAA is refusing to hand over documentation discussing the legal case it helped Mississippi State Attorney General Jim Hood build against Google. According to the Hollywood group, Google is waging a PR war against Hollywood while facilitating and profiting from piracy."
    " Ernesto on June 17, 2015 C: 0 Breaking The MPAA is refusing to hand over documentation discussing the legal case it helped Mississippi State Attorney General Jim Hood build against Google. According to the Hollywood group, Google is waging a PR war against Hollywood while facilitating and profiting from piracy."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

MPAA Research: Blocking The Pirate Bay Works, So..... | TorrentFreak - 1 views

    " Ernesto on August 28, 2014 C: 61 News Hollywood has helped to get The Pirate Bay blocked in many countries, but not on its home turf. There are now various signs that this may change in the near future. Among other things, the MPAA has conducted internal research to show that site blocking is rather effective."
    " Ernesto on August 28, 2014 C: 61 News Hollywood has helped to get The Pirate Bay blocked in many countries, but not on its home turf. There are now various signs that this may change in the near future. Among other things, the MPAA has conducted internal research to show that site blocking is rather effective."
    Domain blocking in the U.S. is largely a non-starter in the U.S. because of the Constitution's First Amendment, although it has been allowed in some circumstances. Over-generalizing, but the more legal content a site has, the less susceptible it is to domain-blocking. It's even more difficult at the ISP level because of statutory protections that immunize ISPs from private content-related suit. Major U.S. ISPs zealously protect those protections in Congress. At the request of Hollywood, President Obama convened a meeting that persuaded major ISPs to voluntarily block download of particular movies, using DRM filters. But my understanding is that users can still download them if they are using the Tor browser. I haven't checked because there's nothing Hollywood releases that I can't wait until it's available on my cable television service. Even then, I mainly use the television to find something just interesting enough to persuade me to look up from my computer monitors for a moment, to reduce eye strain from monitor glare. I'm not a movie buff nor am I enamored of thinly veiled propaganda. So Hollywood does not figure largely in my life. As yet, there is no comparable blocking on music downloads.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hollywood vs. Silicon Valley (AAPL, CSCO, DIS, INTC, MSFT, TWX, VIA) - 0 views

    "By Anders Bylund | More Articles January 7, 2011 | Comments (0) The entertainment industry has always been split in two very distinct, extremely incompatible sides: content and technology. Let's call these factions "Hollywood" and "Silicon Valley" for the sake of discussion, because it just sounds a lot nicer."
    "By Anders Bylund | More Articles January 7, 2011 | Comments (0) The entertainment industry has always been split in two very distinct, extremely incompatible sides: content and technology. Let's call these factions "Hollywood" and "Silicon Valley" for the sake of discussion, because it just sounds a lot nicer."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

More proof shows Hollywood is leaking pre-release movies on torrent sites | Ars Technica UK - 0 views

    "Talent agency says "sharing of award screeners is commonplace" in Hollywood. David Kravets (US) - Oct 26, 2016 5:35 pm UTC"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Anti-Piracy Group FACT Expands Reach Beyond Hollywood - TorrentFreak [# ! Note] - 0 views

    Andy on November 10, 2016 C: 9 News The Federation Against Copyright Theft says that it will branch out into new areas of IP enforcement. For decades the anti-piracy group has relied on Hollywood for much of its business but with that work now being carried out by the MPA and others, FACT will offer services to companies outside the audio-visual sector.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hollywood Withdraws Funding for UK Anti-Piracy Group FACT - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! Quit Witch Hunts funding and invest in new Media poolicies...
    " Andy on May 24, 2016 C: 33 Breaking The UK's Federation Against Copyright Theft has received a major blow after the Motion Picture Association advised the anti-piracy group it will not renew its membership. The termination of the 30-year long relationship means that FACT will lose 50% of its budget and the backing of the six major Hollywood movie studios."
    " Andy on May 24, 2016 C: 33 Breaking The UK's Federation Against Copyright Theft has received a major blow after the Motion Picture Association advised the anti-piracy group it will not renew its membership. The termination of the 30-year long relationship means that FACT will lose 50% of its budget and the backing of the six major Hollywood movie studios."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Teens prefer YouTube stars to Hollywood celebs, survey says - CNET - 0 views

