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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

SOPA Censorship is back - 0 views

    "SOPA censorship is back. Last year the Internet defeated SOPA, but now the U.S. government wants to bring back one of its worst parts: jail time for streaming copyrighted content. Soon, uploading a YouTube video of you singing karaoke could become a felony. Tell Obama: "No SOPA-style censor"
    SOPA Censorship is back Last year the Internet defeated SOPA, but now the U.S. government wants to bring back one of its worst parts: jail time for streaming copyrighted content. Soon, uploading a YouTube video of you singing karaoke could become a felony.
    "SOPA censorship is back. Last year the Internet defeated SOPA, but now the U.S. government wants to bring back one of its worst parts: jail time for streaming copyrighted content. Soon, uploading a YouTube video of you singing karaoke could become a felony. Tell Obama: "No SOPA-style censor"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

MPAA Wants to Use DMCA to Effectively Bring Back SOPA | FOSS Force Dec 18, 2014 - 0 views

    "[…] MPAA Wants to Use DMCA to Effectively Bring Back SOPA by Christine Hall. Published December 18, 2014. The MPAA has a plan to protect its copyrights which […]"
    "[…] MPAA Wants to Use DMCA to Effectively Bring Back SOPA by Christine Hall. Published December 18, 2014. The MPAA has a plan to protect its copyrights which […]"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

EFF Told to "Shut the Hell Up" About SOPA - TorrentFreak - 1 views

    " Andy on August 7, 2015 C: 155 News Warnings from the EFF this week that Hollywood is making renewed efforts to obtain SOPA-like powers over Internet companies has touched a nerve, with filmmakers and anti-piracy activists attacking from all angles. The EFF should stop talking about the past, its critics say, and admit that the Internet won't get broken by Hollywood."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google, Facebook and Twitter Protest Hollywood's 'SOPA Resurrection' - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on August 11, 2015 C: 57 Breaking A broad coalition of global tech firms including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Yahoo are protesting a broad injunction that would require search engines, ISPs and hosting companies to stop linking to or offering services to MovieTube. The preliminary injunction requested by the MPAA resurrects parts of the controversial SOPA bill, the tech giants warn."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

ACTA Failure Inspires The Most Clueless Column Ever | Techdirt - 2 views

    [from the do-these-people-think? dept Last week was a good week for those who believe in the internet and culture, with the rejection of ACTA being a key moment in Europe, on par with the rejection of SOPA in the US six months earlier. Of course, as we saw with the defeat of SOPA, a number of ACTA supporters who haven't come to terms with why the public was so upset are lashing out. One of the more outspoken responses against the EU Parliament's decision came from Ewan Morrison for The Guardian, in a piece that I honestly read over a few times to make sure it wasn't satire. I don't think there's a single truly accurate statement in the entire thing. It sets the bar of misinformation so high that I think from now on I will compare any clueless article to the newly developed Ewan Morrison scale of wrongness, with this column scoring a perfect 10 out of 10. Let's explore why. ...]
Paul Merrell

» Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA Alex Jones' Infowars: Th... - 2 views

  • Months before the debate about Internet censorship raged as SOPA and PIPA dominated the concerns of web users, President Obama signed an international treaty that would allow companies in China or any other country in the world to demand ISPs remove web content in the US with no legal oversight whatsoever.
  • The White House has circumvented the necessity to have the treaty confirmed by lawmakers by presenting it an as “executive agreement,” although legal scholars have highlighted the dubious nature of this characterization.
  • In presenting ACTA as an “international agreement” rather than a treaty, the Obama administration managed to circumvent the legislative process and avoid having to get Senate approval, a method questioned by Senator Wyden. “That said, even if Obama has declared ACTA an executive agreement (while those in Europe insist that it’s a binding treaty), there is a very real Constitutional question here: can it actually be an executive agreement?” asks TechDirt. “The law is clear that the only things that can be covered by executive agreements are things that involve items that are solely under the President’s mandate. That is, you can’t sign an executive agreement that impacts the things Congress has control over. But here’s the thing: intellectual property, in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, is an issue given to Congress, not the President. Thus, there’s a pretty strong argument that the president legally cannot sign any intellectual property agreements as an executive agreement and, instead, must submit them to the Senate.”
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

SOPA's ugly message to the world about America and internet Innovation - Ideas@Innovati... - 0 views

    [This new legislation, if enacted, would strike at the very core of the way the Internet has been structured. Sharing, openness, and participation are at the core of what the Internet represents. When it comes to a choice between an open Internet and an Internet of walled gardens patrolled by government censors, there is no doubt which is preferable. As Booz & Co. pointed out in a recent study, the SOPA legislation could lead to a decline in Internet innovation.]
Paul Merrell

Activists send the Senate 6 million faxes to oppose cyber bill - CBS News - 0 views

