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Lesson Planning Infographic - 2 views

    Not perfect, but an example of using an infographic to think about your lesson planning.

Easy Planner - 1 views

    This is a free service to collaboratively plan lessons.

Building on the Common Core - Visual LIteracy - 0 views

1More - 0 views


The Digital Playground - 0 views

    Visual Literacy
1More - 0 views

    Visual Literacy and teaching

Using Social Media to Teach Visual Literacy in the 21st Century Classroom | Edutopia - 1 views

    Bryant/Ramelli final

100 Search Engines For Academic Research - 1 views

    • twithtwo
      This is an updated list of search engines.
  • Internet Public Library:Find resources by subject through the Internet Public Library’s database.
    • twithtwo
      Dogpile-so easy to remember that name.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Virtual LRC:The Virtual Learning Resources Center has created a custom Google search, featuring only the best of academic information websites. This search is curated by teachers and library professionals around the world to share great resources for academic projects.
  • Dogpile:Find the best of all the major search engines with Dogpile, an engine that returns results from Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, with categories including Web, Images, Video, and even White Pages.
    • twithtwo
      Math WebSearch  allows you to search with numbers and formulas instead of text
  • the right thing to say? Check out to reference famous words from famous people.
    An updated list of the top 100 awesome search engines.  We could make a poster to display these search engines, maybe just 10 at a time.

50 Incredibly Useful Links For Learning & Teaching The English Language - - 1 views

  • 50 of the best of these resources
  • seful links for ELL educators.
  • ESL teaching resources, from lesson plans to teaching tips and resources.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • ManyThings: On this website, you’ll find quizzes, word games, puzzles, and a random sentence generator to help students better grasp English as a second language.
  • Repeat After Us: In this online library, students can get access to a huge collection of English texts and scripted recordings.
  • Clip Art Collection: Check out this collection of royalty-free, language-neutral clip art designed to be used for foreign language instruction.
    • twithtwo
      Number 12 would help with assessments.
    If we want our students to be digitally literate they have to be literate in English as well as their first language. Resources to help teacher scaffold in that effort of building digital citizens.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 15 Effective Ways to Use Google Docs in Class - 0 views

    • alopez6450
      This article has hyperlinks to a Google document giving instructions on how to use Google Docs.
    This article gives general ideas on how to use Google Docs in the classroom, its a starting point.

NCTE Beliefs about the Teaching of Writing - 1 views

  • That wider social situations in which students write, speak, read, and relate to other people affect what seems "natural" or "easy" to them—or not.
    • Innovative Educator
      I think this list is really important for things to consider as we have our students write.
    • Innovative Educator
      I think this list is really important for things to consider as we have our students write.
  • Connections to the Internet not only make a range of materials available to writers, they also collapse distances between writers and readers and between generating words and creating designs.
    • Innovative Educator
      The internet makes it possible for students to engage with writing in ways that could not be done before. 
    • Innovative Educator
      The internet makes it possible for students to engage with writing in ways that could not be done before. 
  • Design principles for web pages.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • understand at least the following in order
    • Innovative Educator
      This is a great list of literacies that are important for educators. 
  • How to navigate both the World Wide Web and web-based databases
  • Email and chat conventions
  • The use of software for making websites, including basic html, such as how to make a link.Theory about the relationship between print and other modalities.
    The Common Core asks students to research and write and publish their work. This has some excellent teaching tips for writing.

Style Guide | Clker - 0 views

    Free Clip Art!

Critical thinking lesson plans: Microsoft Educator Network - 2 views

    Microsoft provides an image a day on To go along with the image of the day educators create an essential question based off of the image that you can use with your students to help them practice their search skills and critical thinking skills.

How to Use Mendeley - Organizing Your Research - LibGuides at Alliant International Uni... - 0 views

    Some video guides to help you with using Mendeley

EdListen: Announcing the gClassFolders Add-on - 0 views

    Google Spreadsheet add on to make folders for your students.

Docs Voice Comments - YouTube - 1 views

    Give students feedback with voice comments.

Insidious pedagogy: How course management systems affect teaching | Lane | First Monday - 1 views

  • The fact that each technology had a specific purpose implies a goal in its design
  • Course managment systems each contain their own inherent pedagogy
    • Innovative Educator
      This is so true! Our innovations are limited by the structure of the LMS. I frequently am frustrated by the linear nature of the LMS and how it traps me into doing things a certain way. I have yet to find a gradebook that I like. 
    • Innovative Educator
      This is so true! Our innovations are limited by the structure of the LMS. I frequently am frustrated by the linear nature of the LMS and how it traps me into doing things a certain way. I have yet to find a gradebook that I like. 
  • forcing e–learning technologies into the familiar classroom categories of lectures, discussions, and exams", reinforcing "uncritical acceptance of the traditional features of the classroom model.”
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • It is only important to recognize that the interface of any software reflects its intent.
  • Even if you leave aside the fact that these systems are closed silos, and that this fact alone could hamper pedagogy (Lamberson and Lamb, 2003)
  • According to my own survey of online instructors at two community colleges, most do not use the Web either extensively or intensively in their own work (Lane, 2007). They tend to rely on the methods they were taught in graduate school to conduct their own research,
  • Novices, as any tech support person will tell you, approach technology differently than experts.
  • Expert users contextualize their resources fluidly and organize materials effectively, while novices just upload and share files, hoping students will find them (Reanut, et al., 2006)
    This is a short article that talks about how the Course Management System influences the pedagogy of the instructor.
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