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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

#irespectmusic And I Vote: The Good News is the Conventional Wisdom is Wrong | MUSIC * ... - 0 views

    "The MIC Coalition members listed above are the new alliance of big business against artists and songwriters. The McCoalition (as I call them) is designed to intimidate creators. Why?"
    "The MIC Coalition members listed above are the new alliance of big business against artists and songwriters. The McCoalition (as I call them) is designed to intimidate creators. Why?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google's Uncertain Trumpet: Why is YouTube still hidden in the search alphabet? | MUSIC... - 1 views

    "You've no doubt heard that Google has rearranged the deck chairs to reorganize the company. The general idea is that Google is establishing a holding company titled "Alphabet"-please resist the urge to point out that Google now owns the alphabet. What underlies the restructuring is that Google has essentially succeeded in its initial business play to organize the world's information whether the world likes it or not."
Paul Merrell

Microsoft debuts early test version of Oxite open source blogging engine | Open Source ... - 0 views

  • WordPress has more competition to be. Microsoft’s Codeplex team has developed an open source blogging engine that can support simple blogs and large web sites such as its own MIX Online.
  • “Oxite was developed carefully and painstakingly to be a great blogging platform, or a starting point for your own web site project with CMS needs,” according to
  • Oxite offers support for multiple blogs per site.  ”Oxite includes the ability to create and edit an arbitrary set of pages on your site. Want an ‘about’ page? You got it. Need a special page about your dogs, with sub-pages for each of those special animals? Yep, no worries,” Microsoft continues. “The ability to add pages as a child of another page is all built in. The web-based editing and creation interface lets you put whatever HTML you want onto your pages, and the built-in authentication system means that only you will be able to edit them.
    The ability to create child pages of a parent page is something I haven't seen before in a blogging app. There are a ton of CMS that offer such features, but blogs have been an exception.
Paul Merrell

Alfresco Labs 3.0 Final Version Supports CMIS - 0 views

  • Alfresco Software Inc., today announced the general availability of Alfresco Labs 3 Final. This is a milestone release for Alfresco Labs and is immediately available for download under the open source GPL license at: "In the current economic environment organizations seek more cost effective and productive methods of managing increased volumes of content and greater levels of compliance. Alfresco delivers an innovative solution for ECM, while dramatically reducing the associated costs," said John Newton, CTO of Alfresco Software. "This release is designed to be the open source content services platform for all Alfresco and non-Alfresco content applications from document management and web content management to wikis. Alfresco has already utilized the emerging CMIS standard to integrate content services to other open source systems like Joomla, as well as offering integrations to MediaWiki, Open Office and WordPress. We strongly recommend that our open source community download this release."
  • Native SharePoint protocol support: Seamless document editing via SharePoint protocol Flex Document Previewer: Zoom, snap points and full-screen AJAX Calendar: Drag-and-drop event support Links Directory Manager: Share internal and external links Document Management Enhanced SharePoint protocol site and workspace support Email Management Email-In Smart Folders: Email storage with attachment support
  • CMIS REST and Web Services binding Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) support SharePoint Protocol Support Native SharePoint Protocol support from Microsoft Office and Alfresco Share
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Alfresco has seen major adoption of its open source ECM system throughout the world. There have been over 1.5 million downloads of Alfresco Labs. Alfresco Labs is designed to be the research vehicle for new features, enabling developers to access a nightly build with the latest functionality. The Alfresco Labs 3 build is a stable build with basic QA against an open source stack. Alfresco Enterprise is the supported Alfresco build and is used by more than 700 enterprise customers, including the NYSE, Los Angeles Times, Boise Cascade, Sony Pictures, Activision, Kaplan, FedEx, and KLM.
    Virtually all of the big ECM players have joined the OASIS CMIS TC, but how many are there to collaborate and how many to obstruct? See . The Alfresco Labs FOSS CMIS and BPM hub seems to be gaining by leaps and bounds and now offers even more app interop connections including -- vitally -- with Sharepoint. CMIS is a standard we might keep an eye on.
Paul Merrell

Microsoft starts distributing open-source Drupal | The Open Road - The Business and Pol... - 0 views

