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Innovative Educator

Quality Rubrics / Home - 1 views

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Innovative Educator

Insidious pedagogy: How course management systems affect teaching | Lane | First Monday - 1 views

  • The fact that each technology had a specific purpose implies a goal in its design
  • Course managment systems each contain their own inherent pedagogy
    • Innovative Educator
      This is so true! Our innovations are limited by the structure of the LMS. I frequently am frustrated by the linear nature of the LMS and how it traps me into doing things a certain way. I have yet to find a gradebook that I like. 
    • Innovative Educator
      This is so true! Our innovations are limited by the structure of the LMS. I frequently am frustrated by the linear nature of the LMS and how it traps me into doing things a certain way. I have yet to find a gradebook that I like. 
  • forcing e–learning technologies into the familiar classroom categories of lectures, discussions, and exams", reinforcing "uncritical acceptance of the traditional features of the classroom model.”
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • It is only important to recognize that the interface of any software reflects its intent.
  • Even if you leave aside the fact that these systems are closed silos, and that this fact alone could hamper pedagogy (Lamberson and Lamb, 2003)
  • According to my own survey of online instructors at two community colleges, most do not use the Web either extensively or intensively in their own work (Lane, 2007). They tend to rely on the methods they were taught in graduate school to conduct their own research,
  • Novices, as any tech support person will tell you, approach technology differently than experts.
  • Expert users contextualize their resources fluidly and organize materials effectively, while novices just upload and share files, hoping students will find them (Reanut, et al., 2006)
    This is a short article that talks about how the Course Management System influences the pedagogy of the instructor.
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