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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Will the Italian Presidency of the EU Council Support Net Neutrality? | La Quadrature d... - 0 views

    "Submitted on 9 May 2014 - 16:11 Kroes Telecoms Package Net neutrality press release Printer-friendly version Send by email Français Paris, 9 May 2014 - The voice of the Italian presidency of the Council of the European Union could mark a real departure from the usual government talk chastising the vote on Net Neutrality adopted by the European Parliament! According to the information portal Euractiv, the Italian presidency could support the text voted by the Members of the European Parliament and be ready to defend it in front of the European governments and telecommunications industry. As the publication of the guidance report of the Council of the European Union about the Net Neutrality (scheduled for 5 or 6 of June) nears, La Quadrature du Net welcomes this encouraging position and asks European citizens to invite their governments to follow this example."
    "Submitted on 9 May 2014 - 16:11 Kroes Telecoms Package Net neutrality press release Printer-friendly version Send by email Français Paris, 9 May 2014 - The voice of the Italian presidency of the Council of the European Union could mark a real departure from the usual government talk chastising the vote on Net Neutrality adopted by the European Parliament! According to the information portal Euractiv, the Italian presidency could support the text voted by the Members of the European Parliament and be ready to defend it in front of the European governments and telecommunications industry. As the publication of the guidance report of the Council of the European Union about the Net Neutrality (scheduled for 5 or 6 of June) nears, La Quadrature du Net welcomes this encouraging position and asks European citizens to invite their governments to follow this example."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Which content management system is right for you? | - 0 views

    "Whether you need to set up a blog, a portal for some specific usage, or any other website, which content management system is right for you? is a question you are going to ask yourself early on."
    "Whether you need to set up a blog, a portal for some specific usage, or any other website, which content management system is right for you? is a question you are going to ask yourself early on."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Ramoncín amenaza con 'tirar de la manta' - 0 views

    "Pocos días antes de que se hiciera público que la Fiscalía va a pedir una condena de cuatro años y diez meses de cárcel para Ramoncín por un supuesto delito de apropiación indebida, el cantante concedía una entrevista al portal especializado La idea era hablar de los nuevos proyectos que pensaba llevar a cabo para celebrar su 60 cumpleaños."
    "Pocos días antes de que se hiciera público que la Fiscalía va a pedir una condena de cuatro años y diez meses de cárcel para Ramoncín por un supuesto delito de apropiación indebida, el cantante concedía una entrevista al portal especializado La idea era hablar de los nuevos proyectos que pensaba llevar a cabo para celebrar su 60 cumpleaños."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

10 excelentes alternativas a The Pirate Bay. | Eres algo inesperado - 0 views

    "17 diciembre, 2014 · de eresalgoinesperado · en Páginas Web. · Tras lo sucedido con la caída de The Pirate Bay, uno mayores portales de descarga de archivos Torrent a nivel mundial, por una operación policial relacionada con la violación de los derechos de autor, hoy os traigo una entrada un tanto especial y distinta a la que estamos acostumbrados." # ! Can't "shut down" #sharing minds...
    "17 diciembre, 2014 · de eresalgoinesperado · en Páginas Web. · Tras lo sucedido con la caída de The Pirate Bay, uno mayores portales de descarga de archivos Torrent a nivel mundial, por una operación policial relacionada con la violación de los derechos de autor, hoy os traigo una entrada un tanto especial y distinta a la que estamos acostumbrados."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

La Cultura declara la guerra a YouTube | Cultura | EL PAÍS # ! Nota] - 0 views

    "Cientos de estrellas piden en varias cartas a la UE protección frente al portal y un reparto más justo de los ingresos digitales generados por sus obras"
Gary Edwards

20 Great Ideas For You To Steal -- Great Ideas -- InformationWeek - 0 views

  • Web 2.0 Wiki And VoIP Streamline Business For BearingPoint
    The technologiess used by 20 innovative companies surveyed by InformationWeek are profiled here. Ltos of good stuff. Ideas involving green technology, voice over IP, security, and more are profiled. Heavy use of portaland wki knowledge sharing systems. Data and business process services converge at the portal level to provide some interesting breakthroughs.
Gary Edwards

