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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Sex Cams at NASA & Library of Congress, Anti-Piracy Outfit Says | TorrentFreak - 1 views

    " Andy on May 27, 2014 C: 27 Breaking An adult media company's hiring of an anti-piracy outfit to blitz the Internet for content infringing on its webcam copyrights has produced ridiculous results."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

UK Users Need 27 Services to Get Most Popular Films, Report Finds | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # is it, or isn't it '#censorship' this '#Media #Distribution' scheme..?
    [ Andy on December 8, 2014 C: 38 Breaking If UK Internet users want access to most recent popular film content they'll need to remember a lot of passwords. A new survey from KPMG has found that while overall availability is good, users wanting the best will have to use to a patience-challenging 27 services ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

No Pirate Bay Blockade in Sweden, Court Rules - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Andy on November 27, 2015 C: 27 Breaking After deliberating for almost a month the Stockholm District Court has decided that copyright holders can not force a Swedish ISP to block the The Pirate Bay. The Court found that Bredbandsbolaget's operations do not amount to participation in the copyright infringement offenses carried out by some of its 'pirate' subscribers."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google: Se repite el ridículo español: Europa, más cerca de aprobar su propio... - 0 views

    "27.08.2016 - 05:00 H. Es como un triste viaje al pasado, una vuelta a la Edad Media. ¿Recuerdan lo que ocurrió hace un par de años cuando España hizo el ridículo a nivel mundial forzando el cierre de Google News en nuestro país? "
    "27.08.2016 - 05:00 H. Es como un triste viaje al pasado, una vuelta a la Edad Media. ¿Recuerdan lo que ocurrió hace un par de años cuando España hizo el ridículo a nivel mundial forzando el cierre de Google News en nuestro país? "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Tips for asking technical questions that result in fast, useful solutions | - 0 views

    "Well-crafted questions receive better, faster answers. Posted 27 Oct 2016 Jeremy Garcia Feed 4 up "
    "Well-crafted questions receive better, faster answers. Posted 27 Oct 2016 Jeremy Garcia Feed 4 up "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Internet providers will soon need permission to share your web browsing history - The V... - 1 views

    "New privacy rules require opting-in to sensitive sharing by Jacob Kastrenakes Oct 27, 2016, 10:41a "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

#ChargeSheet #Mugshot | Chris Dodd - CEO of #MPAA - and master of #Copywrong | hacktivi... - 0 views

    "J'accuse Christopher John "Chris" Dodd, born May 27, 1944! Former senator and CEO of the #MPAA."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

ISP Boss Criticizes Calls to Criminalize File-Sharers - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " By Andy on May 7, 2016 C: 27 News The boss of a prominent ISP in Sweden has criticized moves by the government which could criminalize hundreds of thousands of Internet users. Bahnhof CEO Jon Karlung says the country is stuck in the past when it calls for harsher punishments for file-sharing and should instead concentrate on developing better legal options."
    " By Andy on May 7, 2016 C: 27 News The boss of a prominent ISP in Sweden has criticized moves by the government which could criminalize hundreds of thousands of Internet users. Bahnhof CEO Jon Karlung says the country is stuck in the past when it calls for harsher punishments for file-sharing and should instead concentrate on developing better legal options."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Squawkr Alerts You When a Pirated Movie Leaks Online - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on November 27, 2016 C: 33 Opinion Are you wondering when the latest blockbuster movies will leak online? Then Squawkr might be something for you. The new service allows people to maintain a watchlist of films and sends alerts when a high-quality scene release appears online."
    " Ernesto on November 27, 2016 C: 33 Opinion Are you wondering when the latest blockbuster movies will leak online? Then Squawkr might be something for you. The new service allows people to maintain a watchlist of films and sends alerts when a high-quality scene release appears online."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

YouTube launch royalty-free audio library - Music Industry - The Music Network - 0 views

    "27 September 2013 by Nastassia Baroni Sick of uploading that awesome video of your living room twerking only to see is indiscriminately taken down before the likes start rolling in? YouTube has a solution. The company today announced a new royalty-free audio library that allows filmmakers to select and download tracks without risking copyright infringement."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

How To Make Pirate Bay Users Pay For Content | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on April 27, 2014 C: 52 News Pirate Bay users are generally not known to pay cash for the content they grab from the site. However, a recent promo for a bundle of Indie sci-fi games, books and videos raked in more than $5,000. So what's needed to make these people pay for content?"
    " Ernesto on April 27, 2014 C: 52 News Pirate Bay users are generally not known to pay cash for the content they grab from the site. However, a recent promo for a bundle of Indie sci-fi games, books and videos raked in more than $5,000. So what's needed to make these people pay for content?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

And The Movie File-Sharing Capital of The World Is.... | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on June 22, 2014 C: 27 News New data collected by piracy monitoring firm MarkMonitor shows that the latest Hollywood blockbusters are most frequently shared from Russia, with America and Italy trailing behind. Per capita the results are completely different. Here the United Arab Emirates is in the lead, followed by Israel and Estonia."
    " Ernesto on June 22, 2014 C: 27 News New data collected by piracy monitoring firm MarkMonitor shows that the latest Hollywood blockbusters are most frequently shared from Russia, with America and Italy trailing behind. Per capita the results are completely different. Here the United Arab Emirates is in the lead, followed by Israel and Estonia."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Court Orders Warner Bros. to Reveal Flawed Anti-Piracy Technology | TorrentFreak - 1 views