  • The single biggest distributor of Drupal just might be Microsoft. As I discovered from Dries Buytaert's blog on Wednesday, Microsoft's Web Application Installer comes with out-of-the-box support for Drupal, OScommerce, and other popular open-source Web applications. The Web Application Installer Beta is designed to help get you up and running with the most widely used Web applications freely available for your Windows Server. Web AI provides support for popular and PHP Web applications, including Graffiti, DotNetNuke, WordPress, Drupal, OSCommerce, and more. With just a few simple clicks, Web AI will check your machine for the necessary prerequisites, download these applications from their source location in the community, walk you through basic configuration items, and then install them on your computer.
    Microsoft attempts to co-opt the FOSS web app scene with a new installer. Will this Microsoft action will cause the FOSS community to make it easier to install web apps on Linux? At present, some Linux distribution repositories include installer packages for a very few, very popular web applications such as Mediawiki. Many web apps require expertise with the LAMP stack to install and resolve often complex dependencies and configuration details, perhaps most importantly security details. Documentation tends to be very poor for FOSS web apps, assuming knowledge most software users lack. Will this Microsoft move trigger a web app installer war with the FOSS community? Stay tuned.

What would you do with 100 times the bandwidth? - 0 views

    what would you do with 20, or 100, times the bandwidth you currently have? This may become a possibility very soon, so I thought it would be interesting to compile a list of future applications that could exist with a much bigger pipe. Feel free to chirp in with your own ideas!

The Word As We Knew It - 0 views

    The internet and it's unique ability to rapidly share information across the planet has created a sort of 'hot-bed' for the evolution of language. New phrases, words, acronyms and slangs have been given the ability to virally evolve and disseminate to new populations within a matter of days. Definitions are born, morph, and die based on the evolving collective consciousness of humanity.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

10 excelentes alternativas a The Pirate Bay. | Eres algo inesperado - 0 views

    "17 diciembre, 2014 · de eresalgoinesperado · en Páginas Web. · Tras lo sucedido con la caída de The Pirate Bay, uno mayores portales de descarga de archivos Torrent a nivel mundial, por una operación policial relacionada con la violación de los derechos de autor, hoy os traigo una entrada un tanto especial y distinta a la que estamos acostumbrados." # ! Can't "shut down" #sharing minds...
    "17 diciembre, 2014 · de eresalgoinesperado · en Páginas Web. · Tras lo sucedido con la caída de The Pirate Bay, uno mayores portales de descarga de archivos Torrent a nivel mundial, por una operación policial relacionada con la violación de los derechos de autor, hoy os traigo una entrada un tanto especial y distinta a la que estamos acostumbrados."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Software libre para una sociedad libre | victorhckinthefreeworld - 0 views

    "Contundente título del libro en formato PDF que hoy traigo por aqui de libre descarga. Y de paso con una reflexión personal para este último día del año ;) "
    "Contundente título del libro en formato PDF que hoy traigo por aqui de libre descarga. Y de paso con una reflexión personal para este último día del año ;) "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

#irespectmusic says 100 Years is Long Enough: The Danger of Pie-ism for All Creators - 0 views

    [# ! Is not copyright to promote creation? so, it should we enough -for the 'creators' to hold the rights DURING Author's Life...? Everything beyond is a swindle...] Baiting the Pie Last year's hearings on music licensing at the House Judiciary Committee's IP Subcommittee revealed an old argument from broadcasters and a new twist on that argument adopted by webcasters. We already pay for music-you people go fight over that pie.
  • ...1 more comment...
    # ! copyright is not to promoe creation? so, it should we enough to hold the rightss DURING Author's Life? Everything beyond is a swindle... Baiting the Pie Last year's hearings on music licensing at the House Judiciary Committee's IP Subcommittee revealed an old argument from broadcasters and a new twist on that argument adopted by webcasters. We already pay for music-you people go fight over that pie.
    [# ! Is not copyright to promote creation? so, it should we enough -for the 'creators' to hold the rights DURING Author's Life...? Everything beyond is a swindle...] Baiting the Pie Last year's hearings on music licensing at the House Judiciary Committee's IP Subcommittee revealed an old argument from broadcasters and a new twist on that argument adopted by webcasters. We already pay for music-you people go fight over that pie.
    [# ! Is not copyright to promote creation? so, it should we enough -for the 'creators' to hold the rights DURING Author's Life...? Everything beyond is a swindle...] Baiting the Pie Last year's hearings on music licensing at the House Judiciary Committee's IP Subcommittee revealed an old argument from broadcasters and a new twist on that argument adopted by webcasters. We already pay for music-you people go fight over that pie.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Installing VLC Media Player in Fedora 20 | Abhishek's Blog - 0 views