InformationWeek 500: Monsanto's Collaborative Growth Plan -- Emerging Technology -- Inf... - 0 views

    "By combining unified communications, IM, SharePoint, and blogs and wikis while protecting its IP, Monsanto is advancing teamwork." InformationWeek has posted a number of technology innovation-implementation profiles. Monsanto is one of the best "collaborative" examples, although it's very similar to the model GE presented at Office 2.0. These colalborative concepts go back 1998, and the early work Ars Digita was doing with the first "Knowledgeware" - wiki applications. The first "use case" to be published was that of the global electronics giant, Siemanns. Notice the SharePoint - MSOffice integration as a key element in the Monsanto collaboration strategy. That connection "forced" Monsanto to rebuild their document databases and portals using SharePoint and SQL Server.
Paul Merrell

OASIS - News - 2008-05-30 - 0 views

  • Members Approve Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) 2.0 as OASIS Standard IBM, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, SAP, TIBCO, Vignette and Others Collaborate on Open Standard for Integrating Web Services into Portals
  • Boston, MA, USA; 30 May 2008 — OASIS, the international open standards consortium, today announced that its members have approved the Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) version 2.0 as an OASIS Standard, a status that signifies the highest level of ratification. Developed through an open process by the OASIS WSRP Technical Committee, the new standard simplifies the effort required for aggregating applications, such as portals, to quickly integrate remote content and applications. "Vendors of aggregating applications no longer need to write special adapters to accommodate the variety of interfaces and protocols used by content providers," explained Rich Thompson of IBM, chair of the OASIS WSRP Technical Committee. "With WSRP, they can integrate remote content and applications with just a few mouse clicks and virtually no programming effort. WSRP version 2.0 adds those capabilities needed to fully integrate the remote components into the aggregated application."
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Gary Edwards

Developing a Universal Markup Solution For Web Content - 0 views

    KODAXIL To Replace XML?

    File this one under the Universal Interoperability label. Very interesting. Especially since XML document formats have proven to fall short on the two primary expectations of users: interoperability and Web ready. Like HTML+ :) Maybe KODAXIL will work?

    The recent Web 2.0 Conference was filled with new web services , portals and wiki efforts trying their best to mash data into document objects. iCloud, MindTouch, AppLogic, 3Tera, Caspio and Gazoodle all deserve attention. although each took a rather different approach towards solving the problem. MindTouch in particular was excellent.

    "A Montreal-based software and research development company has developed a markup solution and language-neutral asset-descriptor that when fully developed, could result in a universal computer language for representing information in databases, web and document contents and business objects."

    "While still at a seminal stage of development, the company Gnoesis, aims to address the problem of data fragmentation caused by semantic differences between developers and users from different linguistic backgrounds."

    Gnoesis, the company that has developed the language called KODAXIL (Knowledge, Object, Data, Action, and eXtensible Interoperable Language), a data and information representation language, says the new language will replace the XML function of consolidating semantically identical data streams from different languages, by creating a common language to do this.

    The extensible semantic markup associated with this language will be understood worldwide and is three times shorter than XML.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Deep into Drupal, Cisco starts to give back to open source community | ITworld - 0 views

    "Cisco's Jamal Haider acknowledged during a presentation this week that his team that works on the company's open source-based customer support portal hasn't given much back to the wider Drupal community yet, but he said this talk at the sold-out Acquia Engage conference in Boston is part of an effort to change that."
TP Link Deco Login

Complete Guide to Accessing for Deco Login - 0 views

    Access your Deco Router Login to manage and customize your WiFi settings effortlessly. Log in to the Deco app or web portal to configure your network, update firmware, and enhance security. Follow simple steps to ensure a seamless connection and optimal performance. Get started with your Deco router login now!
Gary Edwards

Meet OX Text, a collaborative, non-destructive alternative to Google Docs - Tech News a... - 0 views

