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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

House Judiciary Committee Hears Concerns From Silicon Valley About Copyright Law | Tech... - 0 views

    "Unfortunately, this aspect of the tour seems to reinforce the silly idea that copyright law is a battle between "Silicon Valley" vs. "Hollywood" -- and that what's good for one is bad for the other. "
    "Unfortunately, this aspect of the tour seems to reinforce the silly idea that copyright law is a battle between "Silicon Valley" vs. "Hollywood" -- and that what's good for one is bad for the other. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

FBI Investigates Hollywood Ties to Pirated 'Hateful Eight' Screener - TorrentFreak [# !... - 0 views

    " Ernesto on December 23, 2015 C: 143 Breaking The pirated screener of Tarantino's "The Hateful Eight" has been traced back to a copy sent to a top Hollywood executive. The FBI is currently investigating the breach, which is part of series of leaked screeners that appeared online in recent days. Meanwhile, The Hateful Eight has been shared more than a million times through various unauthorized channels."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Congressional Research Service Shows Hollywood Is Thriving | Techdirt - 0 views

    [... Recently, Senator Ron Wyden asked CRS if it could explore the state of the movie industry today as compared to 1995 on a variety of different criteria. You can read the full report embedded below, but here are a few key points. First off, despite the industry's regular attempt to play up its contribution to GDP and employment, the report found that the combined GDP contribution of both the "motion picture and sound recording" industries was a whopping 0.4% in 2009. Back in 1995... it was also 0.4%. ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Blender: An Introduction for Final Cut Pro Users | FOSS Force - 0 views

    "Phil Shapiro Have you often considered quitting your day job to begin an exciting career as a filmmaker? You don't need the resources of a Hollywood studio anymore. In fact, you can do it all with free and open source software."
    "Phil Shapiro Have you often considered quitting your day job to begin an exciting career as a filmmaker? You don't need the resources of a Hollywood studio anymore. In fact, you can do it all with free and open source software."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Sony Sued For Not Protecting Leaked Movie From Pirates - TorrentFreak [# ! Note] - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! Hollywood knows that '#Piracy' is #Promotion -> more #sales. # ! #Antipiracy #pantomime is just a #way to #manipulate #laws... and the #market (of #ideas) itself
    " Andy on July 29, 2016 C: 39 News In 2014, Sony was subjected to a massive cyberattack which resulted in the leak of huge quantities of data. The trove contained several movies, all of which appeared online for anyone to download for free. Now the owner of one of the titles is suing Sony, claiming that company failed in its obligation to protect the movie from Internet pirates."
    " Andy on July 29, 2016 C: 39 News In 2014, Sony was subjected to a massive cyberattack which resulted in the leak of huge quantities of data. The trove contained several movies, all of which appeared online for anyone to download for free. Now the owner of one of the titles is suing Sony, claiming that company failed in its obligation to protect the movie from Internet pirates."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

And The Movie File-Sharing Capital of The World Is.... | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on June 22, 2014 C: 27 News New data collected by piracy monitoring firm MarkMonitor shows that the latest Hollywood blockbusters are most frequently shared from Russia, with America and Italy trailing behind. Per capita the results are completely different. Here the United Arab Emirates is in the lead, followed by Israel and Estonia."
    " Ernesto on June 22, 2014 C: 27 News New data collected by piracy monitoring firm MarkMonitor shows that the latest Hollywood blockbusters are most frequently shared from Russia, with America and Italy trailing behind. Per capita the results are completely different. Here the United Arab Emirates is in the lead, followed by Israel and Estonia."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

MPAA: Consumer Right to Resell Online Videos Would Kill Innovation | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " By Ernesto on June 8, 2014 C: 99 News The MPAA is concerned that innovation in the film industry will be ruined if consumers get the right to resell movies and other media purchased online. Responding to discussions in a congressional hearing this week, the MPAA warns that this move would limit consumer choices and kill innovation." # ! The Hollywood wasted Motto
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Studies on file sharing - La Quadrature du Net - 0 views