    " Ernesto on September 27, 2014 C: 32 News U.S. District Judge Kathleen Williams has ordered Warner Bros. to unseal documentation detailing its flawed anti-piracy technology. The records are part of the now closed case between Hotfile and the MPAA, and are expected to shed some light on the movie studio's inaccurate takedown policy."
    " Ernesto on September 27, 2014 C: 32 News U.S. District Judge Kathleen Williams has ordered Warner Bros. to unseal documentation detailing its flawed anti-piracy technology. The records are part of the now closed case between Hotfile and the MPAA, and are expected to shed some light on the movie studio's inaccurate takedown policy."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Hundreds of Pirate Bay Copies Emerge, Is The Hydra Alive? | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on December 27, 2014 C: 0 News While the Pirate Bay's domain continues to wave a pirate flag, there's no sign of a pending return yet. However, many supporters of the notorious torrent site are keeping its torrents widely available. I"
    " Ernesto on December 27, 2014 C: 0 News While the Pirate Bay's domain continues to wave a pirate flag, there's no sign of a pending return yet. However, many supporters of the notorious torrent site are keeping its torrents widely available. I"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Fraud and Embezzlement Drives Anti-Piracy Group into Bankruptcy | TorrentFreak * - 1 views

    * [# What 'IP Enforcement' is 'financing'...?] " Ernesto on August 21, 2014 C: 27 Breaking SMAIS, the Icelandic branch of the Motion Picture Association, has filed for bankruptcy. The board of the notorious anti-piracy group says that it suffered from mismanagement. In addition to tax fraud and falsified financial records, the group's CEO has admitted to embezzlement."
    * [# What 'IP Enforcement' is 'financing'...?] " Ernesto on August 21, 2014 C: 27 Breaking SMAIS, the Icelandic branch of the Motion Picture Association, has filed for bankruptcy. The board of the notorious anti-piracy group says that it suffered from mismanagement. In addition to tax fraud and falsified financial records, the group's CEO has admitted to embezzlement."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Google Protects Chilling Effects From Takedown Notices | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Andy on July 27, 2014 C: 16 News Chilling Effects is the largest public repository of DMCA notices on the planet, providing a unique insight into the Internet's copyright battles. However, each month people try to de-index pages of the site but Google has Chilling Effects' back and routinely rejects copyright claims."
    " Andy on July 27, 2014 C: 16 News Chilling Effects is the largest public repository of DMCA notices on the planet, providing a unique insight into the Internet's copyright battles. However, each month people try to de-index pages of the site but Google has Chilling Effects' back and routinely rejects copyright claims."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

United States Hosts Most Pirate Sites, UK Crime Report Finds | TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on October 17, 2014 C: 27 Breaking The latest UK IP Crime Report reveals that significant progress is being made in the fight against online piracy but still many challenges remain. One of the main problems traces back to U.S. hosting companies, who according to the report give shelter to most of the investigated pirate sites."
    " Ernesto on October 17, 2014 C: 27 Breaking The latest UK IP Crime Report reveals that significant progress is being made in the fight against online piracy but still many challenges remain. One of the main problems traces back to U.S. hosting companies, who according to the report give shelter to most of the investigated pirate sites."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

¿Es Linux una realidad? - MeriStation Consolas - Foro Meristation [enlazado a... - 0 views

    "07 febrero 2016 - 22:27 En alguna discusión de algún hilo alguien mencionó Linux y me dejó la espina... ¿de verdad existe Linux? ¿No es un mito? ¿Conocéis alguien que lo use? ¿Lo habéis usado alguna vez? De mi parte en los casi 30 años que tengo de tener acceso a los ordenadores casi a diario, nunca lo he usado, ni lo he visto y no conozco a nadie que lo haga."
    "07 febrero 2016 - 22:27 En alguna discusión de algún hilo alguien mencionó Linux y me dejó la espina... ¿de verdad existe Linux? ¿No es un mito? ¿Conocéis alguien que lo use? ¿Lo habéis usado alguna vez? De mi parte en los casi 30 años que tengo de tener acceso a los ordenadores casi a diario, nunca lo he usado, ni lo he visto y no conozco a nadie que lo haga."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Most software already has a "golden key" backdoor-it's called auto update | Ars Technic... - 0 views

    "Software updates are just another term for cryptographic single-points-of-failure. by Leif Ryge (US) - Feb 27, 2016 2:57pm CET"
    "Software updates are just another term for cryptographic single-points-of-failure. by Leif Ryge (US) - Feb 27, 2016 2:57pm CET"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Pirate Bay Blocking Case Heard By European Court of Justice - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Andy on October 28, 2016 C: 27 Breaking The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has just heard a long-running case involving The Pirate Bay, Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN, and a pair of local ISPs. Should the infamous torrent site be blocked at the ISP level, even though it may not be a direct infringer itself?"
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