  • The German software-as-a-service firm Open-Xchange, which provides apps that telcos and other service providers can bundle with their connectivity or hosting products, is adding a cloud-based office productivity toolset called OX Documents to its OX App Suite lineup. Open-Xchange has around 70 million users through its contracts with roughly 80 providers such as 1&1 Internet and Strato. Its OX App Suite takes the form of a virtual desktop of sorts, that lets users centralize their email and file storage accounts and view all sorts of documents through a unified portal. However, as of an early April release it will also include OX Text, a non-destructive, collaborative document editor that rivals Google Docs, and that has an interesting heritage of its own.
  • The team that created the HTML5- and JavaScript-based OX Text includes some of the core developers behind OpenOffice, the free alternative to Microsoft Office that passed from Sun Microsystems to Oracle before morphing into LibreOffice. The German developers we’re talking about hived off the project before LibreOffice happened, and ended up getting hired by Open-Xchange. “To them it was a once in a lifetime event, because we allowed them to start from scratch,” Open-Xchange CEO Rafael Laguna told me. “We said we wanted a fresh office productivity suite that runs inside the browser. In terms of the architecture and principles for the product, we wanted to make it fully round-trip capable, meaning whatever file format we run into needs to be retained.”
  • This is an extremely handy formatting and version control feature. Changes made to a document in OX Text get pushed through to Open-Xchange’s backend, where a changelog is maintained. “Power” Word features such as Smart Art or Charts, which are not necessarily supported by other productivity suites, are replaced with placeholders during editing and are there, as before, when the edited document is eventually downloaded. As the OX Text blurb says, “OX Text never damages your valuable work even if it does not understand it”.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “[This avoids] the big disadvantage of anything other than Microsoft Office,” Laguna said. “If you use OpenOffice with a .docx file, the whole document is converted, creating artefacts, then you convert it back. That’s one of the major reasons not everyone is using OpenOffice, and the same is true for Google Apps.” OX Text will be available as an extension to OX App Suite, which also includes calendaring and other productivity tools. However, it will also come out as a standalone product under both commercial licenses – effectively support-based subscriptions for Open-Xchange’s service provider customers – and open-source licenses, namely the GNU General Public License 2 and Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License, which will allow free personal, non-commercial use. You can find a demo of App Suite, including the OX Text functionality, here, and there’s a video too:
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Five Magnificent Linux Music Streaming Clients - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site - 1 views

    "Almost all music streaming services fall short of the audio quality of CDs, but their popularity has more to do with sheer convenience than high-fidelity sound reproduction. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Replace SourceForge with these Better Alternatives - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site - 1 views

    "SourceForge is a long established web-based service that offers source code repository, downloads mirrors, bug tracker and other features. It acts as a centralized location for software developers to control and manage free and open-source software development. "
    "SourceForge is a long established web-based service that offers source code repository, downloads mirrors, bug tracker and other features. It acts as a centralized location for software developers to control and manage free and open-source software development. "
Gary Edwards

The lock-in battle shifts to Sharepoint | Blankenhorn - - 0 views

  • On the surface SharePoint is merely a document management system which lets everyone in your company share and find Office documents easily. But critics like our own Matt Asay call it a Trojan Horse, which will bind companies which deploy it to Microsoft forever. You can put together everything SharePoint does using open source projects, but it takes work. You can combine Alfresco (from the Electronic Content Management (ECM) software company Matt works for), the Liferay portal, JasperSoft for reporting, and Zimbra’s e-mail server. Throw in some Jive forums and you’re more than done. But what does that cost, really, compared to just using something from Microsoft which already works with your current Office applications? Exactly. Once companies start using SharePoint, Asay worries, there is no way for them to ever ditch Microsoft applications and file formats. SharePoint is tied to those formats, and as the share fills the cost of switching away rises exponentially.
    August 2007 discussion about SharePoint. Everythign projected in this article is happening - including the proprietary file format and protocol lock-in
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Gary Edwards

InformationWeek 500 Trends: Web 2.0, Globalization, Virtualization, And More -- Informa... - 0 views