    "Contents 1 Studies 1.1 Evaluation of the effects of the HADOPI law 1.1.1 University of Delaware and Université de Rennes - 2014 - Graduated Response Policy and the Behavior of Digital Pirates: Evidence from the French Three-Strike (Hadopi) Law 1.1.2 M@rsouin - 2010 - Evaluation of the effects of the HADOPI law (FR) 1.2 People who share files are people who spend the more for culture 1.2.1 Munich School of Management and Copenhagen Business School - Piracy and Movie Revenues: Evidence from Megaupload 1.2.2 The American Assembly (Collumbia University) - Copy Culture in the USA and Germany 1.2.3 GFK (Society for Consumer Research) - Disappointed commissioner suppresses study showing pirates are cinema's best consumers 1.2.4 HADOPI - 2011 - January 2011 study on online cultural practices (FR) 1.2.5 University of Amsterdam - 2010 - Economic and cultural effects of unlawful file sharing 1.2.6 BBC - 2009 - "Pirates" spend more on music (FR) 1.2.7 IPSOS Germany - 2009 - Filesharers are better "consumers" of culture (FR) 1.2.8 Frank N. Magid Associates, Inc. - 2009 - P2P / Best consumers for Hollywood (EN) 1.2.9 Business School of Norway - 2009 - Those who share music spend ten times more money on music (NO) 1.2.10 Annelies Huygen, et al. (Dutch government investigation) - 2009 - Ups and downs - Economische en culturele gevolgen van file sharing voor muziek, film en games 1.2.11 M@rsouin - 2008 - P2P / buy more DVDs (FR) 1.2.12 Canadian Department of Industry - 2007 - P2P / achètent plus de musique (FR) 1.2.13 Felix Oberholzer-Gee (above) and Koleman Strumpf - 2004 -File sharing may boost CD sales 1.3 Economical effects of filesharing 1.3.1 University of Kansas School of Business - Using Markets to Measure the Impact of File Sharing o
    "Contents 1 Studies 1.1 Evaluation of the effects of the HADOPI law 1.1.1 University of Delaware and Université de Rennes - 2014 - Graduated Response Policy and the Behavior of Digital Pirates: Evidence from the French Three-Strike (Hadopi) Law 1.1.2 M@rsouin - 2010 - Evaluation of the effects of the HADOPI law (FR) 1.2 People who share files are people who spend the more for culture 1.2.1 Munich School of Management and Copenhagen Business School - Piracy and Movie Revenues: Evidence from Megaupload 1.2.2 The American Assembly (Collumbia University) - Copy Culture in the USA and Germany 1.2.3 GFK (Society for Consumer Research) - Disappointed commissioner suppresses study showing pirates are cinema's best consumers 1.2.4 HADOPI - 2011 - January 2011 study on online cultural practices (FR) 1.2.5 University of Amsterdam - 2010 - Economic and cultural effects of unlawful file sharing 1.2.6 BBC - 2009 - "Pirates" spend more on music (FR) 1.2.7 IPSOS Germany - 2009 - Filesharers are better "consumers" of culture (FR) 1.2.8 Frank N. Magid Associates, Inc. - 2009 - P2P / Best consumers for Hollywood (EN) 1.2.9 Business School of Norway - 2009 - Those who share music spend ten times more money on music (NO) 1.2.10 Annelies Huygen, et al. (Dutch government investigation) - 2009 - Ups and downs - Economische en culturele gevolgen van file sharing voor muziek, film en games 1.2.11 M@rsouin - 2008 - P2P / buy more DVDs (FR) 1.2.12 Canadian Department of Industry - 2007 - P2P / achètent plus de musique (FR) 1.2.13 Felix Oberholzer-Gee (above) and Koleman Strumpf - 2004 -File sharing may boost CD sales 1.3 Economical effects of filesharing 1.3.1 University of Kansas School of Business - Using Markets to Measure the Impact of File Sharing o
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Leaked Oscar Movie Screeners Flood Torrent Sites | TorrentFreak (wikinote @ lead)) - 0 views

    "An unprecedented fast flood of leaked 'screener' copies of movies has hit torrent sites ahead of the official Oscar nominations announcement later this month. The latest Hobbit installment is proving most popular with over 500K downloads in the first 24 hours. None of the movies comes from a traditional 'scene' source." (# ! Hollywood challengers appear dead...
    "An unprecedented fast flood of leaked 'screener' copies of movies has hit torrent sites ahead of the official Oscar nominations announcement later this month. The latest Hobbit installment is proving most popular with over 500K downloads in the first 24 hours. None of the movies comes from a traditional 'scene' source." (# ! Hollywood challengers appear dead...
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

MPAA Secretly Settled With Hotfile for $4 Million, Not $80 Million | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    [# ! Is this the exemplary IP Enforcement aimed to 'Save The Culture'...? # It seems more a weird #wangle... # ... or, perhaps, it is that a bunch of bucks is what matters.... # ! #artists and #creators shouldn't support such #hoax.] " By Ernesto on December 24, 2014 C: 0 Breaking Last December the MPAA announced one of its biggest victories to date. The Hollywood group won its case against file-hosting site Hotfile, who agreed to a $80 million settlement. However, this figure mostly served to impress and scare the pubic, as we can now reveal that Hotfile agreed to pay 'only' $4 million." [# ! Yup! Why "#secretly"...?]
    [# ! '#Tricky' IP #enforcement...] " By Ernesto on December 24, 2014 C: 0 Breaking Last December the MPAA announced one of its biggest victories to date. The Hollywood group won its case against file-hosting site Hotfile, who agreed to a $80 million settlement. However, this figure mostly served to impress and scare the pubic, as we can now reveal that Hotfile agreed to pay 'only' $4 million." [# ! Yup! Why "#secretly"...?]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hollywood v. Goliath: Inside the aggressive studio effort to bring Google to heel | Ars... - 1 views

