Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on people who left their jobs shows that people working in transportation and manufacturing quit at a lower rate than people working in professional and business services, and below the overall private industry average. Among industries with lower wages, hospitality did see a high level of resignation and job changes, though the industry typically has very high turnover (up to 70% to 80% yearly).
Why is the great resignation happening? - Quartz - 0 views
Nikolaidis’s research shows that some of the strongest determinants of lower mood after covid-19 were external social circumstances, including income or economic distress, as well as the person’s mental and socioeconomic conditions prior to the pandemic. People working in low-wage and hourly jobs have long expressed significant stress associated to their work, and their burnout epidemic arguably pre-dates covid-19.
The US administration seems aware of the looming crisis, and has proposed a mental health strategy with an overall budget of about $1 billion for 2023, to provide mental health services, recruit a mental health workforce, provide support to frontline health workers, and strengthen the role of community behavioral health clinics.
Baby Boomer Trends That Could Impact You | Article - 0 views
Older Baby Boomers slated for retirement could create many new future job openings - if they decide to leave the job market at age 65. But that's a big "if." Several trends are now pointing toward delayed retirement due to increased personal expenses, better health and the desire to stay working - at least part-time - beyond age 65. For whatever reason, Baby Boomers are staying in the workforce longer than previous generations.
The BLS also predicts that the arts, entertainment, and recreation industry is expected to grow by 15 percent by 2018, with most of the growth in the amusement, gambling, and recreation sector.
Job growth is projected to stem partially from retired Baby Boomers who have more leisure time, more disposable income and more concern with being physically fit than the generations before them - all driving a need for more recreational programs.
The Sea Change in C-Suite Thinking About Gig Workers - Small Business Labs - 0 views
Now We Know What Happened to Those Workers Who Dropped Out During the Pandemic. | Econo... - 0 views
rior research estimating that if the trends in place before March 2020 continued, 2.4 million fewer people would have retired.
oth genders became more likely to be occupied with home care/family care concerns during the pandemic. Since early 2021, this tendency has been declining again.”
21.5% of females cited care as the reason for being out of the workforce, similar to the 20.8% pre-pandemic, while for men the numbers were 5.1% and 4.2%, respectively.
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