  • Web 2.0 is one of the trendiest ideas in tech, for instance, but there are entire industries where not one company in our survey cites it as a top productivity improver. Meantime, adoption of some more tactical technologies, such as WAN optimization, has exploded in the last year.
  • critical trends, from Web 2.0 to globalization to virtualization
  • the momentum is behind wikis, blogs, and social networking, though primarily among co-workers.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • When it comes to using Web 2.0 collaboration tools
  • Use of hosted collaboration applications--from calendars to document sharing--hit a reasonably high 60%.
  • Asked what technologies have improved productivity the most, only 14% overall cite "encouraging the use of Web 2.0 technologies.
  • One possible bright spot in our survey is that implementing new collaboration tools, such as Microsoft SharePoint, is cited more often than any other--48%--as a technology leveraged to improve productivity.
  • at satisfied companies, business units rather than IT departments are much more likely to drive the selection of Web 2.0 technologies. At companies dissatisfied with Web 2.0, IT is more likely to take the lead.
  • There's more to Web 2.0 than collaboration tools like wikis and other employee-facing tools, and there's interesting progress on the critical back-end layer that enables Web 2.0. One is mashups; 38% of InformationWeek 500 companies are combining Web and enterprise content in new ways. The other is in Web 2.0 development tools.
    What the InformationWeek 500 data tells us about the use of emerging technologies.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

UNESCO released its new publication of freedom of expression on Internet - 2 views

    [01-06-2011 (Paris) UNESCO released its new publication of freedom of expression on Internet Publication cover © UNESCO "While the Internet is empowering individuals more than ever, there is an increase globally in content filtering and censorship," this is one of key messages from the launching ceremony of the UNESCO publication, Freedom of Connection - Freedom of Expression: The Changing Legal and Regulatory Ecology Shaping the Internet. ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Great Open Source Collaborative Editing Tools - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site - 0 views

    "by Frazer Kline In a nutshell, collaborative writing is writing done by more than one person. There are benefits and risks of collaborative working. Some of the benefits include a more integrated / co-ordinated approach, better use of existing resources, and a stronger, united voice. "
    "by Frazer Kline In a nutshell, collaborative writing is writing done by more than one person. There are benefits and risks of collaborative working. Some of the benefits include a more integrated / co-ordinated approach, better use of existing resources, and a stronger, united voice. "
Paul Merrell

Nearly Everyone In The U.S. And Canada Just Had Their Private Cell Phone Location Data ... - 0 views

  • A company by the name of LocationSmart isn't having a particularly good month. The company recently received all the wrong kind of attention when it was caught up in a privacy scandal involving the nation's wireless carriers and our biggest prison phone monopoly. Like countless other companies and governments, LocationSmart buys your wireless location data from cell carriers. It then sells access to that data via a portal that can provide real-time access to a user's location via a tailored graphical interface using just the target's phone number.
  • Theoretically, this functionality is sold under the pretense that the tool can be used to track things like drug offenders who have skipped out of rehab. And ideally, all the companies involved were supposed to ensure that data lookup requests were accompanied by something vaguely resembling official documentation. But a recent deep dive by the New York Times noted how the system was open to routine abuse by law enforcement, after a Missouri Sherrif used the system to routinely spy on Judges and fellow law enforcement officers without much legitimate justification (or pesky warrants): "The service can find the whereabouts of almost any cellphone in the country within seconds. It does this by going through a system typically used by marketers and other companies to get location data from major cellphone carriers, including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon, documents show. Between 2014 and 2017, the sheriff, Cory Hutcheson, used the service at least 11 times, prosecutors said. His alleged targets included a judge and members of the State Highway Patrol. Mr. Hutcheson, who was dismissed last year in an unrelated matter, has pleaded not guilty in the surveillance cases." It was yet another example of the way nonexistent to lax consumer privacy laws in the States (especially for wireless carriers) routinely come back to bite us. But then things got worse.
  • Driven by curiousity in the wake of the Times report, a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University by the name of Robert Xiao discovered that the "try before you buy" system used by LocationSmart to advertise the cell location tracking system contained a bug, A bug so bad that it exposed the data of roughly 200 million wireless subscribers across the United States and Canada (read: nearly everybody). As we see all too often, the researcher highlighted how the security standards in place to safeguard this data were virtually nonexistent: "Due to a very elementary bug in the website, you can just skip that consent part and go straight to the location," said Robert Xiao, a PhD student at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, in a phone call. "The implication of this is that LocationSmart never required consent in the first place," he said. "There seems to be no security oversight here."
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  • Meanwhile, none of the four major wireless carriers have been willing to confirm any business relationship with LocationSmart, but all claim to be investigating the problem after the week of bad press. That this actually results in substantive changes to the nation's cavalier treatment of private user data is a wager few would be likely to make.
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