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Gary Patton

Why the Old Covenant Law if It Can't Save? - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, (I)grace abounded all the more, 21 so that, as (J)sin reigned in death, even so (K)grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • Romans 5:18-21
Gary Patton

John 3:16-18 NASB - For God so loved the world that He gave - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of (H)the [b]only begotten Son of God.
    • Gary Patton
      "Not judged" here is used in the judicial, judgement by a court of law sence of set free from any penalty. "Judged already" is used in the same judicial way and means "separation from God in Hell, forever and without escape". This is clarified in numerous other Scriptures throughout the Bible in words used by Yeshua (Jesus) and His Apostles.
  • He (B)gave His [a](C)only begotten Son
    • Gary Patton
      The King James Version (KJV), the New American Standard Bible (NASB) here and also some other modern translations of the Bible use the older English word "begotten" in this verse. The past tense of the verb "begat" in all these translations is best defined as "one and only". It does NOT mean in this context procreation by sexual intercourse as it does when referring to humans and animals.
Gary Patton

A Comprehensive Look at Genesis 3 | The Bare Times - 0 views

  • In verse 21, God mercifully provides coats of skin for Adam and Eve. People view the slaughtering of the animal as God’s start of the sacrificial system for ancient Israel because something died to cover their sin.
    • Gary Patton
      One is wise to note that God did so only AFTER Adam and Eve had gone into the clothing business and covered their so-called "private parts". God did not design man to wear clothes except as protection which is why He may have replaced the foliage with the more sturdy animal skins as He sent them into the "cold cruel" world! The sacrifice of the animals to cover the sins, not the bodies, of human kind also presages the ultimate and future sacrifice of Yesus (Jesus) for the sins and sin of those whom would trust in Him and it in the "fullness of time".
  • after the fall, Adam saw his body as shameful; even while God did not say the body was evil after the fall.
    • Gary Patton
      Satan cons modern Christians, I believe, with diabolically-generated shame to believe the opposite untruth i.e. public nudity is shameful and unBiblical. Could not Adam's reference in Genesis to his shame have been about his disobedience rather than about his being naked? Old Testament ceremonial washings, including baptism, were performed in the nude. [Note 1 - Please don't hestitate to contact me if you would like the details for the source of this or any of the other historical facts included below. I'm a trained historian and also like to see the documentation for so-called facts that are not commonly accepted.] Christ, too, was probably baptized naked, as depicted in numerous early works of art. [2] Early Christians bathed communally in the nude at the public baths or public places during most of the second through the fourth centuries. This was common practise in Rome for hundreds of years at all levels of society. Public nudity was also common during this period in other parts of ancient Roman society. The writings of early Christians such as Irenaeus and Tertullian make it clear that they had no ethical reservations about communal nudity for Christians. [3] Christian historian Roy Bowen Ward confirms based on his research that "Christian Morality did not originally preclude nudity. . . . There is a tendency to read history backward and assume that early Christians thought the same way mainstream Christians do today. We attribute the present to the past." [4] For the first several centuries of Christianity, it was the intentional custom to baptize men, women, and children together nude. This ritual played a very significant role in the early church. The accounts are numerous and detailed. [5] Margaret Miles, a historian and author, notes that "Naked baptism was observed as one of the two essential elements in Christian initiation, along with the invocation of the Trinity. . . . In the fourth century, instructions for baptism throughout the Roman Emp
    This article outlines what the anonymous but Biblically astute author feels God says about nakedness at the time of creation.
Gary Patton

Obama: 'Son of Islam'? :: Middle East Forum - 0 views

  • Graham was absolutely right to say that, "under Islamic law, the Muslim world sees Barack Obama as a Muslim, as a son of Islam": according to Sharia, if one's father is Muslim, one automatically becomes Muslim.
    • Gary Patton
      The Christian Bible, on the other hand, makes VERY clear that God does not have Grandchildren ...only sons and daughters and that we each must make a choice to Follow Jesus!
  • This would not be the first time in recent months that churches were attacked on similar rumors.
    • Gary Patton
      In some Muslim-dominated coutries, Christians are prevented from repairing their churches either officially or unofficially because it violates Sharia law to have a church in a Muslim community. Islamist-provoked rioters or simply outraged Street Muslims regularly trash or even burn Christians churches ...accomplishing the same hateful agenda.
  • Another reason why many Muslims believe Obama is Muslim (a reason Ms. Hasan's article understandably omits) is that, under the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya, Muslims are permitted—in certain contexts even encouraged—to deny being Muslim, if so doing secures them or Islam an advantage.
    • Gary Patton
      An English synonym for the Islamic doctrine of "taqiyya" (Arabic) is "liefare" or stealth jihad / stealth warfare to advance Islam. One or more of Qur'an 2:173, 2:185, 4:29, 16:106, 22:78, 40:28, are the verses usually cited by Muslim Imams, Mullahs and all Islamic "Schools of Jurisprudence" as justifying taqiyya.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In other words, if an American president was a secret Muslim, and if he was lying about it, and even if he was secretly working to subvert the U.S. to Islam's advantage —not only would that be justified by Islamic doctrines of loyalty and deception, but it would have ample precedents, stretching back to the dawn of Islam.
    • Gary Patton
      So, the Qur'an commands there be a heart-felt enmity, evidenced by fierce hostility, by every Muslim towards every non-Muslim. And this fierce hostility --that is, battle-- ceases only if an Infidel: * submits to the authority of Islam, or if * s(he) becomes a subjugated person (i.e., a "d'himmi" (Arabic), or so-called protected minority that must pay an annual fine and be subject to regular, public humiliation like the Jews under the Nazis), or if * Muslims are at that point in time weak and incapable. But if this commanded, heart-felt level of hate in a Muslim is ever allowed to be extinguished, at any time, this is would be considered apostasy according to the Qu'ran and Shar'iah Law!
    Raymond Ibrahim outlines why the Islamic world is accurate to consider Obama a "Muslim" like them!
Gary Patton