  • Activists worried about online privacy are sending Congress a message with some old-school technology: They're sending faxes -- more than 6.2 million, they claim -- to express opposition to the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA).Why faxes? "Congress is stuck in 1984 and doesn't understand modern technology," according to the campaign Fax Big Brother. The week-long campaign was organized by the nonpartisan Electronic Frontier Foundation, the group Access and Fight for the Future, the activist group behind the major Internet protests that helped derail a pair of anti-piracy bills in 2012. It also has the backing of a dozen groups like the ACLU, the American Library Association, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and others.
  • CISA aims to facilitate information sharing regarding cyberthreats between the government and the private sector. The bill gained more attention following the massive hack in which the records of nearly 22 million people were stolen from government computers."The ability to easily and quickly share cyber attack information, along with ways to counter attacks, is a key method to stop them from happening in the first place," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, who helped introduce CISA, said in a statement after the hack. Senate leadership had planned to vote on CISA this week before leaving for its August recess. However, the bill may be sidelined for the time being as the Republican-led Senate puts precedent on a legislative effort to defund Planned Parenthood.Even as the bill was put on the backburner, the grassroots campaign to stop it gained steam. Fight for the Future started sending faxes to all 100 Senate offices on Monday, but the campaign really took off after it garnered attention on the website Reddit and on social media. The faxed messages are generated by Internet users who visit or -- or who simply send a message via Twitter with the hashtag #faxbigbrother. To send all those faxes, Fight for the Future set up a dedicated server and a dozen phone lines and modems they say are capable of sending tens of thousands of faxes a day.
  • Fight for the Future told CBS News that it has so many faxes queued up at this point, that it may take months for Senate offices to receive them all, though the group is working on scaling up its capability to send them faster. They're also limited by the speed at which Senate offices can receive them.
    From an Fight For the Future mailing: "Here's the deal: yesterday the Senate delayed its expected vote on CISA, the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act that would let companies share your private information--like emails and medical records--with the government. "The delay is good news; but it's a delay, not a victory. "We just bought some precious extra time to fight CISA, but we need to use it to go big like we did with SOPA or this bill will still pass. Even if we stop it in September, they'll try again after that. "The truth is that right now, things are looking pretty grim. Democrats and Republicans have been holding closed-door meetings to work out a deal to pass CISA quickly when they return from recess. "Right before the expected Senate vote on CISA, the Obama Administration endorsed the bill, which means if Congress passes it, the White House will definitely sign it.  "We've stalled and delayed CISA and bills like it nearly half a dozen times, but this month could be our last chance to stop it for good." See also (;) (;) (.)
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google Slams MPAA Censorship Efforts After Court 'Victory' | TorrentFreak - 1 views

    Google has claimed its first victory against Mississippi State Attorney General Jim Hood, who called for SOPA-like Internet filters in the U.S. After the court put Hood's subpoena on hold, Google called out the MPAA who they see as the main instigator behind the censorship efforts.
    Google has claimed its first victory against Mississippi State Attorney General Jim Hood, who called for SOPA-like Internet filters in the U.S. After the court put Hood's subpoena on hold, Google called out the MPAA who they see as the main instigator behind the censorship efforts.
    Google has claimed its first victory against Mississippi State Attorney General Jim Hood, who called for SOPA-like Internet filters in the U.S. After the court put Hood's subpoena on hold, Google called out the MPAA who they see as the main instigator behind the censorship efforts.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Sopa de letras en los acuerdos de libre comercio - Dirigentes Digital. - 0 views

    "La fiebre entre los países occidentales de reducir las restricciones arancelarias y fomentar el libre comercio, quitando los límites al flujo comercial entre las naciones, ha dado como resultado una complicada sopa de letras de acuerdos internacionales llenos de siglas. Pero, ¿cuáles son sus pros y sus contras y por qué no todos los líderes políticos los secundan?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

SOPA: La lucha por la libertad de Internet. Hagamos algo, todavía estamos a t... - 0 views

    [La Ley Sinde primero y ahora el proyecto de ley S.O.P.A. amenazan con cambiar totalmente al Internet como lo conocemos hoy. Ya hemos hablado sobre este tema y todavía seguiremos hablando, pues no todo está perdido, todavía falta mucho camino por recorrer y la lucha de oposición a este proyecto continúa, pero voy a repetir una vez más lo que he repetido varias veces, todos deben de tomar conciencia de que si esta ley se aprueba, a pesar de ser una ley de los Estados Unidos, afectará a todo el mundo!]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

La ley SOPA será menos dura · ELPAÍ - 0 views

    [El promotor republicano de la norma propone congelar el bloqueo de los dominios de los sitios sospechosos de vulnerar la propiedad intelectual ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Stop the TPP: Extreme Internet Censorship - 1 views

