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David Bloom

The differences between science fiction and science fact change over time, and our opin... - 0 views

  • SCIENCE fiction often gets a bad press from scientists, but firing our imagination about science and technology is absolutely vital. Sharing a vision of the good society, in which everybody has what they need to live well, is crucial to working towards it. So how do we imagine the contribution of science and technology to creating just futures?
    A little something about science, science fiction and the future.
Ruth Cuadra

Think tank counters dystopian science fiction's 'wet blanket effect' on innovation (Wir... - 0 views

    science fiction is an extraordinary storytelling medium that can help the audience realise that we are active agents in shaping our own futures rather than the victims of the default dystopias Can museums be a medium like that?
Ruth Cuadra

Jill Nussbaum: How To Inspire The Future Through Design - PSFK - 0 views

    The "design thinking" approach to futures thinking is "design fiction,"  a more near-future version of science fiction (referring to the next 3-10 years out)
David Bloom

Can Futurists Change The Future? - 0 views

  • Over the last century and a half, science fiction has evolved just as science has evolved. But does this mean there is actually a causal link between futurology and real scientific research? Could science fiction actually determine what technologies humanity ultimately invents? And if so, can this new generation of crowd empowered futurists be the ones who shape our future world?
Ruth Cuadra

Will Future Technology Create More Jobs Than It Replaces? - 0 views

    "Whether AI does or does not become the nightmare of some science fiction, we are certain it will have fundamental impacts on the nature of work, worldwide. And the world needs to think seriously about this now, because it may take a generation or more to make serious changes necessary to improve our work-technology future prospects," says Jerome Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project.
    i think work technology would be practise with intelligence, it is an imperative for the future generation
Karen Wade

Why self-driving cars remain more science fiction than future - 0 views

    This commentary poses some interesting ethical questions regarding self-driving cars and some of the decisions they might have to make.
Ruth Cuadra

The Future is Fiction: Playful Future-Thinking About Climate Change with FutureCoast - 2 views

    The heart of the game design seeks to create a playful, inclusive common ground where information and idea sharing happens, where everyone's thoughts about the future have a place, and where a meaningful dialog and a common ground can be created to replace the animosity that these topics can evoke.  And this is done using an "old-time" technology: voicemails!
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