Anger's Upside Benefits: PsyBlog - 0 views

  • Anger can be a legitimate way to get what you want.
    • Gary Patton
      For this to be a real benefit for a Jesus Follower, one would need to ensure compalince with Ephesians 4:26 NIV: "In your anger do not sin" : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry... (Ephesians 4:25-27 (in Context)) This can be VERY tricky in the heat of the moment and the speed with which people's amygdala triggers. (The amygdala in the brain is the seat of anger, fear, etc. plus many things "fleshly"!
  • Anger is likely to work best when it's justified, if you appear powerful and when the other side's options are limited
  • anger can reduce violence, benefit relationships, promote optimism and be a useful motivating force
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • but it can just as easily be destructive
  • That's the wonder of human emotions: happy isn't always good and angry isn't always bad (although it may feel that way). An unhappy person is also more likely to spot mistakes and an angry person is highly motivated to act. We need reminding that even scary and dangerous emotions have their upsides, as long as they are used for the correct purpose.
    This article argues anger is not all bad! gfp (2012-03-08)
Gary Patton

Always be Ready with An Answer - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • 1 Peter 3:13-18
  • Who is [a]there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good?
  • And do not fear their [c]intimidation, and do not be troubled
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • sanctify (E)Christ as Lord in your hearts
  • always being ready (F)to make a [e]defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the (G)hope that is in you, yet (H)with gentleness and [f](I)reverence
  • For (L)it is better, (M)if [h]God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong.
  • Christ also died for sins (O)once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might (P)bring us to God, having been put to death (Q)in the flesh, but made alive (R)in the [i]spirit;
    1 Peter 3:13-18 commands that we must be ready to be able to respond when someone questions what we believe. gfp (2012-03-08)
Gary Patton

The History & Modern Manifestation of Christian Zionism - Red Letter Christians - 0 views

  • they will eventually push the Palestinian humanity to a point where non-violent resistance will no longer be pursued. 
  • a State that has displaced and oppressed millions of innocent people. 
  • the God of the Bible as was revealed in Jesus does not make justice through injustice, nor does he make peace through violence. Dr. Salim Munayer, professor at Bethlehem Bible College, once said, “Any theology that promotes the oppression of neighbor or enemy isn’t Biblical.”
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The History & Modern Manifestation of Christian Zionism
Gary Patton

Insider Movements Among Muslims, Acts 15 and : Questions, Process, and Conclusions - Google Drive - 0 views

    The article essentially addresses the question: "Can a Muslim be aa Christian?"
Gary Patton

- So if you want to know the will of the - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him will live eternally; and on the last day, I am the One who will resurrect him.
  • “I am the bread that came down from heaven.”
  • If the Father who sent Me does not draw you, then there’s no way you can come to Me. But I will resurrect everyone who does come on the last day.
    John 6:40-44 VOICE says clearly:
Gary Patton

Why Was the Greek Word "Ekklesia" Translated 'Church' in English Bibles & its Ramifications. - 0 views

  • What is the Significance of the New Testament's use of the Word "Ekklesia?"
  • at the beginning of the Tribulation
    • Gary Patton
      It's a shame that many Christian authors cannot stick to one piece of theology at a time, and, by doing so avoid turning some people off, and protect their credibility. This bit of Pretrib Theology, with which all Jesus Followers do not agree and is an arguable interpretation, was a totally unnecessary addition to the key point the author was making. gfp
    The article documents how the use of the extra-Biblical word "church" instead of accurate translation "assembly" or "congregation" came from those who had a bias towards a hierarchical and unscriptural form of church government. To have translated the word "ekklesia" accurately into "assembly" or congregation" would have exposed their form of church government as being in error. GaryFPatton 2013-09-21 gfp '42
Gary Patton

"The Bible Commands Care-fronting & Holding Others in The Body Accountable"Ephesians 5:11-14 VOICE - Bible Gateway - 1 views

  • Ephesians 5:11-14
    • Gary Patton
      "The Bible Commands Carefronting & Holding Others in The Body Accountable" at Ephesians 4:11-14 is a command many Christians ignore plus confronting-adverse ones abhor. Peace & love in The King, GaryFPatton (2013-07-01)
  • Don’t get involved with the fruitless works of darkness; instead, expose them to the light of God.
    • Gary Patton
      This command is to be applied, I believe, ONLY against those who say they are Christians. I do because the greater context of these few verses seems clearly to be referring to believers behaving contrary to the word of God. Also, there are many other Scritures which command us NOT to judge those outside the Body of The King. For example, you'll discover that people who do not follow Jesus may NOT be judged matter how offensive or sinful their behaviour... in 1 Corinthians 6:9-13.
    "The Bible Commands Carefronting & Holding Others in The Body Accountable" It,s a command many Christians ignore and confronting-adverse ones abhor. GaryFPatton (2013-07-01)
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