    "It appears that the teens of today may be moved more by the likes of Smosh, PewDiePie, and KSI than by, you know, Hollywood stars such as Betty White."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Leak Exposes Hollywood's Global Anti-Piracy Strategy | TorrentFreak [# ! Via...] - 1 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      [# ! Via, TY, Francisco Manuel HS' FB...]
    # ! ...there are no 'Leaks' but Public Relations strategy. # ! Hollywood are #educating '#pirates' to #circumvent its measures, # ! as '#They' know that #sharers are its #best #customers...
    # ! ...there are no 'Leaks' but Public Relations strategy. # ! Hollywood are #educating '#pirates' to #circumvent its measures, # ! as '#They' know that #sharers are its #best #customers...
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hollywood Director: Abusing Staff Can Lead to Movie Leaks | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    [# Everybody kbows # ! ... that there is not such thing called '#Leak'. # ! It's #Promotion # ! #critics to #sharing are #resources to get extra money from # ! Authorities plus an attempt to #control the #culture #flow....] _________________ " Andy on August 6, 2014 C: 31 Breaking Outspoken movie director Lexi Alexander says that movie leaks, such as the recent one involving The Expendables 3, can happen as a result of directors and producers abusing their assistants. In a move further likely to irritate her Hollywood overlords, Alexander suggests that a high-security leaking mechanism could help to cut down on abuse. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hollywood Director Slams "Pathetic" Anti-Piracy Crusade | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # we need Tens, Hundreds, Thousands of Directors saying so... let's the time go...
    [ Ernesto on July 8, 2014 C: 27 Breaking Movie director Lexi Alexander wants to "occupy Hollywood" by bridging the gap between pirates and filmmakers. Sporting a banner to free Pirate Bay founder Peter Sunde, Alexander says that the criminalization of file-sharing is "pathetic", while calling out the losses claimed by the MPAA as "bullshit"....]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hollywood vs. Silicon Valley: Call in the Celebrities! Or Not. | Re/code - 0 views

    "By now, it has become an old meme: Hollywood executives and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have always struggled a little to get along"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

BitTorrent downloads linked to Hollywood film studios - Neowin - 1 views

    # ! #Entertainment #Politics. [# ! Guess who -mainly- drives piracy to manipulate politics... #clue:] "By John Callaham @JCalmn · Dec 14, 2011 · Hot! 36 There's a lot of pirated movies, TV shows, games and other copyrighted content that's transferred via BitTorrent web sites. Now there's a new web site,, that can not only trace the IP addresses that have been used for BitTorrent file downloading but also what kinds of files those IP addresses have accessed in their history."
    [# ! they create piracy manipulate laws Intenet media else. ee below...] "By John Callaham @JCalmn · Dec 14, 2011 · Hot! 36 There's a lot of pirated movies, TV shows, games and other copyrighted content that's transferred via BitTorrent web sites. Now there's a new web site,, that can not only trace the IP addresses that have been used for BitTorrent file downloading but also what kinds of files those IP addresses have accessed in their history."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hollywood Vs. Silicon Valley: California Industries Spar Over Internet Piracy : NPR - 0 views

    "There's a civil war going on in California. It's the north vs. the south - Hollywood vs. Silicon Valley. And much like that other American Civil War, there are two different economic worldviews at stake. One of the highest-profile battles was fought last month, when large Internet sites like Wikipedia staged an online blackout to protest anti-piracy bills in Congress."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Los Oscar 2014 y la piratería: así se filtran los screeners - - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # #Filtraciones' = #Promoción # ! + dinero extra por las ayudas 'anti-piratería'...
    [#Via Francisco Manuel's FB] [Los screeners son DVDs que actores, directores y otros gremios de Hollywood reciben meses antes de que salgan a la venta, para que voten en los Oscars, y otros premios Muchos de ellos se filtran, y entran en las redes de piratería Hollywood ha implantado fuertes castigos a los traidores 02 Marzo 2014, 13:51 por Juan Antonio Pascual - Colaborador] [# ! Estas 'filtraciones' -que también se producen en el ámbito musical y de los videojuegos y...- proceden de la propia Industria, que se beneficia 1) Por la Promoción Gratuita que suponen las Redes de Pares, 2) De las subvenciones de los Gobiernos,'sensibles' con una industria con supuestas pérdidas, y 3) Presionando -a través de Lobbies de Medios- para que se modifiquen ciertas leyes que, por un lado, refuerzan Monopolios y, por otro, permiten intervenir las comunicaciones electrónicas con los fines que Tod@s ya conocemos...]
    [#Via Francisco Manuel's FB]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Piracy: Hollywood's Losing a Few Pounds, Who Cares? - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Andy on August 27, 2015 C: 72 Breaking Following news this week that a man is facing a custodial sentence after potentially defrauding the movie industry out of £120m, FACT Director General Kieron Sharp has been confronted with an uncomfortable truth. According to listeners contacting the BBC, the public has little sympathy with Hollywood."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hollywood Seeks Net Neutrality Exceptions to Block Pirates | TorrentFreak [note] - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! That is: Hollywood imposing local (unfair) laws # ! worldwide. It's sad that a bunch of 'unscrupulous showmen' # ! were able to twist Interntional regulations... # ! just for '#Their' own sake.
    [ Andy on April 13, 2015 C: 0 Breaking The Motion Picture Association has written to Brazil's Justice Minister seeking exceptions to the country's fledgling "Internet Constitution". In a submission to the government the MPA says that the Marco Civil's current wording on net neutrality deprives courts of the opportunity to order the blocking of 'pirate' sites. ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

EFF Told to "Shut the Hell Up" About SOPA - TorrentFreak - 1 views

    " Andy on August 7, 2015 C: 155 News Warnings from the EFF this week that Hollywood is making renewed efforts to obtain SOPA-like powers over Internet companies has touched a nerve, with filmmakers and anti-piracy activists attacking from all angles. The EFF should stop talking about the past, its critics say, and admit that the Internet won't get broken by Hollywood."
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