    "Tensions between Google and Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood exploded into public view this week, as Google filed court papers seeking to halt a broad subpoena Hood sent to the company."
    "Tensions between Google and Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood exploded into public view this week, as Google filed court papers seeking to halt a broad subpoena Hood sent to the company."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

MPAA to Undergo Major Changes Following Studio Disquiet | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Andy on February 6, 2015 C: 0 Breaking Sony almost withdrew from the MPAA after the movie trade group failed to support the studio as it faced an unprecedented cyber-attack last year. As disquiet continues over the way the MPAA operates while burning through huge amounts of cash, big changes now lie ahead for the Hollywood group."
    " Andy on February 6, 2015 C: 0 Breaking Sony almost withdrew from the MPAA after the movie trade group failed to support the studio as it faced an unprecedented cyber-attack last year. As disquiet continues over the way the MPAA operates while burning through huge amounts of cash, big changes now lie ahead for the Hollywood group."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google Continues To Try To Appease Hollywood, Though It Is Unlikely To Ever Be Enough |... - 0 views

    "Google has come out with the latest version of its "How Google Fights Piracy" report (pdf link), going to great lengths to show how the company goes above and beyond what is required by law to try to drive people to authorized copies of content while also increasing opportunities for content creators to monetize their own content."
    "Google has come out with the latest version of its "How Google Fights Piracy" report (pdf link), going to great lengths to show how the company goes above and beyond what is required by law to try to drive people to authorized copies of content while also increasing opportunities for content creators to monetize their own content."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

From the Web to the streets: protesting DRM at the World Wide Web Consortium | Defectiv... - 1 views

    "Submitted by Zak Rogoff on March 22, 2016 - 12:19pm Protesters marching outside the W3C office. On Sunday, we led a protest at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) against the attempt by Netflix, Hollywood and other technology and media companies to weave Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) into the HTML standard that undergirds the Web."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google Refuses to Take Down Pirate-Movies-on-YouTube Sites | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Andy on March 18, 2014 C: 8 Breaking Following today's copyright settlement between Google and Viacom, it's interesting to note that YouTube still has plenty of illicit Hollywood content online. The MPAA has certainly noticed, with an effort last week to have several Popcorn Time-style dedicated web interfaces de-listed by Google, a request that was declined."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

File-Sharing Doesn't Hurt Box Office Revenue, Research Finds | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " By Ernesto on July 15, 2014 C: 20 Breaking New research by economist Koleman Strumpf shows that there is no significant effect of movie piracy on box office revenues. This conclusion is based on data from 150 blockbuster movies that were released over a period of six years, using the popular Hollywood exchange as an indication for the revenue impact. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Movie Studios Give 'Pirate' Sites a 24h Shutdown Ultimatum | TorrentFreak - 1 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # The Loser: The Culture (supposedly 'defended')... # ! :/
    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! Perfect 'Double Income' for minimum work.
    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! 2nd) from the generous governments' subsidies due to 'Industry'continious complaints...
    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! How it is possible that we take 17 (since DMCA) with this…? # ! Bet that everybody in the entertainment -and else- industry are taking profit... # 1st) From the additional promotion that 'free riding supposes, and
    [ By Ernesto on April 30, 2015 C: 0 Breaking On behalf of the major Hollywood movie studios the Motion Picture Association (MPA) is demanding that pirate site operators shut down within 24 hours, or else. The recent push targets a wide variety of services, including some of the top torrent sites. Thus far, the only casualty appears to be a rather small linking site.]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google Scolds MPAA's "Cozy" Anti-Piracy Lobby in Court | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on July 1, 2015 C: 5 Breaking In a new filing at a Washington District Court, Google has called out the MPAA for its "cozy" relationship with the Mississippi General Attorney. In addition to helping him draft anti-piracy measures, Google highlights that the Hollywood group organized fundraisers, donated money, and sent rather jovial emails to the Attorney General's staff. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

MPAA Demands Extraordinary Measures to Prevent Piracy - TorrentFreak - 1 views

    " By Andy on August 30, 2015 C: 0 News Companies wishing to process, handle or distribute video content for the MPAA have to go to extraordinary lengths to become accredited by the Hollywood group. From background checks on all personnel and the banning of certain types of clothing, to food restrictions and personal searches, the MPAA hopes to keep content leakage to a minimum."
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