    So you wish to install VLC Media Player in your Fedora ! Here's how: Step 1: Install RPM Fusion. RPM Fusion is a repository of add-on packages for Fedora and EL+EPEL maintained by a group of volunt...
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

How to fix preferences that won't save | Firefox Help - 0 views

    "Sometimes, your Firefox preferences may not be saved after you change them. For example, you may change a setting in the Preferences window only to have it set back to its previous value when you open the Preferences window again"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

@senmikelee Investigating White House Influence in FTC Decision Not to Prosecute Google... - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! The Heat is On...
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

#irespectmusic Looks Deeper: The Free Radio Astroturf Alliance Fights Artist Pay for Ra... - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! Meet The Real Enemy of The Music: # ! It is in The Industry's Offices... # ! Not in The Internet...
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

#howgoogleworks: Why did the Federal Trade Commission ignore staff recommendations to p... - 0 views

    "OK, now that you've stopped laughing, that's not a trick question. We all know why Google has never been prosecuted by the U.S. government. One way or another, they buy their way out of it through Google's unprecedented network of lobbyists, fake academics and shadowy nonprofits like the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Public Knowledge."
    "OK, now that you've stopped laughing, that's not a trick question. We all know why Google has never been prosecuted by the U.S. government. One way or another, they buy their way out of it through Google's unprecedented network of lobbyists, fake academics and shadowy nonprofits like the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Public Knowledge."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

"#PiracyHarms" Are Now Part of U.S. #Education #Law | TorrentFreak | # ! What... - 0 views

    | Ernesto | Last month President Barack Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act into law, making $1 billion dollars available for educational technology spending. In addition, the new law ensures that educators are aware of the piracy harms new technologies introduce.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The #Music #Industry Has 99 #Problems. And They Are… | |... - 0 views

    " | Paul Resnikoff | Think you got problems? Not like the music industry, which has more pressing issues than it can possibly handle. DMN ranks the top 99 problems. Sourced through from:"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Problems and Strategies in Financing Voluntary Free Software Projects :: Benjamin Mako ... - 0 views

    "Benjamin Mako Hill [... Abstract It's easier for a successful volunteer Free Software project to get money than it is to decide how to spend it. While paying developers is easy, it can carry unintended negative consequences. This essay explores problems and benefits of paying developers in volunteer free and open source projects and surveys strategies that projects have used to successfully finance development while maintaining their volunteer nature. ...] This is revision 0.2.1 of this file and was published on November 20, 2012. Revision 0.2 was published on June 10, 2005. Revision 0.1 was published on May 15, 2005 and was written was presented as a talk at Linuxtag 2005 given in Karlsruhe, Germany. Revision 0 was published on May 2004 is based in part of the research and work done for a presentation on the subject given at the International Free Software Forum (FISL) given in Porto Alegre, Brazil."
    "Benjamin Mako Hill [... Abstract It's easier for a successful volunteer Free Software project to get money than it is to decide how to spend it. While paying developers is easy, it can carry unintended negative consequences. This essay explores problems and benefits of paying developers in volunteer free and open source projects and surveys strategies that projects have used to successfully finance development while maintaining their volunteer nature. ...] This is revision 0.2.1 of this file and was published on November 20, 2012. Revision 0.2 was published on June 10, 2005. Revision 0.1 was published on May 15, 2005 and was written was presented as a talk at Linuxtag 2005 given in Karlsruhe, Germany. Revision 0 was published on May 2004 is based in part of the research and work done for a presentation on the subject given at the International Free Software Forum (FISL) given in Porto Alegre, Brazil."
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