    "URGENT: documents reveal that Trans-Pacific Partnership contains extreme SOPA-like Internet Censorship Plan Say NO to Internet Censorship before it's too late. Sign the petition to world leaders: "Don't sign the TPP""
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Five Years Before Any New U.S. Anti-Piracy Laws, MP Predicts | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Andy on April 18, 2014 C: 116 Breaking Two years ago the Internet's biggest ever protest killed the hugely controversial anti-piracy legislation SOPA. Speaking to studios this week, a prominent UK government intellectual property advisor admitted that the damage caused was so great that it's unlikely that there will be a fresh piracy-focused legislative push for another five years."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Stop Censorsip, Stop TPP | Join The Internet Vote - 0 views

    " Congress just introduced legislation to "Fast Track" the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP. It's a secretive deal, negotiated behind closed doors by government bureaucrats and corporate lobbyists, containing dangerous provisions (like SOPA) that threaten Internet freedom everywhere. Internet users deserve a say in decisions that affect us. Email Congress now. "
    " Congress just introduced legislation to "Fast Track" the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP. It's a secretive deal, negotiated behind closed doors by government bureaucrats and corporate lobbyists, containing dangerous provisions (like SOPA) that threaten Internet freedom everywhere. Internet users deserve a say in decisions that affect us. Email Congress now. "
Paul Merrell

LocalOrg: Decentralizing Telecom - 0 views

  • SOPA, ACTA, the criminalization of sharing, and a myriad of other measures taken to perpetuate antiquated business models propping up enduring monopolies - all have become increasingly taxing on the tech community and informed citizens alike. When the storm clouds gather and torrential rain begins to fall, the people have managed to stave off the flood waters through collective effort and well organized activism - stopping, or at least delaying SOPA and ACTA. However, is it really sustainable to mobilize each and every time multi-billion dollar corporations combine their resources and attempt to pass another series of draconian rules and regulations? Instead of manning the sandbags during each storm, wouldn't it suit us all better to transform the surrounding landscape in such a way as to harmlessly divert the floods, or better yet, harness them to our advantage? In many ways the transformation has already begun.
  • While open source software and hardware, as well as innovative business models built around collaboration and crowd-sourcing have done much to build a paradigm independent of current centralized proprietary business models, large centralized corporations and the governments that do their bidding, still guard all the doors and carry all the keys. The Internet, the phone networks, radio waves, and satellite systems still remain firmly in the hands of big business. As long as they do, they retain the ability to not only reassert themselves in areas where gains have been made, but can impose preemptive measures to prevent any future progress. With the advent of hackerspaces, increasingly we see projects that hold the potential of replacing, at least on a local level, much of the centralized infrastructure we take for granted until disasters or greed-driven rules and regulations upset the balance. It is with the further developing of our local infrastructure that we can leave behind the sandbags of perpetual activism and enjoy a permanently altered landscape that favors our peace and prosperity. Decentralizing Telecom
  • As impressive as a hydroelectric dam may be and as overwhelming as it may seem as a project to undertake, it will always start with but a single shovelful of dirt. The work required becomes in its own way part of the payoff - with experienced gained and with a magnificent accomplishment to aspire toward. In the same way, a communication network that runs parallel to existing networks, with global coverage, but locally controlled, may seem an impossible, overwhelming objective - and for one individual, or even a small group of individuals, it is. However, the paradigm has shifted. In the age of digital collaboration made possible by existing networks, the building of such a network can be done in parallel. In an act of digital-judo, we can use the system's infrastructure as a means of supplanting and replacing it with something superior in both function and in form. 
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Suing File-Sharers Doesn't Work, Lawyers Warn | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on July 13, 2014 C: 14 News The American Bar Association has released a detailed white paper advising the Government on how to tackle online piracy. The lawyers recommend several SOPA-like anti-piracy measures including injunctions against companies hosting pirate sites. At the same time, however, they advise against suing file-sharers as that would be ineffective or even counterproductive."
    " Ernesto on July 13, 2014 C: 14 News The American Bar Association has released a detailed white paper advising the Government on how to tackle online piracy. The lawyers recommend several SOPA-like anti-piracy measures including injunctions against companies hosting pirate sites. At the same time, however, they advise against suing file-sharers as that would be ineffective or even counterproductive."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

ACTA Dossier | La Quadrature du Net - 0 views

    [ACTA is one more offensive against the sharing of culture on the Internet. ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) is an agreement secretly negotiated by a small "club" of like-minded countries (39 countries, including the 27 of the European Union, the United States, Japan, etc). Negotiated instead of being democratically debated, ACTA bypasses parliaments and international organizations to dictate a repressive logic dictated by the entertainment industries. ACTA, a blueprint for laws such as SOPA, would impose new criminal sanctions and measures pushing Internet actors to "cooperate" with the entertainment industries to monitor and censor online communications, bypassing the judicial authority. It is thus a major threat to freedom of expression online and creates legal uncertainty for Internet actors. The European Parliament now has an ultimate opportunity to reject ACTA, and to shape the debate on an urgent adaptation of copyright law to new cultural practices.]
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